Should we ban Junk food? > 영어토론방

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Culture Should we ban Junk food?

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작성자 토론실
댓글 3건 조회 5,502회 작성일 09-06-14 00:48


20090614_004.jpgGet "junk" food out of U.S. schools
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -
Congress can fight the epidemic of childhood obesity by getting "junk" food out of school stores and snack machines, a parent-teacher group and the American Dietetic Association said on Tuesday. They backed an overhaul of federal rules so all food sold in schools must meet nutritional standards similar to school lunches. High-fat, high-sugar or high-calorie "competitive" foods now can be sold anytime outside of school cafeterias.

Roughly 17 percent of school-age children are obese, triple the rate in 1980 rate and "an epidemic in the United States," says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Obesity increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and other chronic illnesses. "The best interests of our children demand that the nutrition standards be modernized," said Byron Garrett of the National Parent Teacher Association during a Senate Agriculture Committee hearing on "reforming nutrition for kids in school." National standards are needed, the dietitian group said, so all children "have equal opportunity to a healthy school environment."

U.S. child nutrition programs like school lunch and the Women, Infants and Children feeding program are due for renewal this year. They cost $21 billion a year. School meals comply for the most part with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which encourage exercise and more consumption of fruits and vegetables, said Agriculture Committee chairman Tom Harkin.

But sugary drinks, candy and high-fat snacks undermine the investment in good food, Harkin said, because "on an average day only 62 percent of American kids who could do so eat the federally sponsored lunch." Reginald Felton of the National School Boards Association noted that some schools rely on snack sales to help cover costs. He contended that students would buy snack food outside school if it was unavailable inside the building.

Susan Neely of the American Beverage Association said that under a 2006 voluntary guideline, "there has been a 58 percent decrease in beverage calories shipped to schools." She said the guideline should become mandatory. Mars Snackfood US said it supported an update of school nutrition standards and described the work of the nonprofit Alliance for a Healthier Generation to limit fat and sugar content in snack foods.


Korea has declared war against children's obesity with the first prong of its attack focused on banning television commercials for junk food from time slots favored by children. Even before the implementation, however, opposition voices are being raised by advertisement agencies fearing a dent in their bottom line. Related interest groups are marking their time to join the fray, adding uncertainty to the plan to introduce a ``junk food curfew'' on air in March next year.

A new law protecting children's health ― set to be effective March 22 ― will ban food firms from promoting free toys and add-ins on television, radio and online advertisements. This means, don't expect to see what the latest happy meal toy is on McDonald's adverts.

The rule is just one of many related, forthcoming clampdowns by the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA), which claims it will eventually block virtually all TV commercials promoting ``unhealthy'' food and drinks during prime time, starting January 2010.

Chung Sung-hoon, spokesman of Lotteria, the nation's No. 1 fast food chain, expressed discontent over the KFDA's decision, claiming that the restriction is ``excessive.'' He said Lotteria currently airs about seven to eight TV ads per day, but the ban will push them to divert their promotion efforts to other outlets.

The KFDA said ``high-caloric, low-nutrition'' food and drinks will be banned from airing between 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. It added that a further definition of restricted goods will be announced in January 2009. And prior to a full ban in 2010, it said hearings will be held to collect public opinions.

``South Korea is belatedly moving to join the league of other advanced countries in protecting children's health,'' said Lee Ji-young of the children's food safety division at KFDA, explaining that the U.K., the U.S., France and Australia are among countries that have already cracked down on junk food ads.



1. It is easy to access to junk food from childhood.

   Please share your experiences about junk food.

2. What kinds of influences can happen from governmental policy for ban of junk food?

3. People tend to prefer junk food for many reasons.
   Do you think is it okay to keep people’s preference of junk food?
   Are there any ways to make people to have good eating habits?

This week, there will be a presider membership course form freshmans Hyungyung and Dahye.
Please, cheer them up! Then, see you this week's regular meeting^^

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anonymous님의 댓글

anonymous 작성일

1.i didnt really like any kind of junk food, including pizza, burgers, but lately i am in ameria for studying and im sorta enjoying it /2. probably lots of regulations on trade, cuz most of fast food places are actually from america on which about 2/3 of korean commerces are depending. / 3. i think it's okay in korea, i believe most of korean doesnt enjoy fast food as much american does, they go to Mcdonald like everyday.


노력님의 댓글

노력 작성일

1. It's easy to access to junk food from childhood in these days, but in my case, it was not that easy to access. I remember it was the first time when I went to the PaPais. The taste of chicken made me not be able to forget it.

2. I think the biggest problem which could be happen is that there would be many people who cannot take breakfast or lunch due to the shortage of time. In my opinion, it's worse than eatting those junk foods.

3. I think it's not that bad to take junk food in life. As we know, although so many people prefer junk foods, but junk foods are not their main dish. And in case of obesity, it's caused by laziness, not only because of junk foods, but people don't have enough exercising. So My opinion is "sometimes, take junk foods, but after take it, go to exercise~"


It'sme님의 댓글

It'sme 작성일

Isn't it " Popeyes"?

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