WSDC 2008 Round 5 - South Korea vs. Israel > 영어토론방

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Policy WSDC 2008 Round 5 - South Korea vs. Israel

페이지 정보

작성자 ace나그네
댓글 0건 조회 4,397회 작성일 10-03-30 17:24


NOTE : This post is my personal notetaking material to listening study of this debating video. If any copyright problem occured, I'm in the charge of it.
Motion: THW make the directors of multinational companies personally liable for environmental abuses committed by their companies in the developing world.
  director : legally responsible by law, liable : ciminally liable, environmental abuses : violate environmental law, officially acting
 <Status quo>
 home country, post countries, we see that ?, officially granted, punishment, extradiction
 <Stance> Enough isn't enough.
  1. justice : pollution, crime pay
  2. deterrent : wrong, not punished, punished accountability, much move, incentive - personal responsible, Enron CEO : give up run - directly punished, quality of directors, many directors - good responsible, less abusing
  3. long term benefit :
 <1st Argu>
 Enron(2002), Surbayes Oxley Act(나중에 알았습니다.), whistle blower(내부고발자, 역시 당시엔 안 들린 부분입니다.), are personally liable, still imprisoned, people in charge, responsible, much pay, principle, their act, direct responsible
 Kind of directors : Who don't know - still responsible, Who know : definitely exist, responsible,
 environmental abuse crime : Union carbade(law standard work, water - chemical), Nigeria laws, response, 40% oils occur, 350 times than level
  Q : US, in status quo
  A : not personally, liable crime personal 
   (Defi, status quo)CEO : Who are responsible law - truism, morally wrong - illegal : not justified, directors personal, environment doesn't fall in these case, alternative : company themselves
   (stance, 1st-2nd argu)
    not sue company?, who, directors interest
    separate law commotion : who know - false in status quo(already allowed personal liable), who don't know - democracy engine(criminal don't know)
    benefitable : majority - policy what happened to company, minority - financial liable - deterrence
    doesn't sure - environment goes wrong doesn't fact
    Child labor - not directors
    something illegal, directors fell over duties, create business, directors following duties, businessman sues - cannot payed, separate entities, companies are not died, judge will allow, directors are not 100% responsible pollution by company, Enron CEO - had a playing bribe, toyota - 24 nation : directors cannot expect pollution,
 <1st argu>
  Q : Why not target director?
  A : Not understand
  (Rebut)personal liable, status quo - recognize environment abuses
   1. justice, 2, deterrence, 3. long-term benefit
   same level : directors(made policies of company, intensified) = company
  (stance, 1st - 2nd argu)multinational change, they never responsible, we can't do it right now not worry really not know directors, don't read and don't know : absurd

 <ela 1st, 2nd argu>
  Justice, directors, telling employees to do so, happen to know violate, leader responsible, personal responsible, consider no responsible murder - don't know
  Deterrence, they are actually punished
 <3rd argu>
  Environmental : developing nation - air pollution everywhere, India, people's health, boosted by other countries, Nigeria - chemical into water
  Economical : foundation - agriculture, water, develop nation, even better, more concensus, authority, a person, 3000 a year, individual punishment, allow impliment intensified, decrease
  Q : Status quo
  A : no person liable, more responsible
  (rebut)South Korea clearly behind, personally liability,
  (Gov's argu)harm, all the beautiful already under every law, profitability, any try to negative, jailed mornachy, bridge of trust
  3 option : Gov, ignore, directors did not know, company act
  knowledge : I didn't know - any prove?
  status quo, how justified someone, directors can never hide themselves(당시엔 못알아들었음), not know(못 들었음), morally justified,
  deterrence - horrible justification, what really happened evil directors?
  liable something died, move out developing world(trickle down 1998, stop being director(못 들었음), parents lost job, children can't go school, 1997 how brick carbon, no semiconductor corporations - China, giving chance better, Chinese people, millions gallon in river free - fixed, why show you company - ?

  Q : LO - jail some, DLO - don't know
  A : Corporate bill
  Q : ?
  A : don't understand the example
  1. LO - legal difficulty, DLO - personal liable status quo, self contradictory
  2. South Korea : moral justification, detterence, benefit
  1. need of policy : unliable < you sue company, whole entity, punishing directly, justice, director, legal difficulty, status quo, can't do it, morally responsible, liable object, corporation principle
  2. practicality fo policy : inform ?, systematically abuse, option wrong - pursue not < company union carbade exploited, can vote, meeting standard, clearly provided, should be able to 3 parts, they must know
  3. benefit society : negative incentive < boyfriend, personal liable, care about issue, justice, benefit, not care about, end of it - they still exist, not carry about operation, never rebutted, these increase, infrastructure cannot hold up, whole structure, whole plant, natural resources, regulate after policy multinational, still in there, problem in China,
  Q : forigner in Nigeria
  A : lawsuit
  Q : ?
  A : enron, justice
  1. We do agree, principle killed people, but : India and Nigeria already illegal stipulated, actually old debate, 100000 people
  2. when is okay, more effective, cost-benefit analysis, not direct over company, how possible? now possible, cannot monitor everything, CEO - board meeting
  Whole people liable : legal system, nigeria law system, cannot do, clearly newspaper, isn't knowledge, CEO should know, anybody know, I can be sued the act who don't know, innocent people make crime, basic democratic country, director done why responsible, just allow some ?, doesn't mean allow to do it, money compromise, CEO X, benefit harm, no liable, company itself, how can I intensified who commit crime, company sue - he can job, know CEO
 2 main issue : status quo - tutologies(wide trach), CEO duty, a person cannot solve, company can solve, enough to solve, warning environmental abuse, obiliged lar, proposition don't know, more deligent, couldn't know, no  knowledge, show me impossible, no reason, Exxon mobile, punitive message, enough, sue both company directors, who coming from developing world, economy at all, hold deterence, cover all their, no
 corporate insurance in jail matter personally,
 Justice, Deterence, benefit
 affect economy, guilty, agriculture, in charge, include mutual exclusivity, directors can stop, include crime currently liable, status quo, why are we debate, irrevent, union carbade, he not punished directly, he directly have responsible, flow most cost-productive not committed not difference, they don't know, they care about money, active, he stop the action


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Total 1,076건 36 페이지
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