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Notice English Debate Manual(Special Notice)

페이지 정보

작성자 ace나그네
댓글 1건 조회 4,098회 작성일 08-05-25 10:01


00155.jpg(출처 : '나는 50문장으로 영어토론한다.', 스티븐 정 지음, 두앤비컨텐츠 발행)
'영어' 때문에, '영어'로 말하기가 익숙하지 않아서
영어토론이 낮설게 느껴지는 분들께 선물 드립니다.
'영어토론방' 관리자분께서는 이 글을 '공지글'로 설정해 주셔서
영어토론방을 찾는 많은 분들께
도움을 주셨으면 하고 부탁드립니다.

1. 의견을 말할 때
 (1)<I think> we should crack down on companies who break the laws.
 (2)<In my opinion>, we should shut down all the brothels in this country.
 (3)<Personally>, I believe there are more disadvantages than advantages for the school.
 (4)<To be honest>, I think they are born with those kinds of genes.
2. 의견에 단서를 달 때
 (1)<As I have mentioned before>, many Koreans still prefer herbal medicine to cure their illnesses.
 (2)<As far as> human cloning <is concerned>, I think it's unethical.
 (3)<In light of the current situation>, we might have to yield to U.S.' demands.
 (4)<Taking everything into consideration, don't you think they are trying to be unbiased?

3. 충고의 형식으로 설득할 때
 (1)<If I were in your shoes>, I would file a formal complaint with the city.
 (2)<I strongly advise you to> seek modern medicine for your disease.

4. 자신있게 주장할 때
 (1)<I'm confident that> our domestic economy will pick up soon.
 (2)<In all probability>, you are wromg because people just don't have money to spend.
 (3)<We don't stand a chance of> slowing down suicides in this country.

5. 상황을 제시할 때
 (1)The U.S. <is calling for> an abolition of the screen quota in Korea.
 (2)<We're anticipating> disposable income to go up.

6. 찬성하거나 동조할 때
 (1)<It makes perfect sense.>
 (2)<You've got a point there.>
 (3)<I'm all for it.>

7. 반대하거나 부정할 때
 (1)<I would say you're probably right, but> they never do anything about citizens' complaints.
 (2)<Normally>, it would make sense, <but> the new system wasn't fully prepared.
 (3)<I beg to differ.>
 (4)<I see things differently.>
 (5)<I'm totally against> the new public transportation system.>
 (6)<I think> Bom Frere <is unsuitable for> our national soccer team.
 (7)<You expect me to believe that?>
8. 오류를 지적할 때
 (1)<You're missing the point.>
 (2)<You're reasoning is not based on facts.>
 (3)<Your argument is based on a false assumption.>
 (4)<I don't know what you're getting at.>

9. 불신이나 실망을 표현할 때
 (1)<I find that hard to believe.>
 (2)<I'm pretty disappointed with> newspapers in Korea.
 (3)This construction noise <is driving me up the wall.>

10. 의견을 물을 때
 (1)<What do you think about> our school's plan to raise tuition fees?
 (2)<Let me know> what's on your mind.
 (3)<Don't you think we should> continue our research in human cloning?

11. 의사나 질문을 확인할 때
 (1)<Are you sure> that's going to do the job?
 (2)<Are you asking me> which is better or why Koreans spend so much on private education?

12. 설명을 요구할 때
 (1)<Could you elaborate on> Korea's traditional medicine?

13. 특징/장단점을 물을 때
 (1)<What's the biggest difference between> private and public education in Korea?
 (2)<What's so special about> Korea's private education?
 (3)<What are some drawbacks?>

14. 방법을 물을 때
 (1)<What can we do about> environmental problems?
 (2)<How can we> cut down on teenage prostitiution?
 (3)<How are we going to convince> the Korean film industry?

15. 강조/전환/요약할 때
 (1)<By the way>, do you think homosexuality is biologically determined?
 (2)<I think we ought to move on> with this debate.
 (3)<In a nutshell>, more students will take a semester or a year off.
 (4)<Last but not least>, more students will take a semester or a year off.

16. 결정을 유보할 때
 (1)<I think we need more time to> evaluate where they stand.
 (2)<We'll have to wait and see.>



ace나그네님의 댓글

ace나그네 작성일
Total 1,076건 44 페이지
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422 Diplomacy
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419 Policy
418 Culture
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게시물 검색



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