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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,395회 작성일 11-07-04 23:15



①  A rumor is often viewed as "an unverified account or explanation of events circulating from person to person and pertaining to an object, event, or issue in public concern."
② A review of the research on rumor conducted by Pendleton in 1998 found widely varying definitions of rumor. Rumor is a concept that lacks a particular definition in the social sciences. But most theories agree that rumor involves some kind of a statement whose veracity is not quickly or ever confirmed.
③ In addition, some scholars have identified rumor as a subset of propaganda, the latter another notoriously difficult concept to define.
④ Harold Lasswell refered "solely to the control of opinion by significant symbols, or, to speak more concretely and less accurately, by stories, rumors, reports, pictures, and other forms of social communication." Rumors are also often discussed with regard to "misinformation" and "disinformation" (the former often seen as simply false and the latter seen as deliberately false, though usually from a government source given to the media or a foreign government).
⑤ Rumors thus have often been viewed as particular forms of other communication concepts.
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How to effectively criticize someone
by Ki Sun-min(culture and sports reporter)

In a digital society, where having critics in cyberspace is better than having no critics at all, the anti-fan phenomenon is a paradox.
The war of words between supporters of Shim Hyong-rae and critics of his latest movie is a good example.
As the saying goes, any publicity is good publicity and the more critics spoke out, the more free publicity the movie was awarded. After culture critic Jin Jung-gwon remarked that it was a poorly made movie, “Jin Jung-gwon,” “Shim Hyong-rae” and the movie, “Last Godfather” were ranked among the most searched words on the Internet. The film attracted nearly 2 million viewers in the next 10 days.
Sometimes, if you want to criticize someone, it would be more effective to keep your mouth shut.

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[Editorial] Dark side of cyberspace

The police yesterday wrapped up its investigation into the suspicious death of Song Ji-seon, an MBC Sports Plus announcer who was found dead on Monday, after concluding that she committed suicide. But the fallout will likely linger because her death was a direct result of social networking services’ dark side.
Before jumping from her 19th-floor apartment in southern Seoul, Song, 30, left a message on Twitter and Cyworld, a local SNS operator. On her Twitter page, she wrote that she never knew she could become a victim of netizens’ slander, saying she regretted her earlier posts and confessed her extreme depression over collective attacks.
In the smartphone and Internet age, we are not free from the allure of social networking services. Cyworld’s Mini Homepage, to which Song subscribed, has more than 30 million members, and Twitter more than 2.2 million in Korea. When combining the clients of Facebook, MeToday, MypeopleNet and Kakao Talk, a whopping 85 percent of the Korean population use social networking services.
But the problem is that while these services enable users to communicate with each other almost limitlessly, they also have devilish implications - indiscriminate violence - as seen by malicious comments and acts of cyberstalking. Song, too, suffered from evil assaults that were duplicated over and over through cyberspace.
The main culprit in her suicide is, of course, netizens’ muckraking and personal attacks conducted under the cloak of anonymity. Netizens’ next target is reportedly Song’s boyfriend, who is a professional baseball player.
Social networking services are worthwhile only when netizens know how to use them wisely. They can serve as an effective tool for promotional campaigns or for igniting the flames of revolution, as in Tunisia. But if one uses the instrument in a bad way, it suddenly turns into deadly poison. Netizens must follow an ethics code befitting their status as mature citizens in a high-tech world.

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1. What is the case having an interest in because of the rumor in cyberspace? (like 'Last gotfather')
2. Is there any other place where this situation(spread of rumor) is happened except for a cyberspace?
   And then, what is the reason of this it?
3. What is the solution that reduces this darkness atmosohere? 

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