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Society Episode

페이지 정보

작성자 달콤살벌girl
댓글 14건 조회 3,971회 작성일 09-02-22 22:02


1gdf21fgd1221gdf_d54fhg5f4h.jpgThis is an episode.
Please write your opinion and answer the questions.

There were two women that lived as neighbors.
One was called Jane, and one was called Mary.
Jane had a very pretty face, and Mary was very ugly.
One day, Jane and Mary got into a fight.
The reason was that Jane had used Mary's car without permission by stealing Mary's keys.
This fight went on for 2 weeks.
During these 2 weeks, Jane stole Mary's car, money, and damaged the grass on Mary's front yard.
As for Mary, she spread the rumor that Jane had stolen her car and money all over the town.
Jane and Mary went to the court to hear the judge's opinion.
The result was the opposite of which the people had thought it would be like.
Mary had to give hundreds of dollars to Jane for the rumor, and Jane had nothing to do but to give back what she had
taken from Mary.
It was later said that the judges had done this to Mary because of her looks.
The opinion of the judge was that Jane was pretty, and had a great future to live so she shouldn't be fined.(Just for her
As for Mary, it was said that she had to take full responsibility for her rumors.


1. Do you think that the judge's opinion was one that was correct?
Why or why not??

2. What would your opinion be if you were the judge?

*Please answer to the questions truthfully*



달콤살벌girl님의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

I hope this episode was ok.
This was the first time that I'd written an episode or anything at all.


수양대군님의 댓글

수양대군 작성일

What the hell are you saying? it just terrible episode
1.no( his judge's incorrect, just fucking act. but it's true aspect of our nation.)
2.must impartial. if I was judge, I sent jane to jail during her life.


달콤살벌girl님의 댓글의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

I'm sorry......


PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

↑Do not briging down the up-loader. If you are that smart, please post one of your own. Never mock others.

1. I don't think that the opinion was impartial because laws are supposed to be very strict and cold-hearted.
They do not let out any chances of an excepation nor an act of generosity according to a person's look.

2. My opinion is that both of them should be parted away from each other until they are ready to get along again.


달콤살벌girl님의 댓글의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

Thank you...
I am SO discouraged right now..


PaulyWolly님의 댓글의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

no need to be discouraged by a criticism from a person of no manner


달콤살벌girl님의 댓글의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

You are a comfort, PaulyWolly!
Thank you^^


PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

For 수양대군, it does not make sense that you will only punish Jane. A judge has to make a decision that will be agreed by people.


정보보안전문가님의 댓글

정보보안전문가 작성일

I know next to nothing about English. YUCK!


달콤살벌girl님의 댓글의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

That's ok.
Just write it in unproper grammar.
Everybody understands^^


PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

Other than writings like )(*@!#)(&!@*&(%*@&!(*!&@(#*)@!(*(), anything in English is fine


달콤살벌girl님의 댓글의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

haha That's right^^


소논객님의 댓글

소논객 작성일

Very terrible episode , but this episode be heard reality
Wherever we lives , Almost people judge someone by their appearance
But I think one's beautiful mind  is much more worth than appearance
And If I were a judge I would decide against jane


달콤살벌girl님의 댓글의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

sorry about writing such a terrible episode.
I'd like to see yours, too

Total 1,076건 40 페이지
영어토론방 목록
491 Education
Education in Korea. 
PaulyWolly hit:4012 02-24
490 Theothers
112, 119, 114 
PaulyWolly hit:4693 02-23
열람중 Society
달콤살벌girl hit:3972 02-22
488 Society
[Easy Topics Episode 1] 
PaulyWolly hit:3579 02-14
487 Society
Kang Ho Soon 
PaulyWolly hit:3826 02-14
486 Theothers
To anydoubt(I am xcxc123dl from naver.com) 
PaulyWolly hit:4402 01-30
485 Society
Changing Korean drinking habits 
토론실 hit:5470 01-17
484 Education
Non-Natives Can Become English Teachers 
토론실 hit:3957 01-10
483 Society
People giving more to charities 
토론실 hit:4260 01-03
482 Society
답변글 Re..People giving more to charities 
PaulyWolly hit:3269 01-06
481 Culture
480 Culture
479 Education
478 Education
477 Philosophy
The Other Side of Daily Life 
토론실 hit:8358 12-13
게시물 검색



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대한민국 토론커뮤니티-토론실 대표: 이민섭
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