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Society Reason of suicide

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작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 4,193회 작성일 08-10-30 04:32


fd4dfs4dfs4dfs4.jpg'Actress Committed Suicide Impulsively'

Police Friday concluded that actress Choi Jin-sil hanged herself on impulse under the influence of alcohol.

The interim conclusion was made after an autopsy was conducted and her written memo and accounts of witnesses and friends were studied.

Police found a notebook in which the late iconic actress expressed her innermost feelings in a memo. In it she said, ``I am a loner being bullied… I can't breathe.''

Yang Jae-ho of Seocho Police Station said investigators have secured several pieces of evidence that her inner world had been shuffling between death and life. Sometimes she managed to get over extreme mental stress through dialogue with friends, he said.

Choi came home Wednesday night after she halted shooting for a pharmaceutical commercial. A day earlier, she reportedly received telephone calls from a woman whom she accused of spreading a false rumor that she (Choi) was a loan shark who lent 2 billion won to TV actor Ahn Jae-hwan, who was also found dead in his car last month. The accused begged for Choi's mercy and Choi reportedly cried all day long, which made her uncomfortable at the shoot the following day.

Choi kept on saying she was not a loan shark and that she would never want her children to hear that. She was worrying about it Friday, when her son was to attend a sports meeting. She reportedly said ``I cannot go there feeling like this.'' She was drunk when she got home.

Choi then called up a magazine reporter just after midnight Thursday and repeatedly told her that she wanted to die. She reportedly said, ``This is the last time I am calling you. Please take care of my kids.''

The two text messages her makeup manager received read like this. ``My dear, I hope you take care of my children if something happens to me,'' Choi seemed to have thought about killing herself before taking the fatal action, the police assumed.

The National Scientific, Criminal and Investigation Laboratory has yet to establish whether the suicide involved drug taking.

She will be cremated Saturday following a funeral.

Two copycat suicides were reported Friday, one day after Choi killed herself.

A 55-year-old Park was found dead around midnight hanging from an elastic bandage in the bathroom of her apartment in Haenam, South Jeolla Province. Another woman with the family name Lee, was found dead in the same way in Gangneung, Gangwon Province, Friday morning. Park reportedly suffered from depression, the same disease Choi had.

Police are worried over more copycat suicides following Choi's death.

The government and political circles moved swiftly to prevent such a syndrome. Health Minister Jeon Jae-hee Thursday urged people to think of suicide as a grave issue and not to follow it while Rep. Lim Doo-sung of the governing Grand National Party is seeking legislation to support those suffering from depression and to come up with a system to reduce suicide to the maximum extent.

``I hope the Werther effect does not affect anyone anymore. I hope the bill would bring hope to the desperate ones,'' the lawmaker said.

The late actress Choi Jin-sil
The Late Choi Jin-sil’s Funeral Will Be Held Today
By Bae Ji-sook Staff Reporter

1. Presider will select several questions related with reference. 
   Have you ever thought about or attempted suicide?

   What is the psychological reason people commit suicide?
2. In social view, What makes people suicide?
3. What can we do to prevent another suicide?

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고니곤님의 댓글

고니곤 작성일

1. Personally, I have thought of commiting suicide a couple of times. That happened mainly when I was struggling with the relationship with friends. In order to prevent people from commiting suicide, a country have to have more facilities such as a free counselling and clinics and consulations to help people mentally in danger out. Also, Korean people have been considering people who go for phsychiatric hospital to be strange. Therefore, people are likely to hide their symptom of mental problem, so that they make thier problem worse and would end up commiting suicide. So as early as possible, anyone who struggle with their mental problems should get a medical treatment so that they would not get worse. It is reallt important fot people to have someone to sahre their problems togetther.
2. Theese days, people have become more independent because of industrialised development. without cooperations, people could implement their tasks. This has been a good aspect for people who live in the 20 centuries in a sense. In another sense, people have been so lonely and there have been a lack of a spirit of cooperation. the feeling of lone and being left alone are considered one of main reason that people commit suicide. It is so true that we have been better off because of all the development we have acheived so far.But at the same time, there should be some of alternatives for these critical negative aspects.

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