Should kids go to school. > 영어토론방

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Policy Should kids go to school.

페이지 정보

작성자 PaulyWolly
댓글 0건 조회 4,099회 작성일 08-07-18 11:45



Kids should go to school because it offers them a lifetime of learning. It offers them friends and a better life for the future because, what's a life without an education.

Xera, It's me again, and this I WILL WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the first time.

XeraCon ~ Round 1

Thank you for the challenge IF (do you mind if I call you that?) I've got questions I will direct in the comments section.

I propose that kids should NOT go to school. First I will refute my opponants arguments then I will present my own case.

"it offers them a lifetime of learning. "

So does homeschooling.

"It offers them friends and "

This is not always a good thing. Take those Texas Cheerleaders in McKinney; being friends was not really a good thing for them. Seeing as you are 11 your parents may have chosen to shield you from this. Basically a group of four cheerleaders somehow nicknamed the Fab 5 (see if school were that great they could have counted to 4) run around drinking and taking inappropriate pictures and posting them on MySpace. There's a movie about it on Lifetime, but I wouldn't think it's overly true seeing as those made for TV movies never are.

"a better life for the future "

I disagree that this is because of school. I think this is because of education, which can be received from homeschooling.

"What's a life without an education."

Life without education is ignorance. Ignorance is bliss. Therefore life without education is bliss.

Now I will present my case:

I. Kids don't learn well in schools

There are numerous theories out there about how to best teach children. All of them show different methods that work well with different children. Not one study however has shown children learning well from an intuitional style setting. I propose that students would be better served out of school, learning from hands on, natural experimentation and exploration in the real world (structured of course)

II. Homeschooling is good for many kids
As much as my boss would love to say differently, studies show that kids with homeschooling can and do perform as well or better on standardized tests than the traditionally schooled counterparts.

akPro ~ Round 2

Homeschooling dosen work if you donèt have brilliant parents. and because your prents dodnt get certificates of proper teaching, it's not really effective.

School can help you socialize with people. If your homeschooled then your cooped up in a room wwith a parent beside you.
Besides, how will you do your PAT?

XeraCon ~ Round 2

PRO said: Homeschooling dosen work if you donèt have brilliant parents. and because your prents dodnt get certificates of proper teaching, it's not really effective.

Rebuttal: No one must be brilliant in order to teach. The only real requirements are knowing the subject matter, which they should do so if they have completed High School, and a willingness to research good curriculum. There are thousands of places to order curriculum from for homeschooling parents. The important thing is to research which one you actually order. There is no reason any person with a grasp of what is being taught, with good curriculum to back them up, in a class size of only 1-4 should have any trouble teaching.

PRO said: School can help you socialize with people.

Rebuttal: Homeschooled students have formed clubs and social groups. Some have gotten together to form sports teams, utilize field trips, etc. Socialization still occurs.

Pro said: how will you do your PAT?

Rebuttal: I'm assuming here this is a standardized test similar to our Achievement tests? or would this be more similar to a SAT test? Either way, the students are still required to take the Achievement tests there are several agencies which provide the materials for parents to use. As for the SATs, pretty much those are paid for and taken by the student at a testing site, which may or may not be the child's local school anyway. I took my SATs in a library. My sister took her's in a school. Homeschooled students do better on the SATs than their public school counterparts.

Many of the answers to what you are questioning can be found here

Now to extend my arguments:

The primary argument my opponent has yet to refute is that institutionalized learning has not been proven to be a method that is most successful in any study. In fact solid research suggests that hands on, experimentation, and exploration is the most effective in encouraging students to retain what they learn.

akPro ~ Round 3

I think that homeschooling is a great idea too, but even if there is more than 5 people homeschooling with yoou, you can't LEARN how to make new friends. cause the only friends you got is the ones in the room that you learn in.

I thank you all for reading this debate and hope you vote for pro.

I thank you Xera for making this th hardest debate I've had,

XeraCon ~ Round 3

Pro said: I think that homeschooling is a great idea too, but even if there is more than 5 people homeschooling with yoou, you can't LEARN how to make new friends. cause the only friends you got is the ones in the room that you learn in.

Rebuttal: We all learn how to make friends by going out there and talking to people. School is not the only place to do this. Home schooled children can and do socialize.

Pro said: I thank you Xera for making this th hardest debate I've had,

lol, your welcome. I'll post the remainder of my response to this in the comments section.

Ladies and Gentlemen: I propose that the resolution : Children should be in school is false. I have shown that children can gain as much from homeschooling as they do from school, and that they will outperform their public school counterparts when they are homeschooled. Therefore Children should be at home.


This is a good debate site. I debate there, too. Check it out.

-What are you guys' thoughts?


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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