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Notice (펌글)국제 온라인 토론대회 참가 안내문

페이지 정보

작성자 ace나그네
댓글 0건 조회 585회 작성일 17-03-14 00:51


5th Annual Binghamton University Online Debate Tournament

Eligibility:Anyone who is enrolled in a college, university, high school, or vocational school anywhere in the world is eligible to compete. If your affiliation is not already listed please register your affiliation through the website so we can appropriately pair the tournament. Any participant that fails to upload speeches before established deadlines will forfeit the match. Participants forfeiting their first proposition round day one of the tournament will be dropped from the tournament entirely.

Cost of Entry:There is no cost to enter the tournament. However, we request that each affiliation provide at least one judge for every four competitors they register. If you are unable to provide the adequate number of judges please contact Joe Leeson-Schatz at debate@binghamton.edu to arrange for alternative arrangements.

Resolution:RESOLVED: This house believes that the borders of nation-states should not prevent the movement of refugees.

Registration & Important Dates:Registration will be accepted until April 14th, 2017 at 11:59pm PST. Register for the tournament through the website here. The tournament will then be run according to the following schedule...

Preliminary Dates April 17th through April 22nd
4/17 - Post Your Proposition Constructive in Your Proposition Debate
4/18 - Post Your Opposition Constructive in Your Opposition Debate
4/19 - Post Your Proposition Rebuttal in Your Proposition Debate
4/20 - Post Your Opposition Rebuttal & Closing Remarks in your Opposition Debate
4/21 - Post Your Proposition Closing Remarks in Your Proposition Debate
4/22 - Judging for preliminary debates

Qualifying Debates (top 50% of competitors): April 24th through April 28th
4/24 - Post Your Proposition Constructive in Your Proposition Debate
4/25 - Post Your Opposition Constructive in Your Opposition Debate
4/26 - Post Your Proposition Rebuttal in Your Proposition Debate
4/27 - Post Your Opposition Rebuttal & Closing Remarks in your Opposition Debate
4/28 - Post Your Proposition Closing Remarks in Your Proposition Debate
4/29 - Judging for Week 2 Debates

Finals (top 10 remaining competitors): May 1st through May 6th
5/1 - Post Your Proposition Constructive in Your Proposition Debate
5/2 - Post Your Opposition Constructive in Your Opposition Debate
5/3 - Post Your Proposition Rebuttal in Your Proposition Debate
5/4 - Post Your Opposition Rebuttal & Closing Remarks in your Opposition Debate
5/5 - Post Your Proposition Closing Remarks in Your Proposition Debate
5/6 - Judging for Week 3 Debates

If there is a tie between competitors based upon record after three weeks, and they have not debated each other before, we will have a week for finals between those debaters. If they have debated each other before the tie will be settled by head-to-head competition

Timeline for Video Submissions:Speeches are to be posted by 11:59pm PST of the date noted in the schedule. After that time competitors will be subject to having their round forfeited at the discretion of the tournament administrators. A small amount of grace time will be allowed under certain circumstances.We encourage everyone to try and submit their speeches well before the deadline to avoid technical errors.Each competitor will engage in one proposition and one opposition round per week they are competing.Anyone forfeiting their first proposition speech in the first week of the tournament will be dropped from competition and the schedule will be repaired in order to minimize drops.

Time Limits:
Proposition speaker's opening speech: 4 minutes
Opposition speaker's opening speech: 5 minutes
Proposition speaker's rebuttal: 3 minutes
Opposition speaker's rebuttal and closing remarks: 4 minutes
Proposition speaker's rebuttal and closing remarks: 2 minutes

Please note: Debaters whose entire video entries are longer than the maximum length for any given speech should be considered an instance of abuse that can be a valid subject for debate. Discretion will be left up to the judge to decide. However, we strongly encourage debaters to abide by the time limits. Videos more than 30 seconds over the time limit should be considered a grave violation

Style of Debate:Debaters can use any style they feel will best serve their ability to win. Judges come from a variety of styles as do competitors. Debaters should realize that an online format is different from in-person debating in many ways. Debaters should attempt to persuade their judges of their position. Debaters are encouraged to consult and quote research on the topic by supporting their arguments with relevant and credible evidence.When uploading videos debates should provide links and/or citations for any evidence they cite for both the judge and competitor to make use of.Evidence, however, is not a required component to win a debate. The goal of a successful debater should be to construct a well-reasoned and well supported argument that is responsive to their opponent.

