Popularity of Reality TV shows > 영어토론방

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Culture Popularity of Reality TV shows

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,735회 작성일 09-05-02 17:50


20090502_005.jpgMovie: The Truman Show(1998)
The Truman Show is a TV show which shows a person named Truman. Without knowing it he is the main actor. Everything around him is artificial, created just for him. Even his friends and family members only play an act to perform a perfect little world. The city Truman lives in is an idyllic, clean and crimeless suburb which looks like a picture from a postcard. The director Christof directs everything from his lunar room, e.g. the weather, day and night time and even every human being. Truman has a normal all-day life. He has work, a nice wife, and a very good friend. All is perfect but sometimes the perfect world has mistakes.
First, a spotlight falls down from the roof of the studio but Truman does not become suspicious yet because every mistake gets a logic explanation by the other actors. Truman only becomes suspicious the first time when he is sure of having seen his father dressed like a tramp what really seems impossible because he has drowned years ago on a sailing trip. Truman becomes more and more suspicious when he discovers a fake elevator or when the director’s channel is heard on the radio. He realizes that his wife has crossed her fingers on the wedding photo. He also observes that his wife just stages operations and that the pedestrians in the streets are on a loop. Then Truman attempts to flee out of Seahaven but at a bridge he has to stop because of his fear of water. After passing this obstacle the director stages a nuclear accident to stop Truman. His idea is successful. The second time Truman attempts to flee he overcomes his fear of water and sails till he bumps into an artificial horizon. Now it is sure that everything is fake. Christof tries to hold him on to the show but Truman decides to go.

How Far Can Reality TV Go?
By Kim Ji-soo Culture Editor

Summer is hot and fun, a time of light and heat, before the retrospection of fall sets in. Thus, it's with fun that a lot of viewers are tuning to a reality television program about young newly-weds. In “We Got Married”, a program now airing Sunday on major network television MBC, young celebrities live together in a house and learn to become a married couple as the camera observes their every move. There are five couples, including a younger guy-older woman couple, which has become a major dating trend here.

Each episode shows how the couples grow from virtual strangers to companions over time. The idiosyncrasies of the individual couples have even spurned trends of their own. One couple comprising a popular female singer Suh In-young of the all female group Jewelry and a male rapper Crown J is always talking about their love of shopping. Both claim unfazed love for shopping, he for ''limited edition'' and she “sinsang”, the new latest product.

The program has been so popular that its fans have dubbed it in English and put it on YouTube. Not to be outdone, other network has adopted similar ones. SBS recently started airing ``Let's Live Well.'' Unlike the MBC program, “Let's Live Well” pairs a celebrity with a non-celebrity as a married couple. But beating these networks were the cable channels, which have been airing marriage-reality programs for some time. Only Comedy TV, a cable channel has a program titled “My Pat”, which couples an older woman with a younger guy and puts them in a co-habitation situation.

It's no news that reality television programs are the "it" media content these days. Of the most popular entertainment programs at the moment are reality programs such as “Muhandojeon”, which are about five so called under-average celebrities always reaching far beyond their grasp (thus the name of the program, “Infinite Challenge”.

Another program is the “One Night, Two Days”, a program which casts five celebrities on a one-night, two-day tours to far-flung stations throughout Korea and their travails along the way. But unlike those programs, the setting of marriages in the recent programs throws some questions toward my way. Just how far will these reality programs go? Already in ``We Got Married," a few stars have openly talked of their fear that they will lose grip of what's real and what's not real about the program and their spouses in the program. 
Source: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/opinon/2009/04/164_27300.html  
Excerpts from ‘The Korea Times’

1. Nowadays, we can watch many reality TV shows from TV like
   ‘We Got Married’, ‘Infinite Challenge’, and ‘One Night, Two Days’.
   Why these reality TV shows are popular to public?
2. Reality TV shows make people’s life as object of fun.
   Then, do you think it is ethical to make Reality TV shows?
3. In the movie ‘The Truman show’,
   Truman doesn’t know about the fact that he is object for reality TV show.
   Then what do you think about yourself. Do you think your life is real?

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