5th KNC Motion > 영어토론방

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Notice 5th KNC Motion

페이지 정보

작성자 ace나그네
댓글 1건 조회 3,392회 작성일 09-11-02 09:07


Link : http://club.cyworld.com/51641127120/126765693 
#1 : Debate
THW allow internet access during prep time
THW allow coaching during prep time
THW verify debaters' sources
#2 : Obesity
THW charges obese ppl more for use of ambulances
THBT fast food rasturants should deny service to grocery obese ppl
THBT "Plus-size" models do more harm than good
#3 : Developing countries? I think?
THBT developing countries should invest in sex tourism
THW aid local business, not NGOs
THW make population control a prerequisite of aid

#4 : Pop culture
THBT Jeabum, formerly of 2PM, has only himself to blame
THW ban minors from joining pop group
THW ban lip-syncing except in acustically unaviodable situations
#5 : Society
THBT female-only parking dose more harm than good
THW forbid parents from denying medical treatment to their children on religious ground
THBT POSCO should pay compensation to former Korean confor women
#Octo-Final : 2MB
THBT 세종 city should be new administrative capital of S. Korea
THS the 4-river restoration project
THS the new Korean "media law"
#Q Final : War & Conflict?
THW allows gays and lesbians to serve openly in the armed forces
THW boycotting goods from israel
THBT assasination is a legitimate tool of foregin policy
#Rookee Finals : Education
THW abolish FLHS
#Semi Finals : Medical Ethics
THW allow deaf parants ppl to screen embrgos so they may have deaf children
THW not provide reproductive assistance to women over 45 years of age
THBT presidential candidates should be required to disclose their medical records
#EFL Finals : Age.. sth
THW ablish mandatory retirement age
THW tax plastic surgery done for unnecessary comestic purpose
THW raise the legal drinking age
#Grand Final : Death & Taxes
THS the death penalty for sexual crimes commited against children
THW requires churches to pay
THW increase the "sin tax" on alcohol and tobacco in S. Korea

원문내용(작성자:익 명)-----------------------------------




ace나그네님의 댓글

ace나그네 작성일

I was a rookie debater in 5th KNC so I could got this information. If this post provoke copyright problem or something, I'll take the responsibility in personal.  If the things happen, I'll delete or blind this post.

Total 1,076건 37 페이지
영어토론방 목록
536 Notice
535 Policy
Gender equality 
토론실 hit:5237 11-23
534 Politics
Korean Leadership Crisis 
토론실 hit:4752 11-23
533 Education
Tongue Twister selection 
ace나그네 hit:4445 11-15
532 Notice
The Debatewise Newsletter - November 2009 
ace나그네 hit:3928 11-10
531 Culture
TV decency rules to be tightened 
토론실 hit:4132 11-08
530 Education
529 Economy
Incheon Airport to be put on sale 
토론실 hit:4578 11-08
528 Policy
527 Education
5th KNC Semi Final Video 
ace나그네 hit:3164 11-07
526 Notice
Information of KNC 
ace나그네 hit:3340 11-07
525 Notice
Motions of KNC Spring 2009 
ace나그네 hit:4423 11-02
524 Notice
4th KNC Grand Final & Semi Final Video 
ace나그네 hit:3928 11-02
열람중 Notice
5th KNC Motion 
ace나그네 hit:3393 11-02
522 Notice
게시물 검색



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