Non-Natives Can Become English Teachers > 영어토론방

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Education Non-Natives Can Become English Teachers

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 3,956회 작성일 09-01-10 14:32


54f5sd46g4s65dg_awrhkljashf.jpgNon-native English speakers from India and other countries that use English as an official language will be able to teach at public schools from next year.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Justice said Sunday the government is opening the door for English teaching positions wider to secure more foreign English teachers at primary and secondary schools nationwide.

The government has so far allowed English teacher assistant jobs at public schools only to native-English speakers who had completed more than two years of their college courses; and the nationality of the eligible applicants was limited to seven countries ― the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Ireland.

``There are about 50 countries that have adopted English as an official language. However, we will not open the door to all teachers from the countries,'' Oh Seok-hwan, an official of the education ministry, told The Korea Times. ``Only foreigners whose countries have trade agreements with Korea can apply for the positions. These include India, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines,'' he added.

5f45sd4fs65dg_aiwsdhklajsfj.jpgThe number of foreigners holding English-teaching E-2 visa has increased to 19,934 this year, up from 17,721 in 2007 and 15,001 in 2006. Among the visa holders, some 4,300 are working at public schools as assistant English teachers. However, many schools in rural areas are still in need of native English speakers. The government sees relaxation of the visa rule as a way to help those schools have foreign teachers for English conversation classes.

Requirements for the non-native teachers, however, will be much stricter than those for native speakers. Non-native speakers have to hold a bachelor's degree or above in English studies and teaching licenses from their countries. According to the education ministry, more than half of current foreign assistant teachers don't even have basic English teaching certificates such as TESOL.

English education experts are positive about the plan. ``This word `native speaker' is an invention there's no reason why we should consider someone lucky enough to hold a passport from a country using English as a first language country to be a better speaker than someone from a land where English is used less prominently. I know many Filipinos and Indians who speak English more comfortably than some people who were born in the U.S.,'' said Rob Dickey, an American English professor.

As for concerns over the ``harsh'' accent of non-native speakers, the professor said, ``Many Americans can't understand Australians and vice versa, so purity of accent is a political consideration. The other fact is more than 50 percent of all visitors to Korea who use English are not native speakers, so it would be good for students to hear many different varieties of English.''

Lee Byung-min, an English education professor at Seoul National University, said that qualified non-native speakers with teaching licenses would be much better for Korean English education than native speakers without teaching licenses. ``We can also choose highly qualified non-native teachers at lower costs as their wages are relatively lower,'' Lee said.

Parents' groups also showed positive reaction to Asian English teachers. ``Korean English education has put too lopsided focus on American English so far and there have been many unqualified teachers at schools. We don't oppose English teachers from India or the Philippines as long as they are proven teachers,'' said Yoon Sook-ja, chairwoman of the National Association of Parents for True Education.

By Kang Shin-who
Staff Reporter

1. Have you ever been taught by foriegn teacher who was from

   english-spoken country except America and England? How was it?
   Can you notice that the difference between non- american or non- british and american and british?
2. Do you think it is necessary to expand range of qualification of

   native speaker teacher to have native speaker English teacher in schools?
3. What kinds of problems can happen if we have Indian English teachers since

   India is not a country which speaks English as their first language?
4. What can we do to solve the problem which was mentioned at third question?
   Employing only american or british would be a good solution?
   Is there any creative solution to help korean student improve their english?

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달콤살벌girl님의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

1. I was taught by a teacher from Australia. It was-to tell the truth-horrible. Nobody could understand his pronounciation. But it was rather interesting, I must say. And yes. Being an American (I was born in the US), I can notice the difference. Americans sound like me, and British sound like Harry Potter. I used to pretend (When I was younger) that I was from England, and pronounced my English like a British, so, from my experience of speaking with an accent, yes, I can tell all the pronounciations apart.
2. No, I don't think that's really necessary.
3. I think that Indian teachers could become to be a serious problem. I've noticed that in Korea, students listen to the teacher's pronounciation and follow it exactly. Indian people are not the first choice for English teachers.
4. I think that for the time being, Korea will have to hire only Americans-even British will not help the students with pronouncing. However, I've noticed that more and more people are living in America for long periods, so I personally think it will not be long before Korea will have many people that speak English fluently.
Schools should hire these people later on in the future. A creative solution.....umm.. If the Korean student
is wealthy enough, I think that going to America would be the best solution. However, if not, they can always ask other students (like me^^) who speak English fluently to help them out. If the student gets to speak
in English with somebody else on a daily basis, the student will get more used to it. I think that gossiping
is a very good way of speaking English for a long time. My friend and I tried it out, and our discussion (which was full with gossip) went on for hours. Oh, and it might help to have the student to read a LOT.
No comic books, though. Hahahaha! lol:)

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