people’s desire for fair competition, fame > 영어토론방

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Culture people’s desire for fair competition, fame

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,474회 작성일 12-08-10 22:34


Popularity of talent contests reflects people’s desire for fair competition, fame

TV programs searching for talent among the public have always been around.

A KBS program called “Jeonguk Norae Jarang” (Korea Local Music Show) has been on air for more than 30 years, giving prizes to the best singers every week. But these programs were never really popular enough to create a major buzz among the public. But after the Korean public went wild over the story of Huh Gak, the winner of Mnet’s talent show “Superstar K2” last year, almost every broadcaster, from cable to terrestrial, has rushed to make similar audition shows. Korean young people, weary and burdened by fierce competition for university and work, went crazy for Huh’s win over John Park. Huh was a typical Korean guy who was not highly educated, poor, short and chubby and Park was a Korean-American who was handsome, tall and from a middle-class family. Another network broadcaster MBC launched “Star Audition: The Great Birth”. Winner Baek Chung-gang, an ethnic Korean from China’s Yanbian, became a symbol for the “Korean dream come true.”

Now, audition programs are mushrooming on the local TV scene.

What’s behind the audition fever?

Experts said the surge in the number of audition programs reflects the Korean public’s general desire for fair competition in society.

“Viewers tend to have a fantasy that such an audition is fair and one’s ability will be recognized through a fair competition because, in reality, it is not,” Lee Joo-hee, professor of sociology department at Ewha Womans University, told The Korea Herald.

“They get a vicarious pleasure out of seeing an ordinary person becoming a star,” said Lee. She added that the more capitalism advanced, the more popular such audition programs would become, as a more capitalistic society would be open to fair competition.

“When young people apply for a job, they have to face an ‘audition.’ That format is applied to a TV program and the viewers are used to that kind of format,” she said. Chun Sang-jin, professor of sociology at Sogang University, had a similar view to Lee.

“Viewers want to see the spectacle of how contestants grow up and transform into a star. Figuratively speaking, they want to see the ‘process of making luxury goods,’” he said.

Controversies remain

"Broadcasters are being blinded by ratings to attract viewers and they are coming up with their own audition programs, which is hampering efforts to nurture new talents and promote mass culture," said Song Jong-gil, a mass media professor at Kyonggi University. "Also, once the popularity of this fad wanes, the programs will be pulled off the air one by one and I worry about the lingering side effects."

“The pop market sentiment changes so quickly, let’s say, every six months. Even if they sign a contract with an entertainment agency, if they cannot debut in the market within one year for some reason, they can be erased from the public’s memory easily,” Another pop culture critic Lee Moon-won said.

출처 :

mushrooming (증가가) 급격한
vicarious (느낌・경험이) 대리의
hampering 방해하는

1. Have you ever watched any audition programs? How was it?
2. What are the good and bad points of audition programs?
3. What is your opinion about broadcasting many audition programs?

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