Let's change the structer of this site > 영어토론방

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Notice Let's change the structer of this site

페이지 정보

작성자 PaulyWolly
댓글 10건 조회 3,367회 작성일 08-09-15 09:45



As we know, this site is a debate site. When we talk about debating, we mean two or more people sharing their own ideas about a topic. This is the most basic idea of the word debate, and should be considered the most important.

What I am trying to say is that in this site, there are no debates. It's just that a person writes something and people leave replies.
This is how this site is.

Q.what do you think about ~?

person#1:I think that ~~~
person#2: I also think that~~

See what I mean? This is not a debate. This is just question and answering. A debate should be put on like this.



While Sony may have good graphics, Nintendo has games that are more fun to play. Graphics are important but they don't make a game. Fun and enjoyability are what games should be about.


NINTENDO SUCKS!!! Sony has been around and been a big competitor for years now and honestly they have a much more intimedating force than nintendo. Nintendo made the gamecube and the gameboy and then dissapeared. But sony has come out with the PS1, PS2, PS3 and all of which has been on of the best sellers in their generation. If you go to any local appliance store (ex: Fryes, Best Buy) you will find much more items made from Sony than you will find nintendo. According to a recent article from the drudgereport.com Sony is the best system out there. Also nintendo does not sell anything else besides gameing systems. Sony makes sound systsems, T.V's, Cameras, Camcorders, Laptops etc. The list goes on and on and as you can see from my case Sony Is better.

Thank You!
Debate Round No. 1


"NINTENDO SUCKS!!!" What kind of an opening sentence is that? What are you 10? Yeah Sony, as a gaming company has only been around sense what the late 90's? Yeah Nintendo has been around sense the mid-80's. Yes Sony is good when it comes to general aplliances but when it comes to video games the should just step down. Let's down about characters now Nintendo has created many of world's most popular gaming franchises like The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, and Metroid. What's Sony got? Let's see they've got Kratos, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, and they THINK they have Snake who by the way was actually made by Nintendo! Now let's talk in terms of the next-gen systems. The Wii is $250, has maintained that price, and whenever they get them in stock anywhere they sell out within the day! The PS3 was $600, they had to drop it down by $100 in the first year and STILL, in the game stores they're just sitting there on the shelves collecting dust because nobody wants one. Sony should just stick to making TV's and leave video games to Nintendo.(and Microsoft second)


you agreed to all my arguments so ill just extebd. nintendo has created Dk and blah blah but Sony has made Madden, one of the best games in the world which sold more copies than any of the nintendo games. And this along with my other arguments show that I win
See? They don't leave replies, they exatly debate!
This site should try to have people to actually debate.



PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

watch and learn the structure of one of the most famous debate sites in America.


PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

Okay, I give up.


Rory님의 댓글

Rory 작성일

Hey i've just found this website and i've read couple of ur articles and ur thoughts.
I totally agree with u about his website... But don't give it up !!


PaullyWoll...님의 댓글의 댓글

PaullyWoll... 작성일

hello Rory, it seems that u got some useful Enlish skills. Let's change this site into a very famous one. (This Site is a bullshit right now.)


맑은별님의 댓글

맑은별 작성일

맑은별님의 댓글의 댓글

맑은별 작성일

I just did mistake, and i couldn't remove this reply


맑은별님의 댓글의 댓글

맑은별 작성일

I just did mistake, and i couldn't remove this reply


맑은별님의 댓글

맑은별 작성일

This problem is because of English. Most people can't express their thinking well. Therefore, They just left simple their opnion.
We need more people who is interesting about debating of English. If there are them, We will talk a lot, and our debating will be more detail.
However, this site is no famous site, so it's hard to find them.
If you keep to debate on this site, you should wait people. I can wait with you, and we can debate any topic even though we only do. We have to be patient


PaullyWolly님의 댓글

PaullyWolly 작성일

Thank you Rory and 맑은별, you guys got me started up again^^!


맑은별님의 댓글

맑은별 작성일

Haha yes, that's good one. Let's start together!!
My English skill is bad, so teach me English a lot haha!!

Total 1,076건 42 페이지
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450 Theothers
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449 Culture
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