Scottish shools organize attack on father. > 영어토론방

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Policy Scottish shools organize attack on father.

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작성자 PaulyWolly
댓글 0건 조회 3,395회 작성일 08-08-08 09:23



A further attack on the dire need for intact families has been launched in some of the less progressive schools in Scotland. Under the guise of “being sensitive”, teachers are being told to ignore Scottish fathers and not to allow children to make Father’s Day cards. To anyone with the intelligence of a retarded fruit-fly, this is obviously political “correctness” gone mad.

So far the education authorities which have taken this retarded step are: Glasgow, Edinburgh, East Renfrewshire, Dumfries, Galloway and Clackmannanshire. At a time when so many Scottish children are suffering from having to live in single-mother households and, worse still, lesbian households, both of which produce children less able to deal with adult life later on and which ensure that they will underperform in school, will suffer worse health, will be more criminally inclined and will be more likely to reproduce the behaviour of their single parent, this idea is truly a retrograde step.

Further, it was introduced into schools in an underhand manner and did not come to light until several fathers did not receive their usual Father’s Day cards and hand-made gifts.

If any Scottish teachers are such sensitive creatures that they don’t wish to encourage children without fathers living at home to make Father’s Day cards, surely it would not stretch their organizing ability to breaking point to arrange for classes to combine so that those children with fathers at home could still make Father’s Day cards and gifts while it is explained to the others, in a separate group, that one of the main reasons they do not have a father living at home is that a nasty judge in the secret family court has colluded with their mothers to prevent him doing so.

It also seems that the insensitive wooden-tops in charge of Scottish education don’t seem to know that, in one in ten homes, (with the number rising) there is no mother living at home. Aren’t teachers going to be “sensitive” to these children also? It seems not, as the making of Mother’s Day cards will go ahead as usual. For those children without mothers it’s just “rough luck!”

Family rights campaigners, who are working to save our society, have condemned the policy as absurd, and have said that it will marginalize fathers at a time when they are sorely needed in every family.

Matt O’Connor, founder of the campaign group Fathers4Justice, said: “I’m astonished at this. It totally undermines the role and significance of fathers whether they are still with the child’s mother or not. It also sends out a troubling message to young boys that fathers aren’t important.”

Alastair Noble, education officer with the charity Christian Action, Research and Education, said: “This seems to be an extreme and somewhat absurd reaction. I would have thought that the traditional family and marriage are still the majority lifestyles of people in Scotland. To deny the experience of the majority just does not seem sensible.”

The only result of this cruel, anti-child policy will be to accelerate the break-up of families in Scotland and to bring them into line with a similar condition that is being brought about in England. Fortunately parents have a vote and it must be hoped that they will exercise it in future elections, both locally and nationally, to bring into power local authorities and a government which will empower the family and not destroy it.

Q. What do you make of this -_-;;?


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