The whole world should switch to the metric system > 영어토론방

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Technique The whole world should switch to the metric system

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,585회 작성일 08-11-23 23:44


Let me first get some definitions out of the way.

The whole world- Well, to be honest I am mainly referring to the United States, however to be fair I included the other two countries that don't have the metric system (Liberia and Myanmar).

Metric System- This is the metric system of measurements, with meter, centimeter, kilometer, newton, etc... This may also be referred to as SI units, which stands for Systeme Internationale (French for 'International System).

I contend that the world should be unified under a single system of measurements. This should occur for several clear and important reasons. Namely the ease at which calculations can occur without the need to use bothersome and tedious 'conversion factors' in equations as well as an inter-cultural linking of a single international system. Along with this we have the advantage that the SI system of measurements is based on solid principles of logic and reason, based on scientific principles and constants. While on the other hand, the Imperial system of measurements is based on arbitrary objects such as someone's foot as well as having none of the linking factors that the SI system has.

Through these 5 rounds, I will show the advantages of a single system of measurement, the superiority of the SI system of measurements as well as the inferiority and arbitrary nature of the imperial system of measurements.

I sincerely thank anyone who accepts this debate.
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I disagree the opinions of my opponent.
If you think there are only 200 people in our Earth. 197 people use their feet to measure length habitually. Only 3 people use their arms to measure length habitually. So, we can assume the standard of length in the society is 1 feet, but only 3 people use the standard of 1 cubit. But in the situation, do you really think the 3 people should change their standards? If they think bothersome and tedious 'conversion factors' in equations are less than uncomfort to change thier standards of measurements, Do you still say "The three people should change their standards of length?"
I think you can say "As I have mentioned before, we have the advantage that the SI system of measurements is based on solid principles of logic and reason, based on scientific principles and constants. While on the other hand, the Imperial system of measurements is based on arbitrary objects such as someone's foot as well as having none of the linking factors that the SI system has. So, Your analogy miss my point." But, Why we need solid principles of logic and reason, based on scientific principles and constants in this area of measurements? Because it can give comfort to people. What do you think someone's foot can only be arbitrary objects? It can much cheaper and easier to use than ruler. In addition, ruler in the market also have some error. We can say only the standards based on physical principles are only exact. But in our real world, the "physical principles" can be easily realized? It is expensive and hard to use. I can say it is also illogical.
But if we already know the centimeter's of our feet, we can easily use the arbitrary objects and calculations can be easily finished.
In addition, USA is a complex and big country. Changing standards of measurements in USA costs a lot of expense also. Do you really think the expenses are less than the uncomfort of calculations?
I'll wait your reply.
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Well first off, thanks for taking the debate. I'll address what you said first before moving onto some points of my own.

You seem to be suggesting that if it is too difficult for one country to change something, it shouldn't be done. I think I need to remind you that the USA is the only country in the western world who does not officially recognise SI units as the primary unit of measurement. If you're arguing that most of the world uses the imperial system, that is outright wrong. In fact as of 2006, 95% of the world's population live in metricated countries. That's right, 95% ( I suppose it is understandable to disagree if you are from the USA where you have been using your imperial system your whole life, but hopefully you can recognise that the vast majority of the world do not use your system of measurement, not only this but your system of imperial measurement is almost inconceivably flawed.

The idea that units of measurement SHOULDN'T be based on science and logic is outright ludicrous. Everything you see is based on these measurements, from the calculations of microwave heat, to the structural integrity of the walls of your house and everything in between. The idea that these units should be chosen seemingly at random is baffling. It simply is not possible to have any sort of reasonable scientific advancement with a system of measurement so abrirtarily defined.

This brings me to my first point, the fact that a single unified system of measurements is beneficial to humanity as a whole. Accepting the fact that the vast, vast majority of the world uses the metric system, the benefits of having just one system are many, although for the sake of saving space, here are two main ones, broken into scientific use and general use.

A unifying of ideas that stretches beyond cultural barriers, such as in general conversation talking to people from the USA it is usually bothersome to have to explain that when you weigh, say 83 kilograms that that is about 185 pounds. A world with a single system would not need this, although granted it would take a while for the habitual use of the imperial system to wear out.

