What is real education? > 영어토론방

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Education What is real education?

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 6건 조회 4,355회 작성일 09-05-02 17:53


20090502_003.jpgDead Poet’s Society

This is the story of students at the respected "Welton Academy," a preparatory school in Vermont. Such schools were (and often still are) very conservative institutions that serve as high schools for parents who insist on sending their children to the best universities. Welton, like many prep schools, admitted only boys. The movie takes place in 1959.

The plot centers on the influence of Mr. Keating, a young and exciting English and poetry teacher, who is determined to teach his students to live life with absolute passion. Mr. Keating, using poetry as his vehicle, teaches his students to challenge the institutions around them.

Inspired by Mr. Keating's philosophy of life, many of his students recreate the "Dead Poet's Society," a secret club which meets in a cave in order to discuss poetry, philosophy and other topics. The club, which Mr. Keating had created many years earlier when he was a student at Welton, would be completely unacceptable to the conservative school, which discourages students from "thinking for themselves." Indeed, Welton students should be in their rooms, studying only the prescribed materials that their teachers assign.

This movie is about what happens when these students decide to pursue their own desires, and to live life with the passion that Mr. Keating encouraged. Ultimately, it is about what happens when a few idealistic students find themselves confronted against conservative forces that resist all change, including the drive for personal self-determination.

Test-Opposing Teachers Face Sanctions
By Kang Shin-who
Staff Reporter

The state-run test at primary and secondary schools was conducted across the nation while progressive groups of teachers balked at the exam again despite warnings of sanctions. Some hundreds of students with their parents went on a field trip, boycotting the test.

So far, a total of 12 unionized teachers have been dismissed for refusing to administer the state test.

Earlier, the Korean Teachers and Education Workers' Union (KTU) released names of 122 teachers in Seoul and their schools, who opposed the test.

The authorities made it clear that they will punish these teachers. ``We are going to sanction the teachers who hamper the test according to the law, regardless of the number opposing it,'' an official of the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education said.

The National Association of Parents for True Education said more than 1,400 parents around the nation joined in the campaign to fight the test. Some other parents challenged it by asking their children to submit blank answer sheets or deliberately mark wrong answers.

They have been opposing the test, claiming the uniform exam will rank schools by scores and only boost unnecessary competition.

Regional education offices in 16 provinces and cities conducted the exam on elementary school pupils in grade 4 to 6 and middle school students in five subjects ― Korean, social studies, science, math and English.

The test aims to the measure academic level of students to offer tailored-made education. The test will be announced at the beginning of next month as ``pass'' or ``fail'' in each subject.

Date: 03-31-2009
Excerpt from Korea Times

Source: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2009/04/117_42326.html

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제반니님의 댓글

제반니 작성일

Absolutely. I always consider about current Korean education. In many schools, they just concern and focus  on the "grade". Teachers always empahsis 'morality' but actually they do not teach in middle school and high school. Conservative teachers do not think students' demand and force them to be studying machine.


PaullyWoll님의 댓글의 댓글

PaullyWoll 작성일

It's not the teachers that makes it hard for students to get through their school works, but the society itself. Korean society is very very abusrd that if you had not received the expected or respected level of education, you become nothing but a breathing creature. It may seem that this has nothing to do with the matter of students being tortured by the heavy education, but you should know that


paullywoll님의 댓글의 댓글

paullywoll 작성일

school work determines their future, meaning their success in the society.


PJS님의 댓글

PJS 작성일

Korean society needs to have different perspectives about 'school level', compared to today's ones. I wonder why Korean people pay too much attention on what school they belong to. Things have been changing as well. For example, KAIST adopted a professor who got Ph.D from a local-univerisity, owing to the fact that he got better performance in his research than his contemporaries who are from universities in Seoul.


노력님의 댓글

노력 작성일

What is "real education"? Have we thought about it? I think we would be able to find the real education when we can enjoy it. In fact, education was a kind of hobby of the riches in England. But as time goes, the essence has been changed. So what I wanna say is that we should get the essence of the "real education". TO prove it, the government must try to change the social, teachers must try to make students find out one's passion and make them be able to enjoy the education, and students must try to remove hostility between friends which is existed by competition in education.


이원우동님의 댓글

이원우동 작성일

Education is different from the other countries of South Korea.
Other countries want more study
so they go university.
but our countries go to the university to get job.

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