Reconfirming Copyright issue of WODC. > 영어토론방

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Notice Reconfirming Copyright issue of WODC.

페이지 정보

작성자 ace나그네
댓글 0건 조회 458회 작성일 18-01-04 16:53


You can also see the link about Copyright issue in 2014:

--------- 원본 메일 ---------

보낸사람: Alex Helling <>
받는사람: ace나그네 <>
날짜: 18.01.03 05:25 GMT +0900
제목: RE: May I ask to disclose below e-mails to online related to World Online Debating Championships Adjudication Feedbacks, please?

Dear Lee,<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" />

Yes, I am happy for the contents of the email to be used and disclosed for referencing purposes.

Kind regards,

Alex Helling

Programmes Manager and Editor of the Debatabase

The International Debate Education Association (iDebate) UK

Tech City Tub, 263-269 City Road, EC1V 1JX
Registered charity in England and Wales. Registered number: 1139452.

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Sent:28 December 2017 13:21
To:Alex Helling <>
Subject:May I ask to disclose below e-mails to online related to World Online Debating Championships Adjudication Feedbacks, please?

Dear Alex,

It's been a while since I contact to you for checking copyright issue to write my master's thesis.

Thanks to your previous help, I almost finish my thesis and it will be published on next year, several months later.

But I need to ask you because of reference issue of academic writings.

I refered toAlex Helling(23 May 2017 11:55,17.05.23 20:12 GMT +0900, e-mail to

describe subjects of my study in my master's thesis because of rules of academic references.

But before I actually publish the thesis and disclose the existence of recent e-mails between you and me to worldwide public,

I need to ask you is it ok todisclose below e-mails to the online, worldwide public like the case of

I can only ask permission from you related toAlex Helling(23 May 2017 11:55, 17.05.23 20:12 GMT e-mails and, messages. I need to get separate permission from Andy Hume in regard to his privacy issue.

Thank you very much for reading this e-mail and I wait to your reply.

Kind Regards,

Lee Min Seob.


보낸사람: Alex Helling <>
받는사람: ace나그네<>
날짜: 17.05.23 20:12 GMT +0900
제목: RE: May I ask you copyright issue again about 2009~2011 World Online Debating Championships Adjudication Feedbacks, please?

Hi Lee,

You probably have not received anything from IDEA as we have been closing our central office, and I am sure that you will have been passed on to them as in the past they in theory had control over all copyright issues. Though when it comes to the debatewise email it may just be dead!

As a general policy everything on and run by IDEA is creative commons in its licencing (this is also the case with the earlier debatewise WODCs). This means that you would indeed be free to use it so long as it is attributed (this can be in the footnotes to help the flow of your piece) in this case I would state the name of the adjudicator, the debate it was in, the date (if it is there), and provide the link. As such there should be no problems with copyright from our side.

I don’t remember whether there were any kind of contracts with the individual adjudicators (I don’t think there were) but it was all done on the assumption that the adjudications would be made public on the website. So I don’t think that there should be any problems with the individuals either and if they did have an issue with it I don’t think they would have much of a case. Since you have contacted a couple of the adjudicators in question and they seem happy I would be inclined to make the assumption that everyone would be fine with it. Everyone involved in adjudicating was doing it with the intent of improving the debating of the participants and providing a record of the debate this was part of the intent of the competition. It sounds to me like what you are doing would be entirely in line with this.

IDEA has no problems with using google translate on the adjudications. We want our work, and debating generally, to reach as wide an audience as possible so we encourage others to translate our materials if they believe they would be useful.

To sum up:

It is fine to use from or with attribution.

No need for explicit permission if you want it we are happy with that too.

I believe there should be no need to contact individuals as they were aware that their adjudications were being published. It could therefore be considered the same as if they were writing an article. So as above attribution is the key.

Kind regards,


Sent:23 May 2017 11:55
To:Alex Helling <>
Subject:May I ask you copyright issue again about 2009~2011 World Online Debating Championships Adjudication Feedbacks, please?

Dear Alex,

Hello, I am Lee Min Seob who asked about Copyright issue of Adjudication Feedbacks

in World Online Debating Championships in 2014. It was already 3 years ago.

Since then, I translated the adjudication feedbacks like attached files and I opened the adjudication feedbacks

to public on the internet like

But now, I prepare my master's thesisby researching the adjudication feedbacks

and my master's thesis director(professor) told me that I need to check copyright issue about the feedbacks one more time.

