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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,818회 작성일 09-06-14 00:42


20090614_005.jpgRecently I was in a bookstore looking at new almanacs.
I was ready to buy one until it occurred to me, just about any piece of information I might need is but a few keystrokes away—fresher and faster than any book—on the Internet. The Internet, through search engines such as Google, and services like, (and dozens of others), I can access information as quickly as I desire.

Though some might consider such a treatment slothful (“In my day, we had to walk half an hour to the library and we were glad to do so!”), for those who are pressed for time, stressed for resources or don’t have access to the books and ephemera found in larger cities, the Internet is a heaven-sent blessing of inestimable magnitude.

The practical outworkings of such knowledge access may never be fully known. But it’s been well documented that increased access to health information is making patients better prepared for consultations with their often-harried doctor, surgeon or medical specialist. When a patient (or family member) walks in with an understanding of a given ailment, time is saved and healing can often begin more quickly. Sometimes, even, the visit itself is avoided.

In business, you are only as good as the latest data. Having a global “network of networks”—which the Internet is—as a resource allows many a business person (myself included) to double-check things before a presentation, or even while a meeting is in progress. The Internet, clearly, provides many benefits to those seeking fast access to data and information, whether for business, education or personal use.

It is an especially valuable service to shut-ins, who, with some coaching, can virtually walk the globe, visiting all manner of places and browsing a huge range of information right from their home.

While there is far more knowledge available to the home (or business) user than ever before, the old Russian rubric, “Trust but verify” has never been more salient. Just as we place a greater trust in certain newspapers, journals and magazines than others (The Age, say, over a tabloid), one needs to be aware of the integrity of web sites. But here, too, the Internet comes to the rescue: with a little practice and patience, you can find reliable reference sources and thus navigate a good path through the wired world.

20090614_006.jpgChildren can access porn for as little as £1.50.
Children can gain access to internet porn via their mobile phones, a consumer group warned today. A loophole in phone safeguards lets youngsters obtain codes for adult websites by paying for them using premium rate text messages. Researchers for Which magazine got codes for eight porn sites using an O2 phone registered to a 15-year-old girl. The phone company's filter system blocked adult material being sent directly to the handset - but still let through access codes to websites showing hardcore sex films, the consumer group said. It cost £1.50 to pay for the codes which gave access to internet porn sites. Although the phone company's filter system blocked the adult sites, young viewers could view by entering the codes into a computer, Which? warned. The consumer group is concerned about the loophole which allows under 18s access to pay-per-view porn sites by paying by text rather than credit card. Which magazine editor Malcolm Coles said: "At the moment there's nothing to stop children getting hold of hardcore pornography through their mobile phone. It's easy to access and costs less than a couple of quid.

Those accessed by the consumer group's researchers boasted that users could remain anonymous because payment was by text.
An O2 spokesman said some adult websites did accept payment via mobile phones.
"While it's the responsibility of those websites to prevent under 18s from viewing the content on a computer, we do not want our mobiles to be used as a payment mechanism without age verification," he said.
The spokesman said O2 took the risk to children "very seriously", adding: "We have an age verification process for any commercial content that can be viewed on a mobile phone. We also offer a parental control on all of our mobiles that can be activated from the phone."
The premium rate phone and text message regulator Icstis said mobile phone companies and internet content providers were responsible for carrying out age verification checks.



1. There are many methods to find informations.
   Where you can find information what you need?
   Please, tell us about your experience.

2. Nowadays, we are live in the flow of information.
   Some people can easily access to the infromation, on the other hand,
   some people can't access to the information easily.
   Do you think it is necessary to improve accessbility of information?

3. The infromation have influence on society in many ways.
   There is information which is useful, however, there are some information which is useless.
   Then, do agree or disagree with the idea that information which is useless need to be restricted?

This week, there will be 'who am I' from our four lovely freshmans.
Please attend meeting and cheer them up!

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등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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493 Diplomacy
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492 Society
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