G-Dragon’s Suggestive Concert Creates Stir > 영어토론방

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Culture G-Dragon’s Suggestive Concert Creates Stir

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 3건 조회 4,065회 작성일 10-01-30 10:13


20100130_013.jpg1. G-Dragon’s Suggestive Concert Creates Stir
K-pop idol G-Dragon, the leader of popular boy group Big Bang,
has created a huge stir with his sexually-charged performance at his first solo concert.
At the "Shine a Light" concert held at the Gymnastics Stadium in Olympic Park on Dec.
5 and 6, his two-hour charismatic solo performances wowed his fans and the audience.

However, the 21-year-old singer has been the center of disputes concerning the staging of his highly suggestive performance with a female dancer at a sold out concert to 50,000 fans, mostly teenagers.
While singing "Breathe" off his first album, he performed a few suggestive sexual acts with the female dancer on a bed on stage, with heavy breathing and moaning coming out of the speakers.
In the following song "She's Gone,"the violent background video clip also raised controversy. In the scene, G-Dragon chases a girl and stabs her in the back.

The concert was rated 12 years and older.
Many netizens posted comments critical of the lewdness of the performance.
"He went a bit too far, given it's rated 12," a netizen with the ID azalea said. Some others called the show, "Shocking" and "too lewd and violent."
As complaints mounted, an official from YG Entertainment said, "As we made preparations in line with the songs, the (suggestive) level of the performance went a bit higher. But please look at this from the perspective that G-Dragon is now an adult."
Weeks before the concert, his agency YG Entertainment said: ``We are investing to the fullest to bring the best show for G-Dragon, who is not only an icon in music, but also in fashion. We are planning to offer the best performance for both the ears and eyes.''

G-Dragon is not new to controversy. The singer stirred fans and music experts when he released his first solo album ``Heartbreaker'' in August. Some of his songs, including `Heartbreaker'' and ``Butterfly,'' were said to have been plagiarized.

2. Prosecution to summon G-Dragon soon

Top idol singer G-Dragon will be summoned soon and questioned by the prosecution on obscenity charges.
Seoul Eastern District Public Prosecutor's Office reportedly said on Tuesday, "We have delayed the summoning of G-Dragon considering his busy schedules in the entertainment circle at yearend. We will call the singer and investigate him soon."

The prosecution, which already concluded a legalistic approach to the case with video clips taken at his concert, is looking forward to a speedy progress through a summons this time.
"We are examining the judicial precedent thus far closely and focusing on how it will influence the teenage audience," an official of the prosecutor's office was quoted as saying.
Speculation has it that both the singer and the producer of the controversial concert will be summoned.

The 21-year-old singer has been in hot water for pretending to have sex on stage in front an audience of teenage students since his first concert held at Olympic Gymnasium in southeastern Seoul on Dec. 5 and 6.
Three days after the singer's controversial performance, the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs requested the prosecution's investigation on the issue. A week later, the prosecution accepted it, launching a probe into the case.

By Ryu Seung-yoon (shoong4u@gmail.com), By Cho Jae-hyon Staff Reporter

1. Reading the article, do you think that G-dragon's performance is evaluated as artisric act? Talk about your opinion.
2. Today, there are many examples of suggesriveness, If you hear any other article, talk about some issues.
3. If you have your own criteria, tell us what is considered as artistic performance, or what is not.

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바란님의 댓글

바란 작성일

I think, the matter is too many singers that depend on commercial flow. In modern society, the pop entertainer and celebrity take top location with power that moves many people up. So their actiong should has responsibility, specially, pop star-like G-dragon who leads the teenage culture more matter. Because he's violent doing influences manny teenage students who mostly imitate pop stars. G-dragon's actiong like that happens wrong teenage culture flow.


천공의성님의 댓글

천공의성 작성일

I think that we have to be able to understand not only trend but also think of teenager.
World change , People change  , Our think change .
And also our children think very changed. It is not a bad.
We dont look this matter throught our present eyesight.
They matured about sex culture than us, They could accept that kind of show.(sexually-charged performance )
Ii is not important thing to say shoucking about sexually-charged performance.
Important thing is quality of show that may bad effect on our teenager


Darang님의 댓글

Darang 작성일

I went to the concert, and I watched the performane.
I think that was not suggestive. I'm teenager, but I didn't feel shame about the performance.
Of course, I like G-dragon's music, and his performance. But I know what is wrong and right.
And world trend always chages. So, I think we need to change our thinking.

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