Judge Evaluation:In addition to giving a competitive win/loss record, participants will also be evaluated on the effectiveness of their speaking skills. Participants are to be ranked on a 1-6 scale in five different categories (6 is the maximum ranking for excellent performance and 1 is the lowest ranking). As judges assign points the system will inform judges the reflection of "average," "above average," "excellent," and so on. Rankings will be considered along with competitive records to determine the debaters who will advance to qualifying and final rounds.The five categories are: Delivery Skills, Use of Evidence, Responsiveness to Opponent, Coherence of Arguments, and Identification of Key Points.The better speaker may not necessarily be the one who wins the round. Judges are encouraged to submit a philosophy when they register to participate in the tournament.

Required Equipment to Compete:Participants will need to be able to access the World Wide Web, record and watch streaming Internet video footage and communicate via e-mail. All judges and debaters will need (1) A personal computer with a broadband Internet connection, capable of running a web browser and accessing YouTube. (2) A means of recording videos of at least 5 minutes in length. This can be achieved with a webcam and microphone on a laptop computer, an external camera and laptop, or iPhones, Android Phones, or Blackberry devices with the YouTube app installed. (3) An account on YouTube.com.

Please note: We strongly recommend that you ensure the functionality of your computer and Internet connection prior to the tournament. We also recommend that you access YouTube.com and ensure that you can successfully upload and view videos before the start of the tournament.




등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 1,076건 24 페이지
영어토론방 목록
731 Environment
Adjudicator Feedback Series 51/75
ace나그네 hit:275 09-24
730 Economy
Adjudicator Feedback Series 50/75
ace나그네 hit:289 09-22
729 Science
Adjudicator Feedback Series 49/75
ace나그네 hit:491 06-28
728 Culture
Adjudicator Feedback Series 48/75
ace나그네 hit:379 06-27
727 Economy
Adjudicator Feedback Series 47/75
ace나그네 hit:405 06-25
726 Diplomacy
Adjudicator Feedback Series 46/75
ace나그네 hit:359 06-24
725 Diplomacy
Adjudicator Feedback Series 45/75
ace나그네 hit:328 06-23
724 Economy
Adjudicator Feedback Series 44/75
ace나그네 hit:458 06-18
723 Culture
(Round 3) Binghamton Speech & Debate
ace나그네 hit:335 05-13
722 Society
(Round 2) Binghamton Speech & Debate
ace나그네 hit:254 04-30
721 Diplomacy
(Round 1) Binghamton Speech & Debate
ace나그네 hit:231 04-19
720 Society
Adjudicator Feedback Series 43/75
ace나그네 hit:446 04-10
719 Education
Adjudicator Feedback Series 42/75
ace나그네 hit:357 03-19
열람중 Notice
717 Culture
Adjudicator Feedback Series 41/75 
ace나그네 hit:685 03-11
게시물 검색



운영자 SNS커뮤니티

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1987117991524411 https://www.facebook.com/acetraveler12 https://www.facebook.com/FlindersUniversityDebatingSociety https://twitter.com/acetraveler1

https://story.kakao.com/_d36z15 https://band.us/band/72550711 http://cafe.daum.net/acetraveler http://blog.daum.net/acetraveler

https://pf.kakao.com/_xocRxjK https://story.kakao.com/ch/toronsil2001 https://toronsil.tistory.com https://m.post.naver.com/acetraveler

https://blog.naver.com/acetraveler https://cafe.naver.com/toronsilsince2001 https://timeline.line.me/user/_dZVn8dOub0-9zubHJ-7LNDBubziVSzUT0jK3hn0 https://open.kakao.com/o/ghmiAdpc

https://www.instagram.com/acetraveler12 https://www.instagram.com/acetraveler12/channel/ https://www.tumblr.com/blog/toronsil https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChSQEwnxoTgesALkVkL_PKA

https://ameblo.jp/firest12/ http://acetraveler.blogspot.com/ https://www.reddit.com/user/acetraveler12 https://ok.ru/profile/585384389039

https://www.pinterest.co.kr/firest12/%ED%86%A0%EB%A1%A0%EC%8B%A4-%EC%82%AC%EC%9D%B4%ED%8A%B8/ https://vk.com/id614494296 https://vk.com/public198641212

https://tv.kakao.com/channel/3743718 https://www.linkedin.com/in/min-seob-lee-9a1b1729

사이트 정보

대한민국 토론커뮤니티-토론실 대표: 이민섭
☎ TEL 010-7670-7720 대한민국 서울특별시 동대문구 회기로 12길 37-5, 401호
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Mail : acetraveler@naver.com

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