Actually a few times, the use of two systems of measurement has caused serious damage to scientific progress and also endangered the lives of people. I point to two examples in very recent times

-In 1983 a Boeing 767 jet ran out of fuel in mid flight because of two mistakes in figuring the fuel supply of Air Canada's first aircraft to use metric measurements. (

-In 1999 NASA lost a $125 million Mars orbiter because one engineering team used metric units while another used US customary units for a calculation. (

These two disasters were entirely preventable, and in hindsight, they are almost laughable that they happened. It seems strange that NASA could manage to lose such an important piece of equipment through such a simple error, however it is sadly suprising almost to the point of depression that this was due simply to conversion between two units when it wasn't even needed.
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Before taking up the main subject, I notice you I'm a Korean, not an American. My country also uses metric system. But, because I want to be the champion of debate on the world, I am practicing debates now. So, I don't care my current shoes are now. I chose shoes of cons because I think this way can provide me fun and stimulate. And, I gift you my counterattacks several times so I will take win of this debate. I hope you also show me your whole cards included your hidden cards.

First, I was not arguing that most of the world uses the imperial system. But I can admit my arguments could also maybe understood you like the means, so I admit this is my mistake. But, as I have mentioned before, my nation uses metric system so if my nation change standard from metric system to imperial system, I can also tell you changing standards of measurements in Korea from metric system to imperial system also costs a lot of expense, so my country must remain metric system because of my logics in Round 1.

Second, I point out the problems of your examples.
"General conversation talking to people from the USA it is usually bothersome to have to explain that when you weigh, say 83 kilograms that that is about 185 pounds." But that bothersome is not a serious problem. They can easily calculate their weigh by using books, internet and other things from imperial system to metric system and the opposite also can be easily realized the same way. Do you really think this is a hard task? And, do you really think this bothersome is more great than the trouble in the USA by changing standard from imperial system to metric system?
In addition, if a world with a single system would not need bothersome of translation so whole world should choose metric system without an exception, because of the same reason, "Every country in the world should unified one language because a world with a single system of language would not need bothersome of translation" can also be justified. You can say this analogy is a missed things so I guess now you can point out these things.
(1)Language is not a unit like metric system.
(2)English is not widely used like metric system, and it is not scientific reason to choose English to the standard of the world conversation.
(3)I also agree to "Every country should choose one language. So my logic have no contradiction"
Finally, I don't think the bothersome of measurements can be compared to the bothersome from different language. So, I have you a question again. Do you really think imperial system of measurements must be vanished from national standard?
Your examples also show partially things only. Also their are a few mistakes from trouble because of standards of measurement, in the most situation from the view of reverse, USA have no specific trouble to use imperial system to the experiments of scientific purpose. Mistake can be provoked everywhere. If The persons in charge of your examples are not missed their mission, the accidents was not happened. I think the main reason of the accidents in your examples is the carelessness of theirs. What makes you think the standards of measurements is the main reason to the accidents in your examples? In addition, when USA start to change from imperial system to metric system while many experiments and works still achieved like the current situation of USA, do you really think more complexity and mistakes that can provoke accidents like your examples will not be happened? Current age is not like 1889.

Finally, you still argue scientific and logical reason, I have you a question.
What make you think metric system have scientific and logical reason? Because it is based on scientific phenomenon? Widely used around the world? Being chosen by scientists? Or anything else?
I already mentioned "We already know the centimeter's of our feet, we can easily use the arbitrary objects and calculations can be easily finished.", "It can much cheaper and easier to use than ruler. In addition, ruler in the market also have some error. We can say only the standards based on physical principles are only exact. But in our real world, the "physical principles" cannot be easily realized. It is expensive and hard to use. I can say it is also illogical." with this aspects.

I'll wait your reply.
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I acknowledge that it is not a big thing having to convert things in general conversation, but it still adds up. The main point is, this conversion of feet/yards/gallon is simply not needed. In Australia, we mainly get USA television shows, and I have to constantly think of what they're talking about when I'm watching CSI or something and they say something like 'Oh, he fell 3 feet to his death'. The problems of general use, are not serious but it is very bothersome and totally avoidable.

With scientific use, yes it actually is a big deal. Aside from the fact that it is a much more logical system of measurement (see below) the use of two systems of measurements has actually endangered the lives of people and set back scientific progress. While I do agree that the engineers are primarily to blame for the mess up in conversion, the simple fact remains that these things were totally avoidable and could have been averted entirely through the use of a single system of measurements.

Now to explain why the SI system is the most logical system.

Base units of measurement are based on universal constants

Meter- is the distance that light travels in a vacum in 1/299,792,458 of a second.

Kilogram- is equal to the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram, it is also almost exactly equal to one liter of water.

