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Diplomacy Blood Diamond

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,262회 작성일 12-08-10 22:31


In relation to diamond trading, conflict diamond (also called a converted diamond, blood diamond, hot diamond, or war diamond) refers to a diamond mined in a war zone and sold to finance an insurgency, invading army's war efforts, or a warlord's activity, usually in Africa where around two-thirds of the world's diamonds are extracted. The phenomenon of conflict minerals has the same nature.


Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) is the process designed to certify the origin of rough diamonds from sources which are free of conflict funded by diamond production. KPCS was introduced by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 55/56 following recommendations in the Fowler Report. The process was established in 2003 to prevent diamond sales from financing rebellious movements. The certification scheme aims at preventing "blood diamonds" from entering the mainstream rough diamond market. It was set up to assure consumers that by purchasing diamonds they were not financing war and human rights abuses. The effectiveness of the process has been brought into question by organizations such as Global Witness, which pulled out of the scheme on 5 December 2011, claiming it has failed in its purpose and does not provide markets with assurance that the diamonds are not blood diamonds.


November 2 – Zimbabwe’s Mines Minister says that the nation “will no longer be begging for anything from anybody” following a Kimberley Process (KP) meeting in Congo, where international regulators agreed to the trading of a 4.5 million stones Marange diamonds stockpile worth US$2 billion.
“For a long time, our sovereign rights to trade our diamonds freely were unjustifiably denied because of the abuse of the consensus and decision-making mechanism of the Kimberley Process and the politicisation of the Kimberley Process by participants with hostile foreign policies on Zimbabwe.” Human rights organizations have previously claimed that workers in the Marange area have been subject to beating and torture, and thousands of people have been removed from the region in order to make way for the setup of diamond mining operations, from which slaes have been made but no compensation delivered to those affected.


The New York Times reported on Monday, December 5, 2011 Global Witness, withdrew from the Kimberley Process coalition, saying that it felt the effort no longer effectively ensured that diamonds did not make their way onto retail markets. The organization is the first advocacy group to leave the program. While the organization had expressed concerns over the operation of the Kimberley Process for some time, the final straw leading to its withdrawal was the decision to allow Zimbabwe to export diamonds from the Marange fields, where there have been reports of widespread human rights abuses by government security forces. “It’s the most egregious situation that we’ve seen since the Kimberley Process was launched, where diamonds have been fueling violence and human rights violations, and the Kimberley has really failed to deal with that effectively,” said Annie Dunnebacke, the senior campaigner for Global Witness. The diamond industry was “hiding behind the Kimberley Process,” Ms. Dunnebacke said, adding that many traders and dealers did not perform due diligence in checking the actual source of the diamonds they were dealing. “They’ve just been saying, ‘We have the Kimberley Process for diamonds, so that’s that. We’ve solved the problem of blood diamonds.’” Farai Maguwu, the director of the Zimbabwe-based Centre for Research and Development, which is also a member of the Kimberley Process, said he believed Global Witness’s withdrawal was not enough to bring down the entire Kimberley Process. But, he said, “it’s a very big blow. The Kimberley Process will never be the same without the Global Witness,” Mr. Maguwu said. “A very influential member of the Kimberley Process has cast a vote of no confidence in the Kimberley Process, which will affect the way the whole world views the Kimberley Process going forward.”


1. What do you know about diamond?
   (use, the movie, nature,… anything is okay, just talk in free.)
2. What is the reason of this vicious cycle?
   And what can be the solution for this problem?
3. Though it makes this problem, diamond is very popular all over the world.
   What does 'diamond' mean to human?

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