Summary of Korean Constitutional Court Decisions in South Korea on May 30th, 2024 > 영어토론방

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Education Summary of Korean Constitutional Court Decisions in South Korea on May…

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작성자 ace나그네 작성일 24-06-02 15:27 조회 367 댓글 0



(Warning: Since ChatGPT can make mistakes and provide incorrect information, readers are advised to verify important information independently.)


1. 2020헌바234 Constitutional Complaint Regarding Articles 84(1)(11) and Other Provisions of the Ship Safety Act 

Criminal Punishment Case for Failure to Report Defects in Seaworthiness 

Final Date: May 30, 2024 / Result: Constitutional


2. 2023헌나2 Prosecutor (Ahn Dong-wan) Impeachment 

Impeachment Trial Case for Prosecutor 

Date of Final Decision: May 30, 2024 / Final Result: Dismissal


3. 2022Hun-Ba238, etc. Constitutional Complaint on Article 8, Paragraph 1 of the Comprehensive Real Estate Tax Act 

Case Regarding the Comprehensive Real Estate Tax for the Year 2021 

Final Date: May 30, 2024 / Final Result: Constitutional


4. 2021Hun-Ma117, etc. Confirmation of the Unconstitutionality of Article 18, Paragraph 1, etc. of the Act on the Assignment and Service of Alternative Service 

Personnel Alternative Service System Case 

Final Decision Date: May 30, 2024 / Result: Dismissed


5. 2023헌마820등 Cancellation of the Legislative Notice of the Enforcement Decree of the Broadcasting Act 

Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) License Fee Separate Collection Case 

Date of Final Judgment: May 30, 2024 / Result: Dismissed, Rejected


6. 2014헌마1189 et al. Constitutional Complaint on Non-action of Rapid Relief Measures 

Case on the Relief Measures of the Korean Government Regarding the □□ Incident 

Date of Final Decision: May 30, 2024 / Result: Dismissed


7. 2022헌바189 등 Constitutional Complaint on Unconstitutionality of Article 7(1) of the Former Comprehensive Real Estate Tax Act, etc. 

Case on Comprehensive Real Estate Tax for 2020 

End Date: May 30, 2024 / Final Result: Constitutional


8. 2021Hun-Ka3 Request for Constitutional Review on the Proviso of Article 48(1)3 of the Act on the Prevention of Contagious Animal Diseases 

Case Related to the Entity Entitled to Receive Compensation for Livestock Disposal 

Date of Conclusion: May 30, 2024 / Conclusion Result: Constitutional Nonconformity


9. 2019헌가29: Request for Unconstitutionality Judgment on the Supplementary Provisions of the National Pension Act, Article 2 

Subject: Request for Unconstitutionality Judgment regarding the Supplementary Provision of the National Pension Act that Prevents Retroactive Application of Amended Legislation Following a Constitutional Nonconformity 

Decision Date of Final Decision: May 30, 2024 / Final Result: Constitutional Nonconformity



스티븐 E. 툴민(2006), 『논변의 사용』, 고현범, 임건태, 고려대학교 출판부, pp. 1∼406.



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○ 문의 : 대표전화 02-708-3456 

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