2010.4.18 IDEA Event News > 영어토론방

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Notice 2010.4.18 IDEA Event News

페이지 정보

작성자 ace나그네
댓글 0건 조회 3,363회 작성일 10-04-18 20:31


Registration for International Tournament of Champions ends next week
Date Posted: April, 16 2010

Register your high-school debate team by April 22 for this one of a kind tournament, with teams who have already signed up from the Philippines, Zambia, and more! The ITOC will take place May 21-23 in Salem, Oregon, USA at Willamette University.

click here for more
  Watch the International Public Policy Forum finals live from NYC
Date Posted: April, 16 2010

The "Elite Eight" teams will compete at the IPPF Finals this weekend, April 16-18, for the championship title, a $10,000 grand prize, and the Bickel and Brewer Cup. Watch the finals live online!

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  Visa and financial aid information for Youth Forum now available
Date Posted: April, 16 2010

Register today for the 2010 IDEA Youth Forum, taking place July 22-August 4. Fee waivers are available for applicants during the registration process. After registering, applicants should also begin the visa process.

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  IDEA-NFL Qualifier Tournament held in China for the first time
Date Posted: April, 16 2010

On April 10-11, IDEA and the National Forensic League hosted the first-annual 2010 China Qualifier Tournament, where students from nine high schools competed in a variety of events for an opportunity to qualify for the NFL US National Tournament.

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  2010 IDEA Youth Exchange held in Budapest, Hungary
Date Posted: April, 16 2010

The 2010 IDEA Youth Exchange took place on April 10-11 in Budapest, Hungary which brought together youth from around the world for a weekend of presentations, discussion and fun activities.

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  Winners of the US Universities Debate Championships announced
Date Posted: April, 16 2010

The US Universities Debate Championship tournament was held April 9-11 at Regis University and Denver University in Denver, Colorado. The tournament included 124 teams from universities across the United States.

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  IDEA organizes community debate in Amsterdam about school issues
Date Posted: April, 16 2010

On April 16th, IDEA-Netherlands will help organize a debate on the problems of Senior Secondary Vocational Education (MBO) schools in the Netherlands. Students and politicians will gather with school leaders to discuss the situation.

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  IDEA hosts exchange project between London and Amsterdam youth organizations and police
Date Posted: April, 16 2010

IDEA-Netherlands is coordinating a program that will facilitate an exchange of best practice projects aimed at reducing tensions between local youth and police in Amsterdam.

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  Training held for youth in Budapest to spur interest in debate
Date Posted: April, 16 2010

On April 12-13, IDEA-Netherlands held a debate training in Budapest, Hungary for students, youth workers and NGOs. The trainers offered sessions on basic public speaking skills, argumentation, manner, style, and debate format.

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  International Public Policy Forum Final round this weekend
Date Posted: April, 14 2010

Don't miss the live broadcast of the International Public Policy Forum finals round at 4:00 p.m. EST on Saturday, April 17th. Viewers can also participate in the judging process by voting online for their favorite team, and results will be tabulated in real time.

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  Registration for 2010 St. Petersburg Komarovo nearing deadline!
Date Posted: April, 8 2010

April 12th is the last day high school and university debaters, coaches, and international judges can register for one of the largest debate events in Russia and Eastern Europe.

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  Media from IDEA Exchange 2010 now available
Date Posted: April, 8 2010

If you missed out on all the action at this year's IDEA Exchange in Vilnius, Lithuania, you can still experience it! Many videos and pictures are now posted from the IDEA Exchange 2010.

click here for more
  New position available for IDEA trainer in South Korea
Date Posted: April, 8 2010

IDEA is currently recruiting for a new debate trainer position in South Korea with the Korea Poly School (KPS). KPS is seeking Canadian or US citizens to teach debate to elementary and/or middle school students for at least one academic year at one of four campuses.

click here for more
  Winners of the 2010 HWS-IDEA Round Robin Tournament announced
Date Posted: April, 8 2010

On April 2-3, IDEA and Hobart and William Smith College hosted the fourth-annual Round Robin Tournament for sixteen top university debate teams from around the world. Congratulations to the team from Trinity College Historical Society of Ireland, the new Round Robin Champions!

click here for more
  Member Report: Tournament and workshop gains momentum for debate in Belarus
Date Posted: April, 8 2010

On March 26-28, an Open Debate tournament took place in Minsk, Belarus, which was one of the biggest international debating events to ever take place in the country.

click here for more


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 1,076건 35 페이지
영어토론방 목록
566 Culture
565 Wellbeing
How to use time well 
토론실 hit:5316 06-06
564 Philosophy
About Happiness 
토론실 hit:4928 06-06
563 Education
Tuition Hikes Pit Students Against Schools 
토론실 hit:3145 06-06
562 Culture
561 Notice
[Scrap]World Online Debate Championship 
ace나그네 hit:4410 05-19
560 Economy
559 Politics
Nuclear-Free World 
토론실 hit:4441 05-02
558 Culture
Plastic surgery 
토론실 hit:5181 05-02
557 Philosophy
Distorted Self-Portrait 
토론실 hit:4709 05-02
556 Society
Celebrity suicide 
토론실 hit:4303 05-02
555 Society
Internet Addiction 
토론실 hit:4382 05-02
열람중 Notice
2010.4.18 IDEA Event News 
ace나그네 hit:3364 04-18
553 Notice
IDEA training for China Open 
ace나그네 hit:3334 04-07
552 Notice
2010 IDEA Youth Forum 
ace나그네 hit:3259 04-07
게시물 검색



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https://blog.naver.com/acetraveler https://cafe.naver.com/toronsilsince2001 https://timeline.line.me/user/_dZVn8dOub0-9zubHJ-7LNDBubziVSzUT0jK3hn0 https://open.kakao.com/o/ghmiAdpc

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대한민국 토론커뮤니티-토론실 대표: 이민섭
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