Re..Eating Habit > 영어토론방

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Culture Re..Eating Habit

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작성자 juno
댓글 0건 조회 2,856회 작성일 12-07-27 08:53


I found your topic interesting. 
In these days, people around the world get increasingly interested in what they eat, i.e., some people look for healthy and natural food for them and their family. Even my parents ate salty and spicy food a lot before. They are well-informed now as they watch a lot of tv programs related to health and food. I believe they reduced the amount of salt by half of what they usually consumed. 
I agree that eating too much can causes a stomach disease and related health problems. I have gastritis, but it is caused by a lot of stress. I think overeating can be triggered by not only his or her lifestyle but stress. There seem a number of other contributing factors, such as additives, causing excessive eating. it should be noted that It is easy for him or her to develop a eating disorder due to overeating. 
In the Korean culture, we usually encourage children or others to eat more regardless of the fact that they are full. This cultural background seems attributed to the Korean stereotyped view about being healthy.
I think those who have a eating problem might have several reasons why they ended up developing it. It could be a stress, Korean stereotype, unhealthy eating habits, additives, and so on. It is very important to know what the main factors affecting it are and to ask for help from doctors, friends, or family when you can't make it right. 
■ [토론실] Eating Habit (2012-07-13 15:59)
Have you ever kept eating even when you are full?

Overeating can cause not only weight gain but also gastroesophageal reflux, which can damage the internal organs.

Prof. Kim Jong-gab of Konkuk University Institute of Body Culture Study said people nowadays are more likely to overeat than in the past.

“Eating is one of the most intimate things. You feel the food on the lips and in the stomach. As society has become more competitive than ever, people try to substitute their solitude and desire for soft touches from others with foods felt in the mouth and stomach,” he said.

Dr. Daniel Amen of Amen Clinics, author of the “The Amen Solution: The Brain Healthy Way to Lose Weight and Keep It Off,” suggests a more physical compulsion behind overeating.

“Many of the foods we eat are additives, especially those filled a with certain combination of salt, sugar and fat. We have to be careful about the food we eat or we will lose control,” he told The Korea Herald in an email interview.

Amen said overeating can increase the inflammation inside the body and damage many different systems including the brain.

By Bae Ji-sook (




This week's English session is more like discussion. Let's talk freely!

1. Let’s talk about your eating habit. What and when do you usually eat?
2. Do you often overeat? If so, what do you think is the reason?
3. What’s your special way to keep healthy?

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