Celsius- Temperature scale whereby 0 degrees is the freezing point of water and 100 degrees is the boiling point of water.

Besides the obvious practicality of having base units that are not arbitrarily defined, the metric system has the distinct advantage of having all its units multiples of 10.

For example

Centimeter- 1/100th of a meter
Millimeter- 1/1000th of a meter
Kilometer- 1000 meters

This makes it incredibly easy to move between units, all that is needed is to move the decimal point. The Imperial system of measurements is so messed up and needlessly confusing, it makes my head hurt. But I'll get onto that in round 4.
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But, your explanation still lack of the trouble and complexity of switching standards of units. The main purpose of units of standards increase convenience of lives of people. Of course I admit globalization is the main trend in the modern age so unified units based on scientifically logics are much useful. But, in the general use, we should also consider customs of people that are not easily changed. No matter how you point out illogical people, it is the real situation where overwhelming changing customs often provoke failure in the history. In addition, if you mainly get USA television shows, you should understand USA's own culture and standards. If you mainly get a minority races TV and complain why the minority races use their own language that are illogical and hard to use, not to change English or other major language in the world that are logical and easy to use on the TV program, do you think it is logical? Both units and languages is the rule of conversation between people and people that have the purpose of increasing convenience of the users. Already, most country in the world already use metric system, so if USA still remain only non-metric system in the world, it is not provoke much complexity to the outer world of USA. If USA people still think the complexity is not accepted of changing their standards from imperial system, they have the right to remain their standards. Even so, this situation have no specific harms. Only the trouble of translation exist like the situation of the language. Do you really think it is not a really acceptable situation? Don't you think globalization also mean to respect difference of others?

Do you really think imperial system of USA set back their scientific progress? Also, the use of two systems of measurements can be an obstacle in the science of USA, but still, how can you explain the level of USA science is most developed in the world? Can you really prove Imperial system so much harm in the USA science not only show me examples of accidents but also other things? And, if you particularly wish I show you examples of the level of USA science, it is useless. I can so much easily find my examples like the number of the Novel Prize Winner in the science parts. In addition, you only told me the possibility of setting back the science, but had no practical proof the imperial system set back USA science yet. But I can tell you the side effects of changing standards like the cost of changing USA science textbooks, complexity of scientists and students who want to be the scientists who already learned by using old-type science textbooks who already skilled to use two systems of measurements, and so many other things that can set back of the level of USA science. Don't you really think you omit this side effects of changing standards?

I admit SI system have much logical system and easy to calculate so it can be easily used. But 'meter - is the distance that light travels in a vacum in 1/299,792,458 of a second.'. Do you think we can easily use this standards in the daily lives? We can only use rulers that have also errors like feet. In addition, 'Kilogram- is equal to the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram, it is also almost exactly equal to one liter of water.', 'Celsius- Temperature scale whereby 0 degrees is the freezing point of water and 100 degrees is the boiling point of water.', Do you really think only gaining a little more accurate, but provoking trouble of the lives of the USA people is 'logical and scientific' plan? Do you really think 'Fahrenheit' and 'Pound' have really serious errors so USA people already complain every day their complexity of units?

In addition, you told me 'the metric system has the distinct advantage of having all its units multiples of 10.' and 'The Imperial system of measurements is so messed up and needlessly confusing.'. But you found your examples so much far away. You can also easily find other examples in your near place of units that are not used to multiples of 10 - the system of time. 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours, 7 days, 28 days, 29 days, 30 days, 31 days, 365 days and 12 months are also so much complexity. But I don't think you have the special trouble because of the system of time because you did not tell me first, you already skilled to use this system second, it is widely used in the world third, and finally multiples of non-ten also have useful aspects to people. If you want to have no contradictions with this topic in the situation, you can only choose that ways.
1. You can choose this arguments that the system of time is also based on the multiple of 10.
2. You can choose this arguments the changing of time and the changing of the USA standards of units is the different matters. But in this case, you should explain why USA people should accept their trouble by changing their standards of units but outer people have no reason to change their illogical standards of units.

I'll wait your reply.
I have more examples like carot, barrel and so many other things that can be contained this debate.
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Ok, once again I'll address the points raised by my opponent.

