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Culture Using the Smartphone

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작성자 토론실
댓글 5건 조회 3,908회 작성일 11-05-31 23:33



Meaning of Smartphone:

A smartphone is a mobile phone that offers more advanced computing ability and connectivity than a contemporary feature phone. Smartphones and feature phones may be thought of as handheld computers integrated with a mobile telephone, but while most feature phones are able to run applications based on platforms such as Java ME, a smartphone allows the user to run and multitask applications that are native to the underlying hardware. Smartphones run complete operating system software providing a platform for application developers. Thus, they combine the functions of a camera phone and a personal digital assistant (PDA).

According to an Olswang report in early 2011, smartphones are experiencing accelerating rates of adoption: 22% of UK consumers already have a smartphone, with this percentage rising to 31% amongst 24-35 year olds.

Growth in demand for advanced mobile devices boasting powerful processors, abundant memory, larger screens, and open operating systems has outpaced the rest of the mobile phone market for several years. According to a study by ComScore, over 45.5 million people in the United States owned smartphones in 2010 out of 234 million total subscribers.Despite the large increase in smartphone sales in the last few years, smartphone shipments only make up 20% of total handset shipments, as of the first half of 2010. In March 2011 Berg Insight reported data that showed global smartphone shipments increased 74% from 2009 to 2010.


Ball State study shows college students' smartphone usage rising

College students are getting smart when it comes to the use of techonolgy in their cell phones. A study conducted by associate professor of journalism Micheal Hanley showed the number of students who had purchased a smartphone doubled in the last two years.

The study was made by conducting 11 surveys every six months since 2005 that included 5,500 Ball State University students. The percentage of students with a smartphone rose from 27 percent in February 2009 to 49 percent this year.
"The use of smartphones by college students has nearly doubled in one year, and along with it comes heavier internet use and an increased desire to use mobile commerce like coupons and incentives," Hanley said in a statement. "In nearly all mobile content categories, smart phone ownership is driving increased consumption and usage of mobile technologies."

The study also shows:

— The use of cell phones is almost universal on campus, with 99.8 percent of students having a cell phone.

— Almost nine in 10 students with smartphones access the internet from the device, versus less than half with a feature phone.

— Text messaging has overtaken e-mail and instant messaging (IM) as the main form of communication, with 97 percent of students sending/receiving text messages as compared to 30 percent for e-mail and 25 percent with IM.

— Cell phone camera usage has soared, with 97 percent of smart phone owners taking and sending photographs while 87 percent take and send video.

Hanley said the fact that the number of smart phone users doubles in a year, but that comparing the growth of users among college students with the growth among adults.

"They have become the early adopters of mobile technology," he said.


1. Talk about your cellphones.
    - Do you have your smart phone or plan to buy it?
2. Why did you buy your smartphone? Or why do you want to buy the smartphones?
3. What is the advantage and disadvantage of using the smartphones in your college life?
    (Please prepare both sides of opinions.)

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별이반짝님의 댓글

별이반짝 작성일

I don`t have a phone.
and i don`t think the phone is useful in our life.Especially.the smartphones.
Most of the people in korea are using the smartphone...
My friends are also changing their phones to the smartphones.
But i don`t feel the need of the smartphones.I mean all the phones.
the disadvantage will be it can be obstacle when we study.As the phones have so many technologies we can get addicted to it very easily.The sign of the addiction will be like being nervous when you don`t have your phone with you.
And if you have a phone ,you will text with your friends at any won`t be able to stop.
The advantages of smartphones will be that you can do  alot of things that you can`t do with the computer.
To conclude,i think using the smartphone is not helpful to our life.


이수진ns님의 댓글

이수진ns 작성일

i have a smart phone. but im not sure if this is useful to me or not. because all i needed to do with this phone was just calling or sending messages to someone. and when i bought my smartphone, i hoped i could lessen my phone fee. but the situation is totally different from what i expected, i pay more money for smartphone than i paid for  mobie phone. but even so, there are other adventages of using smartphone. i can get more information from internet via smartphone immediately. and i can get some useful information like searching famous food restaurant from some useful apps


이동훈님의 댓글

이동훈 작성일

I think smart phone makes people foolish and do not think anymore.
General people don't need a smart phone actually.
It's a mere toy, another fool box.


황초롱님의 댓글

황초롱 작성일

I am a smartphone user,but my opinion is different. Thesedays, most of people use smartphone and they'll have a pride of it. And the other will suffer from an inferiority complex. So the users of smartphone will get increased. Then the conversations with familly or friends are expected to decease.


하늘아래님의 댓글

하늘아래 작성일

I have my own smartphone. I bought this phone because it can download many apps like games or SNS, so i thought it might be fun to have that phone. And after i began to use smartphone, I could see both advantage and disadvantage of it. First, when we have smartphone, we could go to online anytime we want though we don't have computer for now. (let me just say that i'm not in college)so i could go to twitter or cyworld so eaily. However, on the other hand, THAT was the problem. since i was able to check twitter or kakao talk everytime, i was very soon addicted to it. I once had used my smartphone like 5 hours straight. so i think it's not good for students like me, who likes to do SNS and go to internet, or chat with other friends.

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