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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,430회 작성일 10-09-26 20:04



◆ Superstar K Season 2 receives an overwhelming response

The Korean version of American Idol, Superstar K, is back with its second season. The first season broke records for a cable show when it received a 8.47% viewer rating and 72,000 people who auditioned.
Mnet started taking in applications on March 2nd at 1PM. By midnight on the first day of sign-ups, 20,920 people applied through ARS (phone). Last time, only 5,600 applied in the first 24 hours.
Kim Yong Bum PD said, “Last year, we had to increase the number of phone lines because so many people applied through ARS. This year, we prepared enough phone lines to take in over three times the amount of applicants we had last year. We are blown away by the fact that we need even more phone lines now.”
The official auditions start on April 17th in Daejun. The auditions will take place in Busan, Daegu, Incheon, Gwangju, Choonchun and Jeju.
Kim Yong Bum PD continued, “We will take in applications until the beginning of June. Even if the phone lines don’t work, we want to take it slowly and let everyone have a chance.”
Seo In Gook, last year’s winner, hasn’t gotten extremely far with his career so I’m surprised this many people are applying… but hey, it’s way too early to tell right?

출처 :

◆ Who made the “Superstar K-2″ Top…11?!

On today’s airing of Mnet’s “Superstar K-2“, the top 11 finalists were revealed!
Top 11, you say? Yes, that’s right. With so much talent flooding this season’s auditions, the judges Lee Seung Chul, Park Jin Young, Yoon Jung Shin, and Uhm Jung Hwa had very hard choices to make and decided that instead of a top 10, they needed to add one more.
The lucky competitor to make it in as the 11th contestant was charismatic rock and roller, Kang Seung Yoon, who beat out the young and talented, Hyung Seung Hee, also known as ‘the 2nd BoA‘.
On last week’s “rival” competition, things turned up a notch as judges had to choose one contestant from each rival group. However, the show took a shocking turn, as some contestants just couldn’t meet the standards and were dropped.
So without further ado, here’s the top 11 of this year’s “Superstar K“ season 2.
John Park, Kim Gu Rim, Andrew Nelson, Kim Ji Soo, Kang Seung Yoon, Park Bo Ram, Kim So Jung, Huh Gak, Kim Eun Bi, Jang Jae In, and Lee Bo Ram.
Starting next week, we’ll get to see live performances and it should be quite the show!
Who is your favorite to win this season and be the next Superstar K?

출처 :

◆ Superstar K2 contestant, Woo Eun Mi will not be debuting as a singer

The rumor that Superstar K2 contestant Woo Eun Mi was going to debut as a singer is false.
Woo Eun Mi became famous after appearing in Super Star K last year, in which she passed the initial audition with great praise from judge Lee Seung Chul. However, she was eliminated during Super Week, in which the contestants compete with each other with group missions. She auditioned for the second season but got cut during Super Week once again due to her lack of star quality.
Woo was supposedly under a contract with an entertainment agency called The One Music, but The One Music representative Lee Soo revealed that although an album release was planned after an audition, it was canceled recently.
Lee said, “After discussing with the other employees, Woo Eun Mi’s looks became a problem. Although the contract no longer stands, we hope that she will find a good company and become successful in the music industry.”
It’s a shame that she got stuck in the audition phase again, but the harsh reality of the K-Pop market is that looks and star quality are sometimes more important than singing ability, especially if that singing ability is not exceptional.

출처 :

1. About superstar K
   (Presider will ask you some questions!)
2.What do you think is desirable qualification of superstar K?
   ( Related to Woo Eun Mi's case and judges' commentaries )
3. Is it judgemental to behave selfishly for his/her own success in this kind of reality survival program?
   ( Think about Kim Geu-Rim's case )

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