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Culture Plastic surgery

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작성자 토론실
댓글 12건 조회 5,180회 작성일 10-05-02 22:45


20100502_010.jpgPlastic surgery

It is fortunate that the numerous plastic surgery clinics in the Gangnam district of Seoul, which only a year ago were suffering from falling client numbers during the economic slump and the heavy debt burden of expensive equipment, are now back in good business with a rapid increase in foreign visitors mostly from China.

An unofficial estimate put the number of Chinese women coming to Korea primarily for cosmetic surgery at 100,000 a year. The high popularity of Korean movies and TV actresses in China is believed to be pushing so many young Chinese females to visit clinics here, most of them with requests for the creation of the beauty they found in the features of specific entertainers. Some clinics are known to be hiring Chinese interpreters for better communication.

But the clients’ high expectations often leads to disappointment with the results of the operations. Doctors typically then try to resolve disputes with a second operation which is not always successful. The Chinese Embassy in Seoul has recently issued an advisory to the plastic surgery clients asking them to be cautious in choosing clinics in Korea and to make written agreements complete with specified requests and terms of compensation in case of unsatisfactory results.

Physical appearance is becoming ever more important in today’s societies, making good-looking features an advantage in socialization and even increasing the employment opportunities of both men and women. Young people spend a lot on changing their appearance with the help of new technology, but in doing so they may neglect efforts to enrich their inner assets through intellectual buildup.

Plastic surgery plays a positive role of strengthening individuals’ confidence. But one feels uncomfortable walking through the streets of Gangnam where every other office is occupied by a cosmetic surgery clinic. This hardly represents a normal society. It is further dismaying to know that the nation is gaining a new reputation in Asia as a mass producer and exporter of artificial beauty.

Excerpt from: The Korea Herald

1. If you have a chance, do you want to undergo a plastic operation?
2. What do you think about the fact that the streets of Gangnam are occupied by cosmetic surgery clinics?
3. Today, having a good appearance is regarded as a competitive power.
   What do you think about this phenomenon like lookism?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



S11006님의 댓글

S11006 작성일

Although if i have a chance, i don't want to undergo a plastic surgery. of course i want to be pretty, but i think plastic surgery makes artificial looking.
These days, most of people's think that standard of beauty are big eyes, a sharp nose, an oval face. so, i think plastic sugery makes same people and incite lookisem.


깽민님의 댓글

깽민 작성일

My idea is a little different . Today skills are important , but Appearance important too.
Many are first impression, starting at the appearance. i will operate a little if an opportunity of a plastic operation is given to me.


S11006님의 댓글

S11006 작성일

《Re》깽민 찐찌 님아.
Please don't use GOOGLE TLANSLATE.
 i can't understand exactly what u say.zzzz

Thinking that appearance is more important than one's essence start from the trend of public opinion.
so i think people's think should change.
Plastic surgery also start from lookism too. If we don't change our mind and thinkin, finally there are people who have same look in the world.


깽민님의 댓글

깽민 작성일

But you must be realistic . In appearance, the impression of that person reveals .
Skills are important, but appearance is also very important


S11023님의 댓글

S11023 작성일

If i have a chance, i don't want to undergo a plastic operation too. But i think plastic operation is not wrong.
korean are serious lookism so appearance bad people are can have a down syndrome.
So i think plastic operation can bring self-confidence to appearance bad people.


JJJJ님의 댓글

JJJJ 작성일

If i have a chance, i want to have plastic surgery. because i don't have confidence on my face. but i don't want to big eyes, a sharp nose, and an oval face. also, i don't want to be all people same face.
Today, most of people's want to beautiful face and me too. but it is not right to compete. Appearance is to express one of yourself, everything is not.


S11023님의 댓글

S11023 작성일

《Re》S11006 님 ,
I agreement plastic operation. but on the one hand i agreement your think.
I'm afraid that many people got same appearance too.
but i agreement plastic operation because serious lookism in korean.
So i think we must be change our mind and thinkin too.


용준이형님의 댓글

용준이형 작성일

Hmm... If I  have a chance, I want to have plastic sugery. Because I am not satisfied with my appearance.
I don't think that plastic surgery is bad culture. Many people want to have a nice face.
Appearance is the way we express personality. So, I have a positive opinion about plastic surgery.


11013님의 댓글

11013 작성일

If I have a chance, I want to have plastic surgery. Because plastic surgery gives us comfidence. Most of people want to be prettier because of Sake of appearance. But If everyone has same face, It's so terrible.


YuJ님의 댓글

YuJ 작성일

Everyone has a complex towards their own face. through plastic surgery, self confidence and satisfaction increases while getting rid of all the complexes. but i think it would be better to get just a little bit of assitance from plastic surgery.


AirJordan님의 댓글

AirJordan 작성일

Even though I have  a chance, I will never try plastic surgery, I'm not proud of my appearance, however I'm
afraid of side effect, If they made mistake on my face, It might impossible to change my face back.


김할무니님의 댓글

김할무니 작성일

I think the plastic surgery gives many people the confidence, but it's wrong that having a good appearance is  regarded as a competitive power. Many people discriminate between pretty people and ugly people when they interview to get a job. However it is very wrong. If we are the interviewer , we have to choice the capable persons , not the pretty persons. I think having a good appearence is not all in our life. I think people need the personality , not beauty. Lately, we can see the singer of haveing the same face ,so many old people and even young people don't distinguish them. For that reason, I think the excessive plastic surgery have to be disappeared and this phenomenon like lookism also have to be disappeared!

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