What his death remains to us? > 영어토론방

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Politics What his death remains to us?

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,606회 작성일 09-06-14 00:51


20090614_002.jpgWhat his death remains to us?
-People Express sorrow for Roh's death-
Mr Roh, 62, was killed in a fall from a mountain near his home. His spokesman said he had left a brief suicide note. South Koreans have expressed deep shock at the apparent suicide of former President Roh Moo-hyun, who was under investigation for alleged corruption. As well as a deep sense of sadness, for some, there is a feeling of anger. "No one is perfect, he may have had faults," 49-year-old Boo Hang-sik told me. "But the corruption investigation he was facing was politically motivated, that is why I am angry."

A human rights lawyer, Mr Roh took office in 2003 vowing to fight corruption, but correspondents say his term was a rollercoaster ride, with his Uri party hit by scandal and infighting. He was suspended early in 2004, after parliament voted to impeach him over a breach of election rules, but the Constitutional Court later overturned the move and he was reinstated.

-Mr Roh, apologized for the scandal-
Last month, Mr Roh was questioned over allegations that he had taken more than 6 million dollars in bribes from a wealthy shoe manufacturer, Park Yeon-cha, who was indicted in December on separate bribery and tax evasion charges. The former president later apologized for the scandal. "I feel ashamed before my fellow citizens. I am sorry for disappointing you," he said in a televised statement on 30 April. Mr Roh admitted his wife had received 1 million dollars from Mr Park. However, he said it was a payment to help her settle a debt, and not a bribe. He also said he was aware that the businessman had given another 5 million dollars to a relative, but that he thought it was an investment.

There are, of course, many South Koreans who supported the investigation, believing it proper that Mr Roh should answer the allegations. But few can doubt the enormous pressure it placed him under, and the emotional burden of having his reputation tainted. The spokesman for his successor, the current President Lee Myung-bak, has spoken of his profound sense of shock, calling the death "truly unbelievable and deeply sad." Whether the current administration will now pay a political price as a result of this tragedy will depend on how widely and deeply the sense of injustice is shared.

20090614_001.jpg-Difference between Mr Roh and Mr Lee About Relate with NK-
Mr Roh, during his five years at the helm, had expanded the generous aid and trade links with North Korea, and even had the red carpet rolled out for him in Pyongyang, at a rare inter-Korean summit. when he walk across to Pyongyang, He expressed hope that his trip to North Korea will help break down the barrier, ease the suffering of the Korean people and pave the way for peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula.

But, Politically, Lee Myung-bak is the polar opposite of Mr Roh.
Especially political issues are focused on the economy, education and corruption charges away from the issue of peace and security. Having taken office last year, he has dismantled much of the strategy of reconciliation with North Korea. Under Mr Lee, relations between the two countries have deteriorated rapidly. For example, North Korea announced that the nullification of all contracts on rent, salaries and taxes at the Gaeseong Industrial Complex, asking the South to empty the industrial estate unless it honors the North's wishes to amend related laws and rules. From when Lee Myung-bak won the election, his foreign policy platform is different from Mr Roh's. Lee Myung-bak's foreign policy platform is characterized by three priorities: resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue, strengthening of the Korea-U.S. alliance, and conditional assistance to the North upon denuclearization.

From. BBC News-http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8065101.stm
"S Korea stunned by Roh's suicide"
the Korea times -http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/opinon/2009/05/167_14766.html
"Lee Myung-bak’s Foreign Policy" 
"Roh Walks Across Cold War's Last Frontier"


1. Nowadays Present Mr Lee's policy concerned 'backward step of democracy.'
   What is your opinion about this?

2. What you do you think about the difference of policy which
   toward to North Korea between Mr Roh & Mr Lee?

3. If you were the President of Korea, what kind of politics want to do?

This week, our freshman yeon-joo will do 'Who am I' for her membership course
Please, cheer her up, and see you this week meeting!

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