Holiday Stress on the Rise Among Koreans > 영어토론방

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Culture Holiday Stress on the Rise Among Koreans

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,788회 작성일 12-08-10 22:27


The Lunar New Year has arrived.
The entire nation is in a festive mood, with millions of Koreans seeing in the new year with their loved ones, as well as paying respects to their ancestors.
But unfortunately, not everyone is over-the-moon about the big day.


[Reporter : Han Da-eun ] "Recent studies and surveys show that a great deal of Koreans HAVE experienced the so-called traditional holiday stress. But most would agree that married Korean women suffer the most during the holidays."

Yoon Myung-sook, a Korean housewife in Gyeonggi Province prepares big family gatherings every year, with great care.
Lunar New Year meals require a lot of time, money and effort, and Yoon says it's really tough when family members are in no situation to help out.

[Interview : Yoon Myung-sook, Housewife ] "All our relatives come to our place to join us during big holidays, so there is a heavy burden on me to prepare all the food. Korean traditional dishes like "Jeon" and "Tteokguk", in particular, take a tremendous amount of effort to prepare."

One study even revealed that holiday stress for an average married Korean woman is as bad as the pain of losing a close friend.
Knowing how bad the stress is now, how about lending a helping hand to your wife or mom this year

JAN 24, 2012
Reporter :

The disappearing, desperate working mom

As a working mom in a society with deep-running Confucian roots, Hwang struck a chord with many other women in Korea, where often the onus falls on the male to bring home the samgyeopsal. With Dad tied to long hours at work and heavy drinking sessions for networking afterward, moms are often left to raise the kids. This difficult task can become next to impossible if mom works. More Korean women are beginning to hold down jobs amid difficult economic times, but the division of domestic labor remains the same, so they’re faced with taking care of the children’s socialization and education along with jobs frequently just as demanding as their husbands’.


“One would think that with time things would improve, but actually it has gotten worse. Korean working females now have to be good mothers, daughters-in-law and wives at the same time. If you fall short in any of those categories you are deemed a failure,” said Professor Yu Gye-suk, a specialist in child care at Kyung Hee University.

By Brian Lee []


1. Have you ever seen or experiencd unfair situation in home?
   Let`s talk about your family.

2. How should couples divide their childcare and housework?
   Let`s consider couples that husband or wife working and couples both working
3. Even though we don`t get married, what can we do
   for improving of equal right of married couples in daily life?
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