My Application Form can make me join IDS. > 영어토론방

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Education My Application Form can make me join IDS.

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작성자 ace나그네
댓글 0건 조회 3,366회 작성일 09-08-24 19:05


20090926_019.jpgKyunghee University have a English debate club named IDS. This club is a 69th ranker in the world. The club members can participate national and international English debate Championships. I eagerly want to join this club to participate World University Debate Championship. So I had a interview to join this club in May. But I couldn't join this club. The next interview is planned in september by this club. I need help my application form, and my interview. So, my opponent should try to prove my application form has many weaknesses to fail to join this club, and I try to prove my application form is good enough to join this club. I should have corrected by my opponent to join this club. I hope my opponent sharply point out my weakness as many as possible. But if my opponent is not good enough to breakthrough my argument, he or she may lost in this debate. And if my opponent forfeit more than 1 round, I can try this debate again to find other proper opponent.
Current IDS members are mostly juniors and seniors in Kyunghee University. According to my information, they are very busy to get a good grade and a job. So they cannot practice debate often and regularly. Although, they are a 69th ranker in the world according to '2009 world rankings'. (,
'Application Form' is under this sentence. Please read 'Application Form' and point out the weakness. I'll wait.

Kyunghee University : 

Application Form

Date of Birth:

1. Have you lived abroad? If YES, please specify where and for how long.

2. How is your English ability?
High. First, I enjoy reading subtitles of 'Friends(USA soap opera)' at least 4 times faster than original playing speed of the videos. And I can practice fast-listening and turn down-listening(ex:Turn down the radio) by catching faster and faster to the unlimited speed, more and more quiet speech to the next to soundless condition.
Second, I debate in English debate sites. For example, I debate in more than 10 times, and I have more than 60 posts in And I know many other English debate sites and English debate video sites. You said your debate level is higher than online debaters in the reception room. So you told me you don't need to use online debate sites. But I tell you I already met Ph.D Harish.K.Thakur in the by competing Nuclear prohibiting debate. He is a political scientist and a poet. And I can tell you again is the best place for practicing World University Debate Championship because the people and the environment in the site is helpful for you.
Third, I was a participant in World Civic Youth Forum 2009( Although I was not a panel, but I could listen panels' speech and question. And I met 2 Chinese friends in there and I was their tour guide in Korea 3 days. They are a university students major in international politics. I couldn't speak Chinese, so I guided them by using English. They even slept in my house in 2 night. And they saw so many things in Seoul, Korea by following my guide. I'll tell you in the reception room.
Because of these reasons, I think my English is high although I didn't test TOEIC and TOEFL.
TOEIC score (if available) :

3. Please write your plan and vision in IDS. (within 200 words)
IDS is the 69th world ranker according to '2009 world Rankings' in I studied very hard for myself to overcome strong opponents around the world, and I contribute this club to win 'World University Debating championship' by using my creative and sincere heart. I'll give you 3 examples.

First, fast-reading : I can read the scripts in the 'Friends(USA soap opera)' 16 times faster than original speed. I carried 13 books from Seoul to Chungju to prepare seminar in 'the pupil of daybreak'(That is another debate club in Kyunghee University. But it is not a English debate club. Although IDS members don't need this explanation but online debaters need this.).

Second, fast-listening. We can record and check practicing debate by using voice recorder and digital camera. And we can manipulate the play speed faster and faster to the unlimited playing speed.

Third, fast-writing : By using shorthand program, we can practice debate in many online debate sites like more than our opponents.

By using these measures, I certain we can listen our opponents' arguments like slow motion and we can take the advantage in the debate contest. Because our speaking can contain more contents. Our speaking can show more passion. Finally, Our speaking can give us win.

*For the next step, you will be scheduled for an interview.
The time and place for interview will be notified through text message.
YES, please write and post your application form in this board. Thanks.

P.S. : How can you pointing out my application form?
In the IDS site, there are no information how I can pass interview in IDS. I can just tell my previous interview in the May, 1st semester.
I brought my application form(not the same content, but the same format) to the reception room on the day for interview. Interviewers saw my application form and they gave me questions. I recall and create the questions as much as I can.
First, we are university students and we are more skillful than various online debaters. I guess online debate sites cannot be suitable place for training debate. Don't you?
Second, you have no score in toeic or toefl. That means your English was not verified officially. How can you manage to our activities and help us to win 'World University Debate Championships'?
Third, you have not completed military service yet. What is your plan to manage this problem for not bothering your club activities?

They questioned me similar things like upper questions. You can point out 'anything', and 'everything' you can imagine. If the argument is proper for justified 'The application form isn't good enough to make me join to IDS', any arguments could be fine.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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