Let's hold torch for economic revival > 영어토론방

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Economy Let's hold torch for economic revival

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,386회 작성일 08-07-26 20:12



President Lee Myung-bak is striving to swing public attention from U.S. beef imports to the deepening economic crisis. He recently issued a warning about what he called a "third oil shock," asking for national unity to fend off financial predicament stemming from rising prices and a global slowdown. He yesterday repeated his message at an investment fair for local economies.

"This is the time for us to hold the torch for economic survival," he said in a speech to the gathering in Seoul of provincial government leaders and businesspeople.

"The government, entrepreneurs, and workers -- all the people should unite and pool their energies into efforts to overcome the current difficulties," he said.

He stressed the government would continue to improve the business environment by refurbishing infrastructure, easing economic regulations and boosting incentives for investment.

Later in the day Lee attended the national convention of the ruling Grand National Party for the first time since his inauguration in February. He called for party unity and cooperation to help the government regain public trust and push for measures to stabilize the economy.

"The nation is now confronted with a double challenge: Law and order have been ignored, and economic difficulties are worsening," Lee said.

Lee pledged that his government would make a fresh start and strive to be a successful administration. He said that he would not tolerate any illegal or violent demonstrations against U.S. beef imports, while vowing efforts to ensure the safety of imported U.S. beef.

Overseas travel hurt by oil prices, won
By Cho Chung-un

The number of Koreans leaving the country for overseas trips slightly dropped in May, largely due to skyrocketing oil prices and weak won. According to the Korea Tourism Organization, the number of Koreans who traveled overseas in May dropped to 572,224, a 0.7 percent decrease from a year ago. The number of foreigners who visited Korea in the same month increased to 1.09 million, up 8.7 percent from a year ago.

The accumulated number of Koreans who traveled abroad during the last five months increased 2.9 percent from last year. But the government said the number of Koreans traveling overseas will continuously drop as people find it difficult to spend more on vacation with oil prices expected to rise in the second half of the year.

The country's travel industry is expected to suffer during the upcoming vacation season as an increasing number of Koreans put away their wallets due to economic slowdown. The travel industry has shown a weaker-than-expected performance. It posted a two-digit growth in sales for the same period a year earlier. The persistent economic slowdown, weaker won and rising fuel costs will further dampen travel demand, industry analysts say.

According to major travel agencies like Hana Tour and Modu Tour, there are still many seats available for popular travel packages to resorts in Southeast Asian Countries and in Japan for July and August. The reservation rate of overseas trips in July and August has dropped 30 percent from the same period last year, the Korea Travel Association said.

By Hwang Jang-jin (jjhwang@heraldm.com)

1. Do you feel Korea is in the economical crisis?
   For what and how did you recognize the crisis?
2. The skyrocketing oil price has many effects on our spending especially on eating out and overseas travel.
   What are you doing for saving money or what else can we do?
3. President Lee are asking (or requiring) to concentrate on our economical problem rather than U.S beef problem.
   How do you think about and his speech?
4. As president Lee mentioned, sometimes we have to choose only one, not both.
   Then, how do you see the Samsung scandal about expedient passing down of management right?

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