Do you think that technology made lives better?? > 영어토론방

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Culture Do you think that technology made lives better??

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작성자 PaulyWolly
댓글 4건 조회 4,294회 작성일 08-07-11 16:04


00168.jpgTechnology provides us with a huge quantity of information and entertainment. For example, if you search something in the internet, you will see tons of information about it, and some of that you could not find otherwise. Even though our modern technology provides us with these sorts of amazing services, pessimists have a different perspective. Pessimists point out that technology is destroying our relationships and creating security threats, but can they state that technology affects our lives in a negative way just because it sometimes causes problems in our communities? No. All things and choices have some unpleasant consequences, and we just have to bear them.
Also, they should consider about how technology can be very useful in weather forecasting, medical treatment, communication and warfare. In this issue, the positive outweigh the negative.

Although disadvantages such as disappointment (like addiction) and over-reliance on technology are real, technology can save us when it comes to weather prediction.
Far, far above our heads, weather satellites are working hard to track storms and inform meteorologists so that they could predict weather days in advance. They estimate and notify the storms’ strength and how dangerous it is to weather experts.
When a gigantic storm is on its way to consume lives of people, weather satellites can notify weather experts, and defend the people with the shield of modern technology.

We live in fears upon deaths, and diseases take a huge part of creating those fears. One of the most well known diseases is Cancer. Cancer is the type of disease that gets its job done. It kills its victims almost certainly, and a diagnosis of caner is practically a death sentence. This terrifying disease is composed of these vicious cells that grow and divide beyond the normal limits, making cancer incurable. People, even when hospitals were not equipped with decent medical devices, were cured from some diseases, but they, nine times out of ten, died when cancer got in their way. Although cancer is known as an incurable disease, there are some cases of people surviving it. The notable thing is that most of these people are cured in present days, in which technology for medical treatments such as MRI and oxygen inhaler have developed a lot. This hints that technology has taken a big part of making this happy situation possible.

Because people are naturally lazy and value efficiency and convenience, technology has become of great practical value. If you use anything that requires the power of electricity in order to work, you are using what modern technology has achieved. When we did not have any proper modern conveniences -internet, computers, automobiles, and iPods- people used to bear the discomforts. They could not travel far and fast since there was no technology to build cars, trains or planes. They often were not capable of storing food well enough for winter so they died of hunger. In the present day, we get to the other side of the earth in less than 24hours, and can buy any sorts of food in any season. One of the most notable and significant feats that modern technology has achieved is computers. Computers are very useful. People with handicaps can use specially made computers to communicate with people and study. Computers are not just used by humans, but are frequently used by machines to function. Cars, robots and a lot of other high-tech devices have computers installed in them. Without computers, they will be just useless chunk of metals. When we talk about computers, internet takes a huge part of it. Not only does internet allow us the access to tons of information, it also helps us to communicate with our families that are far away. For example, you can e-mail your relatives, and have them answered in an absurdly shot time. Technologies can be very helpful if put together well.

Just as we value convenience, so we value security, and technology has helped us here, too
The advancements in making weaponries have come a long way. First, our ancestors created weapons such as swords and spears, and other primeval weapons, and as time elapsed, deadly weapons like guns and cannons began to appear on the surface of Earth. As our technology became even better, weapons became terrifyingly stronger and it came down to what we have now, Atomic weaponries. Of course developing atomic weaponries can have fatal consequences all over the nation, but that kind of cases are rare. Although it can be dangerous, it will enrich our lives if masterfully handled, making it possible to put a dead stop to wars and other threats.

As mentioned earlier, everything has negative effects on us if you look from a critical point of view. If looked from a point of view like that, even believing in God can affect our lives in a negative way. For example, you have to give up your precious time that you could use to study or work to pray and celebrate the special days such as Christmas. Another instance would be attending school and studying since you will be missing the freedom you could have if you did not attend school. Like this, we have to understand that we have to bear some negative factors. Yes, problems come with everything, including technology. However, these problems are of lesser weight than the rewards, and we can even see them as positive because they challenge society to protect our values. For instance, 911 terror produced major damages to America, but now that Americans know that it could happen again, they build buildings better, and they strengthen the counter terrorist force, resulting in safer lives for Americans.

Technologies have done considerable harm in our lives, but they enrich our lives, and are definitely required for better lives- lives of safety, health, and convenience. Life without technology is like a bicycle with only one pedal. It may work, but not well.

Q. Do you agree/disagree with this topic? Why?



PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

I am not used to this site. I am sorry. I will post pictures, and put my writings in shapes. I am sorry. I did not realize that I had to put pictures.


ace나그네님의 댓글의 댓글

ace나그네 작성일

Don't care this. To put picture is basically performed by master of this site or each board. In addition, I cannot debate with you yet, but when I return, I have the intention to debate with you. So, please enjoy good time in this site.


gogagu29님의 댓글

gogagu29 작성일

I agree this topic. We have to use knife in our life even though it can harm our body. It depends on someone
who use that stuff. It is same with technologies. Abosolutely, technologies like Inthernet, are essential thing
in our life. So we have to develop our attitude to technologies


sein님의 댓글

sein 작성일

A nuclear weapons will not enrich our lives but ensure our endurance of animal avarice. We could understand and love each others by ten times faster and better than 20th centry thru internet...a typical modern tech. Time and Space should not be equally permit us as before who must embrace 21 century. We have to spread effectively  faster and wider by new technologies. New technology is inevitable but good for humanity if working in love.

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