Evolution of Emotional Machine > 영어토론방

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Technique Evolution of Emotional Machine

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작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 4,666회 작성일 08-10-30 04:37


54d4545fg454565g.jpgThe Korea Herald celebrated its 55th anniversary on Aug. 15. To mark the occasion, we have been offering special reports analyzing the impact of the IT revolution on Korean society. A group of renowned experts will shed light on new trends emerging in political, economic, social and cultural dimensions. The following is the 22nd installment. - Ed.

People live among many machines, from automobiles and computers to televisions and nasal hair shavers. We use them to provide specific functions in our daily lives. These machines were developed and intended to provide people with a better quality of life. We then created machines to be intelligent in order to use them properly, and so they were equipped with computing power.

The more intelligent the machine is, the more effectively the machine interacts with people. Machines have become better at understanding human intentions and providing what users want.
So far, people have been satisfied with these so-called intelligent machines. Computers have developed to the point where they exist everywhere, often without being seen. People work with computers all the time, without realizing it. Since people spend every second of their lives with computers, they may one day become friends or partners in their lives.

Because of this, machines are now asked to interact with people in a more developed, more human way. Users have begun to want machines to act like people. Rather than merely intelligent, a machine is required to be emotional.
Therefore, communication with computers should be more natural and friendly than traditional methods, which chiefly rely on manual input. Scientists are working to improve interfaces. They are looking to use more intrinsic methods of communication, such as speech, facial expressions and gestures, and computers are becoming more like humans. Sharing emotions with machines is just the start.

Recently, robot designers have joined this trend. The robot industry has changed its development strategy from replicating human functions or serving specific purposes to recognizing and expressing human emotion. Kismet at MIT was a facial robot that could express emotions. The robot moved its eyebrows and mouth to mimic people's facial expressions. Aibo, the robot dog developed by Sony, was designed to show emotion according to human treatment. For example, it showed enjoyment after being touched gently by moving its tail or flashing its green eyes.
Androids, or humanoid robots, will soon be able to express and respond to emotion. Robots have recently been developed to share emotions rather than help people. This is evidence machines are becoming more based on emotions.

Accessories and IT devices can already detect emotions and provide unexpected but impressive services. For example, the Emotional Mouse, from Sangmyung University in Korea, was developed to detect the emotions of computer users using physiological sensors and to display the user's emotional state online. VIBE necklaces from Phillips in the Netherlands can send and receive emotional information between wearers without them saying anything about their feelings. The BT2 watch from EXMOCARE in the United States can measure emotions and send that information to mobile phones and websites. iMind from Apple plays music and images that a user thinks of without direct user input.

As technology develops, people demand their surroundings be intelligently designed and functional. Indeed, they have carried out the tasks asked of them. The emotional environment will be the next development.
Why machines should be emotional Emotions are communicated through a universal language that people instinctively know. People recognize the emotions of others by their voice, face, gesture, skin color and so on. Perhaps it is the law of nature that emotion should be communicated. People want their emotions to be known by those around them and look for an appropriate response.

Emotions affect thought patterns. Identical problems are approached differently according to a person's emotional state. When people feel good they make alternative solutions of a problem creatively. However, people focus only on obtaining the correct solution to a problem when they experience negative emotions. Humans are more creative when they are happy, but more analytical when unhappy. Therefore, humans can definitely be called more emotional than rational. This is why humans demand emotional machines rather than intelligent machines.

First of all, I'm sorry to upload this article late.
On this friday, Sophomore Won-Hyun Jung is going to take membership course ' presider'
According to changing rules which were decided in staff meeting,
She will make the questions herself.

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PaullyWolly님의 댓글

PaullyWolly 작성일

Emotional Machines.. heh? XDDD

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