What I gather from my opponent's rebuttal is his whole argument is centered around a 'why bother?' attitude. I feel I have already gone through this, although I will summarise;

1) Problems with conversion between units has caused problems more than once
2) It is a bothersome and annoying problem in daily life
3) One system of measurement is clearly more accurate than the other (my opponent actually agrees with me on this point)

The difficulties of switching units need not be great. I imagine it could be done totally in a matter of generations. All that is required is a total stop of the teaching of the imperial system in schools, and a little effort to ease in the metric system into cultural arenas such as sports and TV shows. I admit that the latter may prove to be much more difficult, however the end result is rewarding: A universal system of measurements, which is as accurate as we can possibly get it with our current knowledge.

I've never made the claim that people using the imperial system are incapable of scientific progress, however I do think that a system of measurement more rooted in scientific principles would make such progress easier. A universal system certainly could make international scientific progress that little bit easier.

The units of time you described are not at all arbitrarily chosen which is what you seem to be suggesting. I am not advocating that everything be multiples of ten, just that they make sense. This is where the imperial system fails spectacularly as I will now demonstrate.

Let's just go through a few units used in this system.

Yard- This is the base unit, I am having trouble finding its origin but it could be anything from a random number of "0.9144 metre." to "being the distance between the tip of the king's nose and the end of his thumb.".

Inch- This is illogically the smallest practical unit in the metric system. For all intents and purposes, people use fractions of inches when dealing with small measurements. This clearly creates pointless arithmetic problems when adding fractions.

Mile- Another round of pointless and tedious conversion with one mile being equal to 1760 yards or 5280 feet. Keep in mind that these numbers seem to be randomly chosen.

Pound- This is exactly 0.45359237 kilograms. I've been trying to find a scientific explanation of this number to no avail. It seems to have been just chosen at random.

Fahrenheit- This unit is a mix of pointless complication and impracticality. Based off a mixture of salt and water, a series of calculations and pointless arithmetic gives the final answer.
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Your argument is based on the benefit in the future. I also think if we still leave our current problem, future will not be different also. But, this debate is happened in 'this' time and deal with the current situation. So, I still argue the expense in the present. For example in my nation, although our government united metric system since 1964, Koreans still use both metric system and the old system of 'cheok-gwan' of many parts in daily lives. So the completely united standards of measurements are not completed in the Korean society yet. Recently, Korean government pressure to people to ONLY use metric system in their whole daily lives, but it is not a easy task in this situation. So this experience, I think the changing of standards in USA are also not the easy task that you think. So, even if I agree USA should start to switch to the metric system, but, it should be not started without to complete prepare the plan of minimizing complexity because of changing standards of units by USA government. From this view, your arguments can justified more than my argument in the near future, but not now. In addition, I can still oppose many of your reasons, so I can still cause damage to your arguments.

Kilogram- is equal to the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram, it is also almost exactly equal to one liter of water.
Celsius- Temperature scale whereby 0 degrees is the freezing point of water and 100 degrees is the boiling point of water.
This is the example that you showed me and you say it is the evidence metric system have more reasonable. But, originally Meter is based on 1/40000000 of the meridian line. The definition of meter in your example appeared later because of making more accurate system. In addition, yard can also be defined again by using the speed of light to pursue more accurate system. Just, metric system appeared more faster and widely used in the world, to the frankly speaking, it have no logical reasons metric system is more advanced system than the imperial system. What on earth 1/299,792,458 and 1/40000000 are not random definition also? Then, pound also can be defined again by using new 'yard' and using water. So, kilogram are also random choice by scientists in the past time. Celsius are also the same thing in this aspect. Do you still argue metric system are not a random choice like imperial system?

'The units of time you described are not at all arbitrarily chosen which is what you seem to be suggesting. I am not advocating that everything be multiples of ten, just that they make sense. '
Just that they make sense? It is the whole reason that the system of time and imperial system different? No, no. Please more elaborate on this.

In a nutshell, I think imperial system and metric system are the same in the aspects of random choice, the arguments of united metric system can be only supported by the reason. - Promoting convinience.'

I'll wait your final reply.
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You seem to be repeatedly stressing that 'it will not be easy' to do worldwide metrication. I say: So what? 95% of the world already uses the metric system and the slight inconveniance of that 5% learning one worldwide system will have great benifits. There is no reason for the majority to suffer the pointlessness of the imperial system when there is a much, much better system out there, a point which you seem to concede. I fully believe that the imperial system could be entirely phased out in a matter of generations.

It is true that it may take time to make the metric system habit, although it wouldn't be nearly as hard as you allude to. Australia has made the switch very easily, with barely anyone talking in imperial units. All it takes is government support and it can be done.

