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Society Kang Ho Soon

페이지 정보

작성자 PaulyWolly
댓글 5건 조회 3,826회 작성일 09-02-14 10:11


416_head_01.gifAmid the public’s wrath over a serial killer’s brutality, a growing number of people are raising their voices to revive the death penalty and establish a law to reveal felons’ personal information including their faces. The recent disclosure of Kang Ho-soon’s face is stirring intensive controversies over criminals’ human rights versus the public’s rights to know and to be protected.
As the brutal serial murderer Kang’s crimes were revealed, the whole country was shocked by his inhumanity. He admitted to killing seven innocent women over the past two years. Considering the nature of the crime, the police decided to disclose his face and personal information.

On February 2, the police said they will start working on legislating a law to disclose the personal information of brutal criminals to the public to a certain extent. Currently, no laws offer a specific basis for the police to determine which criminals may be disclosed to the public.

416_head_02.gif“We will work on a bill regulating the disclosure range of a criminal’s face and personal information with the prosecution and the court,” said a National Police Agency경찰청 official. “Serial killers and infanticides are the primary subjects of this provisional bill.”

Hundreds of thousands of people are welcoming the new law, claiming that the faces of such cruel criminals should be shown to the public in order to prevent further crimes. “Our government has to make a law that allows the publication of the personal information of brutal criminals to protect us,” said Nam Young-min, a 34-year-old citizen from Seoul.

416_head_03.gifOn the other hand, some civic groups oppose the law, saying that our society should protect the basic rights of criminals whose information need not to be opened to the public. “Based on the recommended policies from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)국가인권위원회, we cannot actively reveal the criminal’s face,” said Lee Myung-gyun, who heads the police probe into Kang’s murders, soon after his photo was made public by the media.

The photos of Kang Ho-soon were published in many newspapers and broadcasting stations. Kang, a father of three children, was reportedly shocked by the news. Not onl y his photos but also his sons’ names and information are spreading on the Internet rapidly, threatening the children’s safety.

According to police officials, the provisional revision bill is expected to end the debate on the lawfulness of felon information disclosure.
Question 1. Do you think that the criminal's face should be revealed to the public?
Question 2. What kind of punishment do you think the killer should receive?



달콤살벌girl님의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

1. I think that the criminal's face should definitely be revealed. Although I can understand the criminal's view 
  about his son (I hope everybody who reads this knows about what he said about his son), it's my opinion
  that everybody should have a right to see the criminal's face. When I lived in America, I'm sure that they
  revealed criminals' faces to the public. And, personally, I was rather curious when they said that Kang
  Ho-soon was handsome, or whatever. hahaha
2. Because of the fact that I'm just a junior high schooler, I'm not sure about what kinds of punishments
  there are. But I'm pretty sure that fees are not going to help. Criminals aren't gonna repent anything if all
  they have to do is give money to the government or wherever the money goes. (I'm sorry about the
  'wherever'. I told you that I'm a junior high schooler. I don't know specifically where the money goes.)
  Anyway, I think that fees do NOT cover the sins of the criminal.
I hope what I wrote was a 'something' that actually helped.


PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

okay, but what about the right of Kang Ho Soon? (When answering to this question, please do not bring in any personal feelings.)


종훈씽님의 댓글

종훈씽 작성일

criminal is him, not his son.
human rights must adapt every body, even though he committed a crime
just my thinking, as you know, is that the respect of human rights is most important in the human's right
so, we must protect  his right. don't you think so?
in fact, his familly is victim, too.


종훈씽님의 댓글

종훈씽 작성일

문장이 맞는지도 모르겠네요.ㅠㅠ 워낙에 미천한 실력이라


PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

True, his family is one of the victims. People say that personal rights should be provided and respected under any circumstances. Then, what if a criminal escapes from the cell? How would a person know how the criminal looks?

Total 1,076건 40 페이지
영어토론방 목록
491 Education
Education in Korea. 
PaulyWolly hit:4012 02-24
490 Theothers
112, 119, 114 
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489 Society
달콤살벌girl hit:3972 02-22
488 Society
[Easy Topics Episode 1] 
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열람중 Society
Kang Ho Soon 
PaulyWolly hit:3827 02-14
486 Theothers
To anydoubt(I am xcxc123dl from naver.com) 
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485 Society
Changing Korean drinking habits 
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484 Education
Non-Natives Can Become English Teachers 
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483 Society
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토론실 hit:4260 01-03
482 Society
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PaulyWolly hit:3270 01-06
481 Culture
480 Culture
479 Education
478 Education
477 Philosophy
The Other Side of Daily Life 
토론실 hit:8359 12-13
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