Working in groups - positive& negative effects > 영어토론방

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Education Working in groups - positive& negative effects

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작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 4,096회 작성일 12-08-10 22:40


Have you ever been in class and your teacher assigns a group assignment? What’s the first thing that comes to mind? Usually, students wonder whether they’ll work with their friends and slack off or work with someone who is willing to actually do their part in the group. This is the case in many group assignments. There are many benefits to working with a group to complete an assignment, but there are also some disadvantages that may well, in the end, hinder you and the group as a whole.

One of the many problems that people face when they’re working in a group assignment is the possibility of the group lacking communication among themselves; there may be a hijacker or a self-appointed group dictator who wants to do the assignment the way he wants and not consider anyone else’s ideas.

Another disadvantage of group work is that the workload of the group isn’t shared evenly; one person may be doing all the work while another may not be doing anything at all and, at the end, both of them get credit, even though one of them didn’t contribute to the assignment in any way, shape, or form.

“I think it’s unfair when people let other do work and still get the grade, when I’m working in a group assignment. I would like there to be cooperation and the group sharing the responsibility,” said senior Michelle Tran.

Group work, however, may also be very beneficial, if the group size is appropriate, size meaning that the workload can be shared evenly, and people are willing to work. Then the group has a higher chance of getting the grade they want. Also, group work teaches the individuals many things such as collaboration, teamwork, problem solving within the group members and negotiating skills

“I actually like working in group assignments because the assignment becomes much easier to do because the work is shared, but it depends on the people who I’m working with,” said junior Ashley Hafeez.

Another benefit to working in a group is that it opens many different viewpoints and ideas from different people. Most of the time the idea of a group assignment is to encourage this diversity of ideas and putting it together as a whole.

“Yes, I like in working in groups because you know what they say “two heads are better than one” and one person in the group may have different ideas than the other person,” said junior Aisha Rivera.

Teachers also recognize that there are benefits to group work, but they have to be aware of the disadvantages as well.

“When I assign a group assignment, I usually assign the groups just to ensure that the groups work diligently and cooperatively” said English teacher Zaidy Rivera.


slack off 분배하다, 나누다
hinder 막다
hijacker 납치범, 장악하는 사람
self-appointed 자기 혼자 정한, 자칭의
negotiate 협상하다, 조율하다

1. Do you have any memorable group assignment experiences?
2. Do you prefer group assignment or individual work? And why?
3. How can we do our group assignment more effectively?Question

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