Lee Blasts Local Governments for Luxurious Offices > 영어토론방

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Politics Lee Blasts Local Governments for Luxurious Offices

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 9건 조회 4,654회 작성일 10-02-07 14:54


20100207_015.jpgPresident Lee Myung-bak strongly criticized some municipal governments late last month for spending too much taxpayers' money on renovating their office buildings, a senior policymaker said Tuesday.
Seongnam in Gyeonggi Province has come under fire for spending more than 320 billion won ($280 million) to construct an 11-story building.
The floor of its lobby is made of imported marble and it has a mayor-use-only elevator moving from the ground floor to mayor's office, located at the top of the building.

Some other local governments, including Ulsan City, are also facing public criticism for a ``luxurious'' building.
President Lee said it was nonsense to build luxurious office space when the central government is stepping up a drive to save energy.

20100207_011.jpgLee laid the blame on municipal governments during a briefing on the government's planned energy policies on Dec. 21, according to Chung Chang-sup, first vice minister of public administration and security.
``I want to destroy the luxurious buildings and build new ones, if possible, to improve energy efficiency,'' Lee was quoted as saying.

The ministry initially planned to reduce energy consumption in the public sector by 3 percent annually.
It revised up the goal to 10 percent after Lee called for aggressive energy-saving measures, the vice minister said.

President Lee Myung-bak By Na Jeong-ju Staff Reporter jj@koreatimes.co.kr

1) How do you think about President Lee?
2) If you had enough power, what would you do to improve this kind of tax abuse?
3) What would you do to reduce energy comsumption?

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시나몬님의 댓글

시나몬 작성일

under fire for      비난받다
lay the blame on ~에게 죄를 씌우다
Lee was quoted as saying.  <<<<<<< 해석좀 알려주세욤 ㅋ


시나몬님의 댓글

시나몬 작성일

1) I couldn't agree any more about his concept. I think the reducing energy  consumption is the most valuble thing all coutries have to focus on. and each municipal government has to be thrift. but his thought of rebuilding the the luxury building has already been built is not such a good idea. I think it seems to waste more time and expendiutre.
2)I don't know the process how the taxes are handled from people. Just I want the goverment to announce tother people the amount of money the goverment will use and I think they have to explain the their spending plan.
3)well .. pass


바란님의 댓글의 댓글

바란 작성일

Lee didn't agree with local government's doing, he blamed for the local government. Please read the title.


시나몬님의 댓글

시나몬 작성일

《Re》시나몬 님 ,
 I think so, too. The president hated local government' doing as you said.
 [but his thought of rebuilding the the luxury building has already been built is not such a good idea.]
because of above sentence, did you think that I misunderstood?
My ability to read is poor. I'm sorry to bother you , but would you explain more details what sentence makes you confused.


바란님의 댓글

바란 작성일

《Re》시나몬 님 ,
I can't find your example sentence above text. but if your mean is Lee's saying was quoted on briefing- [I want to destroy the luxurious buildings and build new ones, if possible, to improve energy efficiency], i just say, It's a persuasive word. that means "I want to rebuild the office, but we have to save the energy, so The president of korea, me, stand for the desires. By the way, the local government rebuilt the office when the central government saves the money, so arrogant!!" right? I think, it is indirect saying. hm...something wrong my word? and...still i can't find your example word...also his attiutude in your example, enough to aggressive in politics, i think. hm...And if i cut down your confidence, i would sorry. Reply please.


시나몬님의 댓글

시나몬 작성일

《Re》바란 님 ,
There is nothing worng in your words. I was just wondering the reason you thought I have misunderstood. I think I understood well. 제 영어실력뿐만이 아니라 언어독해력도 문제인거 같아서 이번만 한글로 쓸께요 ㅋ 
  제가 무엇을 잘못 이해하고 있는건가요 ㅠㅠ 한글로 답변해주심 안될까요..?


바란님의 댓글

바란 작성일

《Re》시나몬 님 ,
...무엇이 핀트가 맞지 않는지는 저도 감이 안잡히네요.

저는 본문과 제목에서 이명박 대통령이 사치스러운 건물에 동의하는 어떠한 내용도 찾을수 없었고, 오히려 대통령은 과도한 예산 남용에 대해 지방정부를 비판하고 있었거든요. 중앙정부가 에너지 절약 계획을 세우는 것도 기사에 게재되어 있어서 한층 더 지방정부를 비판하는 뉘앙스도 풍겼구요. 그리고 그런 이명박 대통령의 조치와 행동에 대한 평가를 바라는 선택지가 있었잖아요?

 저는 단순히 ``I want to destroy the luxurious buildings and build new ones, if possible, to improve energy efficiency,''  이 부분에서 님이 헷갈린게 아닐까 싶어서 아래에 글을 올렸는데...... 이것을 단순이 풀이하자면 "대통령인 나도 아끼는데, 니들이 사치를 부려?" 이런 의미잖아요? 그런데 이것이 아니라면...흠 제가 뭔가 상황을 잘못 이해한건가요?


시나몬님의 댓글

시나몬 작성일

《Re》바란 님 ,
 아 인제 알겠따 ㅋㅋ 저도 그 문장을 님처럼 이해했고 1번에서 제 생각을 말할때 대통령처럼 아끼는거 대찬성한다 그렇지만 build new ones, if possible,.... 이부분은 이해가 안간다 이말이었어요 왜냐면 지역부처가 럭셔리하게 비싼돈 들여서 새로 지어났는데 낭비벽이 심했다고 해서 다시 새로 짓는다면 그게 더 돈을 많이 쓰게 되는게 아닌가 싶어서요 물론 뒤에 가능하다면 이라고 했지만 ..암튼 그냥 지나가는 말이었죠 ㅋㅋ


비상님의 댓글

비상 작성일

I think that President Lee's behavior contradicted President's role. They need to investigate effect and damage to reduce abuse of citizen's tax and resources. Were it not for the first step, The country should have collapsed soon. So, President must correct the information road to imply useful information to the management.

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