"No, Thanks. I’m on a Diet." > 영어토론방

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Wellbeing "No, Thanks. I’m on a Diet."

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 4,287회 작성일 10-09-26 19:58



20100926_0005.jpgLet’s talk about dieting today.
There are so many people in this world that are starving to death, but in advanced countries there are many overweight people who go on diets. I have to admit I’m also on a diet right now. With so many diet products on the market, it’s hard to decide what’s the most appropriate way to go on a diet. Crash dieting is very popular among young women, but they later realize that it doesn’t work. Our society is so conscious of physical attractiveness. This causes some people to crash-diet or even gets liposuction to look thinner. Looking thinner becomes a strong pressure for young women. The results are sometimes hazardous to their health because some become anorexic or bulimic. The worst-case scenario is death from over-dieting.

Opinion 1
I used to date this girl who always overate. Even though she ate like a pig, she had a nice figure. I asked her how she stayed so thin. She told me that she was bulimic. To explain in more detail, she’d always use the bathroom after a meal. She threw up everything she ate by sticking her finger down her throat. That’s how she kept her figure, but she ruined her metabolism. She can’t eat like a normal, healthy person anymore. What people don’t realize is that dieting this way does not work. It ruins your health.

Opinion 2
I absolutely agree with the fact that throwing up after a meal is a wrong way to diet. I’ve always had a weight problem all my life, but I’ve never starved myself. I had to learn how to eat the food I like in moderation, so I’ve been able to lose weight. I always knew the secret to staying healthy, but, I don’t think I realized it until my late twenties. What I’d like to recommend to those that want to lose weight is to do it slowly. If you lose too much weight too quickly, the chances are after a while you’ll gain more weight than you lost. Just watch what you eat, and exercise more. But don’t deprive yourself of food you like.

Opinion 3
That’s easier said than done. Many overweight people don’t have the self-control to lose excess weight. As you can see, I have a weight problem. I know what I have to do lose it, but I have no self-control. I eat late at night and snack a lot throughout the day. I’ve tried all sorts of dieting, like taking diet pills and starving myself. I’m thinking about getting my stomach tied. I see so many pretty clothes that I can’t wear, especially in Korea. I walk into a store, and the first thing they say to me is, “We don’t have anything in your size.”

Opinion 4
I’m sorry to hear that. It is hard for plus-sized women in Korea. When you turn on the TV or go to the movies, you only see beautiful women. There are no role models in Korea for large-framed women. On the other hand, in western cultures more readily accept plus-sized celebrities because westerners have larger frames than Koreans. You can see this when you go shopping for clothes. Medium-size clothes in a western country are large sizes in Korea.

1.What kinds of diets have you been on?
   If you have any experience on diet or if you’ve heard of any episode of it, please share with us!
2.If you have to go on a diet, which way would be the best and healthy way? Make your own way of diet.
3.Why do people go on a diet? In your thought, what makes people go on a diet so hard ,especially in Korea?
4.Take your side. ‘Diet syndrome’ is helpful for individuals to live their lives
   VS ‘Diet syndrome’ is harmful for individuals to live their lives
   ( Do not think just in aesthetical and health-related way, Think in a sense of whole aspect of one’s life)

Keywords for discussion
Overweight 과체중
Physical attractiveness 신체적 매력
Go on a diet 다이어트하다
Crash dieting 속성다이어트
Liposuction 지방흡입술
Anorexic 식욕부진의
Bulimic 폭식하는
Throw up 토하다
Eat in moderation 적당히 먹다
Self-control 자기 통제
Ruin 파멸시키다
Metabolism 대사 작용
the chances are~ 아마 ~일것이다

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@인연@님의 댓글

@인연@ 작성일

I feel too pity for the people who's on diet especially the girls. I don't understand why do the people try to do diet even though it's ruining your health. I saw lots of people that when the grow tall their fats started to disappear and became thin. I perfer not to diet till you reach 20's not in 10's...

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