The Debatewise Newsletter - November 2009 > 영어토론방

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Notice The Debatewise Newsletter - November 2009

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작성자 ace나그네
댓글 1건 조회 3,927회 작성일 09-11-10 08:42


The Debatewise Newsletter - November 2009 비슷한제목검색
보낸이 David Crane 수신차단 추가 09-11-02 00:26
세부정보 보낸이 David Crane ( 수신차단 추가 09-11-02 00:26
헤더 보기 숨기기 받는이 추가
보낸날짜 2009년 11월 02일 월요일, 오전 00시 26분 08초 +0900
제목 The Debatewise Newsletter - November 2009

보낸이 David Crane ( 수신차단 추가 09-11-02 00:26
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The Debatewise Newsletter - November 2009

We are working on a big new project for the hugely important climate change conference in Copenhagen in December. If you're interested in debating and the environment (and you're not British, Bangladeshi or Indonesian), please read the info below and sign-up now. Hurry now, other countries are also filling up fast.

Being debate wise:

The BNP's appearance on Question Time will have won them more support
Our overseas readers may not be aware of the BNP, or Question Time for that matter. But the issue raised here has wider resonance for it asks the crucial question of the free speech debate: should people with objectionable views be given a platform to air those views. Voltaire famously had his opinions, what's yours? And will you change them after reading the debate?

Should Israel be punished for allegedly denying Palestinians access to water supplies?
According to a recent Amnesty report, the water situation in the Israel-Occupied Palestinian Territories is dire. The report claims the average Palestinian daily water consumption is less than a quarter of the Israelis and there is evidence of Israel actively contaminating some of the water that does get through. If this is true should Israel be punished? Or is it a justifiable tactic for a country which has to take extraordinary steps to ensure its own safety?

Should the US talk to Iran rather than imposing sanctions?
This month Iran owned up to having a secret nuclear facility, an admission which caused much of the world to call for sanctions to be increased. But sanctions have been tried for thirty years and they don't seem to be having much effect. Maybe the Obama effect, and his policy of actually talking to people, would be a better approach. Or would it simply give Ahmadinejad the time he needs to build a bomb? You decide.

Lots more debates here:

The Copenhagen Climate Change Conference
It is no exaggeration to say that the most important environmental conference to ever take place will start on the 7th December in Copenhagen. This conference will decide what global agreement comes into force when the Kyoto protocol ends and for the first time America and China seem willing to make a deal. Which is good, because a great many scientists feel that without strong action now we could easily pass the point of no return.

This seems like one of those times which require every one of us to do our bit. We at Debatewise have decided the best thing we can do is form a panel of 1,000 young people from 100 different countries and ask them to debate the issues that arise from the conference. We want to harness as wide a range of views as possible so we can create a series of debates which allow the rest of us to make up our minds about decisions being made in our name.

We want people to join our panel. You should be between 15-35, be able to write and understand English reasonably well and be interested in the environment. We don't care what your views on the environment are - in fact we very much want people who doubt conventional wisdom - all we care is that you care.

So far we've got over 300 people from 75 different countries. Unfortunately, our quota for Bangladeshis, Britons and Indonesians is now full. But if you're from anywhere else click that link and fill out that form.

We're particularly looking for country co-ordinators. You'll feel passionately about this issue and will be willing to find at least 10 other friends to take part in the debates. We may even have a pretty special gift for you in return, but mum's the word about that right now.


Debatewise news
Things on the site are going pretty damn well. Our wonderful Rapid Response Team are creating a whole host of new debates on an almost daily basis. We've had 30,000 people visit the site since I last wrote and even more importantly, over 200 different debates have been edited, added to or otherwise improved since the start of the month.

Thank you to everyone who's spent any time at all on the site. These are great and greatly improving numbers and they make all of us at HQ very, very, happy indeed. Especially because the number of improved debates shows the principle the site was founded on - that a collaborative approach creates ever more definitive arguments - seems to be working.


IDEA Exchange 2009
Just over a month to go until the IDEA Exchange kicks off. The conference is entitled 'The Web and Social Change' and will be attended by around 150 politically and socially active young people from around the world. The House of Lords have kindly offered to launch the event and the Lord Speaker herself will put in an appearance (accompanied by Lord Putnam, we hope!).

We have a few places free for people from the UK - free in both senses of the word. So if you want to come down and be a part of this great event, meet some great people and pick up some highly useful tips about using the web to create a better and more just world just email us to find out more.

Rapid Response Team
We're always looking for people to join our rapid response team. Each week we'll mail you with titles of debates we'd like creating. You can create one side, both sides or none at all. People on the team say they benefit from improved debating skills, having something more to add to their CV, developing a greater understanding of current affairs and better ability to win arguments in the pub.

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PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

Wow the picture surely is very beautiful

Total 1,076건 37 페이지
영어토론방 목록
536 Notice
535 Policy
Gender equality 
토론실 hit:5237 11-23
534 Politics
Korean Leadership Crisis 
토론실 hit:4751 11-23
533 Education
Tongue Twister selection 
ace나그네 hit:4444 11-15
열람중 Notice
The Debatewise Newsletter - November 2009 
ace나그네 hit:3928 11-10
531 Culture
TV decency rules to be tightened 
토론실 hit:4131 11-08
530 Education
529 Economy
Incheon Airport to be put on sale 
토론실 hit:4578 11-08
528 Policy
527 Education
5th KNC Semi Final Video 
ace나그네 hit:3164 11-07
526 Notice
Information of KNC 
ace나그네 hit:3340 11-07
525 Notice
Motions of KNC Spring 2009 
ace나그네 hit:4422 11-02
524 Notice
4th KNC Grand Final & Semi Final Video 
ace나그네 hit:3928 11-02
523 Notice
5th KNC Motion 
ace나그네 hit:3392 11-02
522 Notice
게시물 검색



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