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Policy Four-river Proect

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,607회 작성일 09-09-26 18:44


20090926_003.jpgThe Lee Myung-bak administration has finalized the ``Four-River Restoration Project" as part of its ``Green New Deal" initiative. The government announced Monday that it will spend a total of 22.2 trillion won ($17.8 billion) to complete the project by 2012. As officials stated, the aim of the river refurbishment work is to prevent floods, tackle water shortages, enhance water quality and create jobs.

We cannot overestimate the importance of the mammoth project which the administration stresses is pivotal* to better managing water resources, restoring the ecosystem and speeding up economic recovery. South Korea's water shortage is predicted to reach 800 million tons in 2011 and 1 billion tons in 2016. The water quality of the four rivers has continued to deteriorate* following the nation's rapid industrialization and development.

The project calls for large-scale dredging operations* of river bottoms and building of small dams, 이s and reservoirs* that can store up to 1.3 billion cubic meters of fresh water in the four rivers ― the Han, Nakdong, Geum and Yeongsan.

No one dares to oppose the objectives of the grand project that is described as eco-friendly and viable in economic terms. But, we want to point out some problems with the plan so that officials can avoid some shortcomings or policy blunders.

The project is not properly based on national consensus*. The government first floated the idea of the river project last December after it gave up President Lee's plan to build a cross-nation canal linking the Han River to the Nakdong River, which was intended to connect the capital city of Seoul to the southeastern port of Busan.

But, environmentalists and other civic activists still cannot shake off suspicions that Lee is trying to push the four-river restoration project as part of his canal plan. They have claimed that such a canal scheme* would bring catastrophic* damage to the environment, not to mention the questioned usefulness of it as transportation means.

It would be better for the administration to take enough time to minimize a potential adverse effect on Mother Nature. A plan to build 16 catch basins in the rivers could worsen the water quality and destroy the marine ecological system.

The project requires tremendous outlays from the national treasury. Some experts forecast that the budget for the river plan might snowball to more than 30 trillion won. This will inevitably lead to a huge budget deficit which could do harm to fiscal health of the government. Thus it is important to prevent any waste of taxpayer money amid the unprecedented global economic crisis. We urge policymakers to overhaul* the project to check if it is really a New Green Deal to harmonize the environmental protection and economic development.
Source: The Korea Times


<$18 Bil. Plan Unveiled to Refurbish 4 Rivers >

The plan also includes the establishment of 750 sewage processing facilities and 46 waste water plants in order to upgrade water quality to a level where the biological oxygen demand is less than 3 milligrams per liter. The riversides will also be developed as leisure and recreation sites, with about 1,700 kilometers of bike lanes and esplanades.

Environmental groups have criticized the plan, claiming dredging river bottoms will destroy the ecosystem of the rivers and earth and sand from the operation will make the rivers muddy. They advised the government to study more about environmental impacts before starting the project.

They also raised suspicions that the project is a prior step to the construction of a cross-country canal, which the Lee administration scrapped due to public opposition. Government officials denied the allegation*, saying the project does not include facilities needed for a canal, such as lock gates and terminals for cargo ships.

*pivotal : of great importance because other things depend on it
*deteriorate : to become worse
*dredging operatins: to remove mud, stones, etc. from the bottom of a river, canal, etc.
*reservoir : natural or artificial lake where water is stored before it is taken by pipes to houses, etc.
*consensus : an opinion that all members of a group agree with
*scheme : a plan or system for doing or organizing sth
*catastrophic :a sudden event that causes many people to suffer
*overhaul : an examination of a machine or system, including doing repairs on it or making changes to it
*allegation : a public statement that is made without giving proof, accusing sb of doing sth that is wrong or illegal

1. Did you heard about four-river Project?
   If you heard the project, it was positive side or negative side?
2. How do you think about four-river project? ( ecosystem, business, public welfare and so on)
3. Do you agree or disagree four-river project?
4. Futhermore, How think about 'Canal project' by Lee myung bak goverment?


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