Netizens demand apology from Tablo attackers > 영어토론방

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Society Netizens demand apology from Tablo attackers

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작성자 토론실
댓글 2건 조회 3,178회 작성일 10-10-10 18:06



As the MBC aired a special program Friday on the singer-songwriter Tablo visiting Stanford University to verify his diploma there, Korean Web surfers and Twitter users urged online Tablo attackers to publicly apologize to him.

But some internet users still would not let up, saying the program was biased in favor of the K-pop star.

On Friday night, the first episode of the MBC-TV program showed Tablo meeting with Stanford Registrar Tom Black to print out his graduation certificate and transcript directly from the school’s computer system and compare them to those the singer had revealed through a local daily earlier in June. The two were identical.

The program also interviewed Tobias Wolff, professor of Stanford University who taught Tablo English and creative writing. Wolff said the 30-year-old singer indeed had received a bachelor of arts and master’s degree in three and a half years.

Regarding Tablo-bashing netizens’ question of how he received a master’s degree without a thesis, Wolff said it was possible if the student submits essays and academic works equivalent to a thesis.

A screen shows the Naver online community, “We urge Tablo to Tell the Truth” (MBC)

Immediately after the program’s airing, popular Korean writer Lee Oi-soo criticized Tablo attackers on his Twitter account.

“When I stood by Tablo before, you used to make a big deal out of it. Why quiet now? You’ll probably not apologize (to him),” wrote Lee.

He also revealed that he received a direct message on Twitter from Tablo in which the singer said “Thank you for fighting for the truth, sir.”

But some members of another Naver caf, “We urge Tablo to Tell the Truth,” said the program lacked credibility because MBC seemed to have been trying to emotionally state his innocence rather than covering a wide rage of interviews with alumni and professors.

20101010_0024.jpgTablo said, on the TV program, that he was embarrassed.

“To be honest, I’m really embarrassed. These people are people who saw me as a student back then. But to come back to show this kind of image 8 years later is really embarrassing,” Tablo said to the camera.

Showing tears, he said he was not crying because he was resentful or blamed anyone.

He said he was crying because he was “too overwhelmed” by the situation and too many emotions.

MBC is to air the second part of “Tablo Goes to Stanford” on Oct. 8.

The nation’s largest broadcaster was allowed by a Seoul court on Friday to go ahead with the airing of “Tablo Goes to Stanford,” after three members of an internet community caf on portal Naver, “World Where the Common Sense is the Truth,” a.k.a “Sangjinse” in Korean, filed a court injunction against the program’s airing on Oct. 1, claiming the content of the program could prejudice an investigation into Tablo over his alleged dipolma forgery.

The court dismissed the case hours before the show’s scheduled airing, ruling that the petitioners lacked evidence to back up their claims that the program could affect the ongoing probe by the prosecution.

출처 :

1. Have ever been to a internet cafe called '타진요'and read about any kinds of Tablo's news?
2. In Korea, an academic career is so important.
   Some people cheated their educational career to get a good job.
   What's the social back grouds of those phenomenon and reasons?
3. What do you think of the Tablo attckers behavior?

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정바티님의 댓글

정바티 작성일

Is it really important? I mean so important that we need to bring it to justice??
1. I've never been there.. never heard about Tablo actually
2. It's also important in my country (France) but not as much as in Korea. I think it's a good way to prevent things to developp. For example and from what i've heard about Korea, if a bad student graduates in a famous school but a very good student graduates in a less famous school, the bad student can still get a good position. And a position which may not be adapted to his/her major..
Fortunatelly that tends to change in France: not attending the most prestigious school doesn't mean you can't succeed later. People without diploma can have their chance too.
3. Just lame..


선안신아툰님의 댓글

선안신아툰 작성일

2. Ever since, Korea has been obssessed with going to good colledge and gettting a good job. That's
because the criteria on which someone is evaluatedis not their ability but their diploma, level of education.
So Korean is sensitive to final graduation.

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