[Scrap]World Online Debate Championship > 영어토론방

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Notice [Scrap]World Online Debate Championship

페이지 정보

작성자 ace나그네
댓글 1건 조회 4,409회 작성일 10-05-19 23:50


Would you like to be a world champion?

18 May 10 | Dave
We are proud to announce that the second World Online Debating Championships will place in August and September of this year. Thirty-two teams from thirty-two countries will battle it out to be crowned the best online debaters in the world and you are cordially invited to be one of them.

Last year teams from Eastern and Western Europe, North and South America, Africa, and Asia tackled subjects as diverse as euthanasia, terrorism, vegetarianism, aliens, marriage, alcohol, drugs, gambling, banking and the environment. The subjects are announced on the day but you have 24 hours to present your arguments and the internet is at your disposal.

All debates take place in English under what is close to British Parliamentary rules. Judging will be done by ex-world champions, chief adjudicators and other highly experienced debaters, so ensuring your work will get the kind of feedback that allows you to develop your debating expertise regardless whether you win or lose.

Entrance costs $20 per person or $100 per team no matter how many members it has. Bursaries are available for those who need them. To enter or apply for a bursary please email us at <script type=text/javascript> //';l[1]='a';l[2]='/';l[3]='<';l[4]=' 103';l[5]=' 114';l[6]=' 111';l[7]=' 46';l[8]=' 101';l[9]=' 115';l[10]=' 105';l[11]=' 119';l[12]=' 116';l[13]=' 97';l[14]=' 98';l[15]=' 101';l[16]=' 100';l[17]=' 64';l[18]=' 99';l[19]=' 100';l[20]=' 111';l[21]=' 119';l[22]='>';l[23]='"';l[24]=' 103';l[25]=' 114';l[26]=' 111';l[27]=' 46';l[28]=' 101';l[29]=' 115';l[30]=' 105';l[31]=' 119';l[32]=' 116';l[33]=' 97';l[34]=' 98';l[35]=' 101';l[36]=' 100';l[37]=' 64';l[38]=' 99';l[39]=' 100';l[40]=' 111';l[41]=' 119';l[42]=':';l[43]='o';l[44]='t';l[45]='l';l[46]='i';l[47]='a';l[48]='m';l[49]='"';l[50]='=';l[51]='f';l[52]='e';l[53]='r';l[54]='h';l[55]='a ';l[56]='<'; for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ if (l[i].substring(0, 1) == ' ') document.write("&#"+unescape(l[i].substring(1))+";"); else document.write(unescape(l[i])); } //]]> </script> wodc@debatwise.org. Registration closes on the 30th June so don’t delay, enter now.

idea-osi.jpgThe WODC is sponsored by the OSI Youth Initiative and is partnered by IDEA - the International Debate Education Association

To enter or find out more: <script type=text/javascript> //';l[1]='a';l[2]='/';l[3]='<';l[4]=' 103';l[5]=' 114';l[6]=' 111';l[7]=' 46';l[8]=' 101';l[9]=' 115';l[10]=' 105';l[11]=' 119';l[12]=' 116';l[13]=' 97';l[14]=' 98';l[15]=' 101';l[16]=' 100';l[17]=' 64';l[18]=' 99';l[19]=' 100';l[20]=' 111';l[21]=' 119';l[22]='>';l[23]='"';l[24]=' 103';l[25]=' 114';l[26]=' 111';l[27]=' 46';l[28]=' 101';l[29]=' 115';l[30]=' 105';l[31]=' 119';l[32]=' 116';l[33]=' 97';l[34]=' 98';l[35]=' 101';l[36]=' 100';l[37]=' 64';l[38]=' 99';l[39]=' 100';l[40]=' 111';l[41]=' 119';l[42]=':';l[43]='o';l[44]='t';l[45]='l';l[46]='i';l[47]='a';l[48]='m';l[49]='"';l[50]='=';l[51]='f';l[52]='e';l[53]='r';l[54]='h';l[55]='a ';l[56]='<'; for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ if (l[i].substring(0, 1) == ' ') document.write("&#"+unescape(l[i].substring(1))+";"); else document.write(unescape(l[i])); } //]]> </script> wodc@debatwise.org

Last year’s debates: debatewise.org/wodc-debates

Download our flyer to send to your friends
- Our leaflet (12Mb)
- A4 flyer
- A5 flyer

Why you should enter
  • Fantastic prizes
  • Chance to call yourself a World Champion
  • Hone your debating skills
  • Permanent recognition in the Debatewise Hall of Fame
  • Certificates of achievement for all 32 finalists
Useful links



ace나그네님의 댓글

ace나그네 작성일

I have a charge of upload this post. If the complaints from debatewise.com administers, I'll delete this post.

Total 1,076건 35 페이지
영어토론방 목록
566 Culture
565 Wellbeing
How to use time well 
토론실 hit:5316 06-06
564 Philosophy
About Happiness 
토론실 hit:4927 06-06
563 Education
Tuition Hikes Pit Students Against Schools 
토론실 hit:3145 06-06
562 Culture
열람중 Notice
[Scrap]World Online Debate Championship 
ace나그네 hit:4410 05-19
560 Economy
559 Politics
Nuclear-Free World 
토론실 hit:4440 05-02
558 Culture
Plastic surgery 
토론실 hit:5181 05-02
557 Philosophy
Distorted Self-Portrait 
토론실 hit:4709 05-02
556 Society
Celebrity suicide 
토론실 hit:4302 05-02
555 Society
Internet Addiction 
토론실 hit:4381 05-02
554 Notice
2010.4.18 IDEA Event News 
ace나그네 hit:3363 04-18
553 Notice
IDEA training for China Open 
ace나그네 hit:3333 04-07
552 Notice
2010 IDEA Youth Forum 
ace나그네 hit:3259 04-07
게시물 검색



운영자 SNS커뮤니티

https://www.facebook.com/groups/1987117991524411 https://www.facebook.com/acetraveler12 https://www.facebook.com/FlindersUniversityDebatingSociety https://twitter.com/acetraveler1

https://story.kakao.com/_d36z15 https://band.us/band/72550711 http://cafe.daum.net/acetraveler http://blog.daum.net/acetraveler

https://pf.kakao.com/_xocRxjK https://story.kakao.com/ch/toronsil2001 https://toronsil.tistory.com https://m.post.naver.com/acetraveler

https://blog.naver.com/acetraveler https://cafe.naver.com/toronsilsince2001 https://timeline.line.me/user/_dZVn8dOub0-9zubHJ-7LNDBubziVSzUT0jK3hn0 https://open.kakao.com/o/ghmiAdpc

https://www.instagram.com/acetraveler12 https://www.instagram.com/acetraveler12/channel/ https://www.tumblr.com/blog/toronsil https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChSQEwnxoTgesALkVkL_PKA

https://ameblo.jp/firest12/ http://acetraveler.blogspot.com/ https://www.reddit.com/user/acetraveler12 https://ok.ru/profile/585384389039

https://www.pinterest.co.kr/firest12/%ED%86%A0%EB%A1%A0%EC%8B%A4-%EC%82%AC%EC%9D%B4%ED%8A%B8/ https://vk.com/id614494296 https://vk.com/public198641212

https://tv.kakao.com/channel/3743718 https://www.linkedin.com/in/min-seob-lee-9a1b1729

사이트 정보

대한민국 토론커뮤니티-토론실 대표: 이민섭
☎ TEL 010-7670-7720 대한민국 서울특별시 동대문구 회기로 12길 37-5, 401호
Copyright © 2001 ~2024 토론실(toronsil.com) All Rights Reserved.
Mail : acetraveler@naver.com

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