You go on to talk about how the metric system has been adapted to be more and more accurate, and how the imperial system could become such a system. However this isn't the case, surely if there were to be a clear scientific definition of inches and yards and it proved to be more practical than the metric system, then it would be used. To argue that the metric system is a 'random choice' is simply wrong, they are based on things, real things and real constants. Things match up and things work. If the imperial system were to be better than the metric system and I was in the 5% that didn't use it, I'd see no reason not to switch.

Summing up.

-My opponent agrees with me that the metric system is a more logical system
-I have demonstrated that the switch needs to be made for unity, for safety (due to dangerous mix-ups caused by dual systems), and for logical reasons that one system is clearly superior to the other (a point which, as I have said, my opponent agrees with me on)

Thus, you must vote PRO

Thank you.
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Everyone, this debate is my win and I hope you vote me to my win because of the following explanation.

Every failure reformation can be justified themselves : 'Only, it is the matter of the time. If the people could bear a little bit more time, this reformation could be successfully finished.' It is only an excuse. We must consider trouble by reformation of people. Current system of time are also illogical that can be compared with the imperial system as I have mentioned before. Why?
First, as I have mentioned before, 60 seconds, 60 minutes, 24 hours, 7 days, 28 days, 29 days, 30 days, 31 days, 365 days and 12 months are also so much complexity.
Second, current system of calendar also have serious irrational aspects. For example, Gaius Julius Caesar and Augustus arbitrarily manipulate calendar to celebrate with the month of their birth. So the July and October still have 31 days by breaking the rule of calendar. In addition, each year we should change our calendar by sinking money and time. Here, I can point out more weakness related to the current calendar system and I can also show you the new system of calendar that is based on more logical principle than the old system, but I also tell you the reformation is still failure. Why? Because people in the world are so used to using current calendar system and the system of time, so if someone try to change this situation, people have so much trouble in their daily lives. It can be also justified only it is the matter of time, but the costs during the time so expensive so people cannot easily bear the situation.
The problem related to the time not only relate to the multiples of 10, but also relate to the similar problems like the imperial system.
In a similar logic, USA people are so used to using imperial system in their daily lives. If the standards start to change, I can easily predict much trouble provoke. Related to this problem, you said '95% of the world already uses the metric system and the slight inconvenience of that 5% learning one worldwide system will have great benefits.' But, if we follow this logic, carot and grain(pearl) that are used to the standards of the trading gems should also be changed to the gram because most of other areas use gram, and there are no logical reasons to remain this irrational aspects in this part. In addition, it can also applicated many other parts of the human activity. If Biowza still hope to argue USA should change their system, firstly he should have argued every irrational system should be changed, or secondly he should have proved why the case of USA is so special than others. But he couldn't. Why USA people should only bear the trouble by changing their standards of units?

The example of Korea and Austraila are only specific case related to this problem. Of course predictions by Biowza also have possibility. But my country(South Korea) have much more population than Australia. Changing habit of single people is a very hard task you know. In addition, Changing habit of more and more people are more and more hard task. I think USA is much more bigger country than Austraila and South Korea in the aspects of population. The trouble by changing standards is not simple task like the predictions of Biowza.

'Surely if there were to be a clear scientific definition of inches and yards and it proved to be more practical than the metric system, then it would be used.'
No, quality does not always guarantee widely used. For example, I can show you VHS win the 'videotape format war' against with Beta. Beta was more advanced system than VHS, but, VHS won because only it was more widely used. And, I already showed you the example of time and calendar. And I add the link. ( In addition, although imperial system have clear scientific definition and it proved not to be less practical than the metric system, but it is not used because it is the based on English culture. So, it is inadequate to widely used in the world, so metric system was based on the scientific principles to the purpose of widely used in the world. The fact that the meter is based on 1/40000000 of the meridian line is based on the reason. But, as I said before, this fact never prove the imperial system have more irrational than metric system.

Summing up.
1. I don't agree that the metric system is a more logical system. Although if I agree, my opposition are not damaged because I already point out the trouble by changing standards.
2. 'I have demonstrated that the switch needs to be made for unity, for safety' But, He did not more consider 'the side effects of changing standards like the cost of changing USA science textbooks, complexity of scientists and students who want to be the scientists who already learned by using old-type science textbooks who already skilled to use two systems of measurements, and so many other things that can set back of the level of USA science.' and many other my proper questions.

IN A NUTSHELL, The main purpose of standards of units is improving convenience for people. We should not forget this thing. Changing standards should be considered more carefully. So, everyone. Please vote me to my win.
By: ace나그네(Toronsil Best Member)


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