That's thre reason why I exchanged below e-mails with Andy hume, and he advised me to ask, but I didn't get the reply from IDEA yet.

Plus, I have a plan to more way for using the adjudication feedbacks, I need to ask below several questions to you.

1st, is it ok I can still open the adjudication feedbacks on the internet like 3 years ago? There are no change

of copyright issue since I got the e-mail from you at that time?

2nd, is it ok I can finish my master's thesis by researching the adjudication feedbacks? Andy Hume told me by below

e-mail 'it is ok', but I don't know I need to get new permission from each adjudicators of the tournament.

3rd, I finished to translate adjudication feedbacks about 61 debates among whole 75 debates from English to Korean.

It means, I didn't finish remaining adjudication feedbacks about 14debates. Is it ok to translate untranslated feedbacks

by using other translators by portal sites and open the translations to public like long as I clearly show the reference?

Plus, if I found the quality of translation about adjudication feedbacks was unsatisfactory,

is it ok I give new and better translation to other translators by portal sites?

I want to know what is the boundary between 'non-commercial use' and 'commercial use'.

4th, I also want to ask can I publish books by using full translation of feedbacks or/and finalized master's thesis,

but you don't have to answer this question right now because 1st, I know it is commercial use, 2nd, I cannot do this

until I finished my translation or I finish my master's thesis. I'll ask this 4th question when I'm ready.

Please reply above questions.

Thank you very much for reading this long, long e-mail.

Kind Regards,

Lee Min Seob.

P.S. I attached the e-mail below to help our conversation. I hope you are still be the person who charge in full copyright

issue like 3 years ago.

--------- 원본 메일 ---------

보낸사람: Andrew Hume <>
받는사람: ace나그네 <>
날짜: 17.12.29 00:26 GMT +0900
제목: Re: May I ask to disclose below e-mails to online related to World Online Debating Championships Adjudication Feedbacks, please?

Hey Min Seob,

Please feel free to use or cite any of the emails in our correspondence together, I am happy for them to be published or disclosed.

Thanks and good luck,

Andy Hume

On Thu, 28 Dec 2017 at 3:29 PM ace나그네 <> wrote:

Dear Andy Hume,


It's been a while since I contact to you for checking copyright issue to write my master's thesis.

Thanks to your previous help, I almost finish my thesis and it will be published on next year, several months later.

But I need to ask you because of reference issue of academic writings.

I tried to refer toAndrew Hume(201759화요일, 004418+0900,Sun, 7 May 2017 at 1:43 PM,< to

describe subjects of my study in my master's thesis because of rules of academic references but I gave up citation about e-mails between you and me

because of without prior permission from you and your privacy issue.

But your contribution is still big enough to be acknowledged so I wrote your name in Acknowledgement in my master's thesis.

In this case, I still need to solve problems about both academic reference and your privacy.

In that case, beforeI actually publish the thesis and disclose the existence of recent e-mails between you and me to worldwide public,

I need to ask you is it ok todisclose below e-mails to the online, worldwide public like the case of

I can only ask permission from you related toAndrew Hume(201759화요일, 004418+0900,Sun, 7 May 2017 at 1:43 PM, < I need to get separate permission from Alex Hellingin regard to his privacy issue.

Thank you very much for reading this e-mail and I wait to your reply.

Kind Regards,

Lee Min Seob.


보낸사람: Andrew Hume <>
받는사람: ace나그네<>
날짜: 201759화요일, 004418+0900
제목: Re: I am the Lee Min Seob who ask your help about copyright issue of World Online Debating Championships.

Hey Min Seob,

So I spoke to my friend Neill who was (I think) the chief adjudicator of the World Online Debate Championship back then.

He is also unsure of the legal position but basically he thinks I am right - that you are free to use the materials from WODC in your thesis as long as it's for academic purposes and not for money.

He suggests you contact IDEA, who were the body in charge of the WODC. Their Brussels office contact details are on this page.

Someone at IDEA should hopefully be able to help.


On Sun, 7 May 2017 at 1:43 PM ace나그네<> wrote:

Dear Andy Hume,

Hello, I am Lee Min Seob who I got e-mail yesterday.

A few days ago, I send below messageto I didn't get response from the site yet.

I guess it is ok to use adjudicator feedbacks for my master's thesis because I already ask a few people like you and

Alexander Helling a few years ago, but my master's thesis director(professor) asked me

double check about copyright issue for my future safety after I finished my graduate school.

So please read below message first and please reply me that you'll allow my use to your adjudication feedbacks of that tournament,


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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