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Society What is a real spec?

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,296회 작성일 09-05-02 17:31


20090502_009.jpgJob Markets Require Preparations (09-25-2008 18:41)
Shin Hyun-man / President & CEO of CareerCare

The Report on the Trends and Distinctive Features of New Employments of the Youth with Undergraduate Degrees, published Sept. 9 by the Korea Employers Federation (KEF), draws attention to the acute unemployment of the college-graduated young generation. KEF conducted a survey of 345 companies with more than 100 employees.

In addition, 28 percent of new employees resigned after a year ― 36.6 percent in small and medium companies and 21 percent in large companies. The report said that half of the new employees quit in less than 3 years. The reason they quit their jobs so quickly stems from attempting to find work without seriously considering their aptitude and career path. Generally, undergraduate students take one of two conflicting attitudes towards employment when they face graduation.

Some students feel a strong urge to get a job quickly and randomly apply for any position without serious consideration. As a result, many don't take up offers after being accepted by companies, or quit in less than a year. They cannot bear the gap between the reality of their job and their ideal. Many go in and out of numerous companies, failing to manage their career paths. They become so called "migratory birds" or "job-hoppers," Korean metaphors with negative connotations regarding people who frequently change their positions and jobs.

Others however remain unemployed, looking for higher standards for their expected career and ignoring reality. They apply to secure companies, such as large companies, foreign companies, and public companies, but do not consider lowering their standards despite failing to be employed by these companies. They do not want to get a job unless it is relatively low in labor intensity and not overloaded so that they can have sufficient hours off. If they consider their aptitude and career path seriously, they might choose small and medium companies.

Jobless Woes Change Campus Trend (2007-12-09)
By Jane Han

As local four-year college graduates are being haunted by another 20 percent leap in the unemployment rate this year, The original rule allows undergraduate students, who have already gotten jobs, to receive credit for classes they have registered for even if they are no shows. However, more and more time-crunched students are misusing the system by submitting this form of registration ― even if they have not been employed ― and instead, are using the extra time to apply for jobs and attend interviews. Although a majority of school administrations is aware of this, the privilege is still given away as they know how pressing the job search is for graduating seniors.

Rising trend is the “Loner Crowd” that defines the growing number of individuals who are spotted alone. Whether it be reading at a coffee shop, shopping or eating, it says the busy 20-somethings aren't afraid to be seen solo, and most of the time, they actually prefer it this way. “Because everyone is busy and it's hard to arrange time with others, people find it more convenient doing things on their own,” said Career spokeswoman Shin Kil-ja, adding that when these busybodies do gather, they make sure that time is used wisely. In the true while study groups typically encompassed schoolwork, more are using these get-together for mock job interviews.

1. Let's talk about what you want to be focused of the job.
   Think about not only the reason to choose that job, also necessity to get the job.
2. These days we're just required to get certificate of qualifications
   such as ToEIC score, MOS, about Chinese characters as many as possible.
   Is it possible to judge who is fit for the job.
3. How do companies change the way to assign a person for a fitness task?

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