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Policy Death Penilty

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작성자 PaulyWolly
댓글 3건 조회 4,848회 작성일 08-08-08 10:08


00180.jpgI would like to say in my first arguement that the death penilty,
can be avioded, and should be.

First arguement, my religion's role:
God does not want man to punish one another, thus the death penelty is unjust, in that case. After the person in question dies, [s]he is at the mercy of God. (personal example) If my 6 year old brothe hits my 3 year old brother, if I yell, or pull him away, Xera and/or Lorca will not punish him, because he was already punished, by someone less powerful.

Religion aside, ignoring there is such a thing who would rather live however long [s]he would ive normally in a cage, never allowed to leave VS being put to death quickly (not promissing painlessly, since i have heard that even with lethal injection the guy was screaming in pain). Since that is a small number of people life in prison without chance of parol is a better punishment for murders/rapists.

Not everyone on death row is guilty, "For every 7 executions–486 since 1976–1 other prisoner on death row has been found innocent. And there's concern even more mistaken convictions will follow."


Thus by using the death penilty even more innocent people could be killed.

Even on the issue of the [non]guilty person who was put to death, what about their families? In the case of the non guilty persons case, the government had killed an innocent person, and traumatized the family. in the case of a guilty person, I relieze it would be void, because the peron who commited the crime, did not think of the family of his/her victim, or his/her own family. In any case there IS a chance that they got the wrong person unless it was a rape case where his victim identified him, and he admitted it. Or even in a murder, if there was a witness, or attemted murder where the victim played dead, (I have seen a case like that).

So there are alternitives.
That do not equate into double murder, if the person is guilty, triple if they get the wrong guy first.



Hyewon님의 댓글

Hyewon 작성일

I have some refutations about your idea. First, you mention the 'God'. Although All societies are related the religion deeply, It is not the religious problem. Death penalty is the problem of Human right. Human right isn't come from Religion. It is too limited range to support your idea. Second, There are always the two sides of coin.-merit and demerit- Judge can make problems, but it is the unavoidable problem of Human. If we abandon the death penalty for this reason, we should desert other merits of death penalty.
Also, you says that their family have serious pains for death penalty. However, the criminals commit the cruel crimes such as murder. Don't you think about the victim's family? How can we compensate thir pain?


Matthew님의 댓글

Matthew 작성일

I would say, partially agree and partially disagree with death penalty. As Hyewon said, a man has no right to kill a man. How dare? Both people have the same quality of their right eventhough one is a judge and the other is a criminal. However, there's an old saying, "Every rules has an exception." Let me give you a famous example. I think you guys heard about Kim Young Cheol, the movie "chaser" was originated from him. I mean, the director was motivated by Young Cheol's crime. He killed more than ten people. There's no specific reason to kill those people. In this case, think about it. If he's out of jail someday, many people will be frighten and I think he has another possibility to kill other people.


Nanji님의 댓글의 댓글

Nanji 작성일

I don't mean to butt in on ur saying, but Yoo young chul not 'Kim' young chul^^

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