Korea-Arab Society > 영어토론방

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Diplomacy Korea-Arab Society

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,586회 작성일 08-06-07 15:44



South Korea, Arab states agree to launch group to enhance ties

The Associated PressPublished: May 26, 2008, Herald Tribune
SEOUL, South Korea: South Korea and a group of governments from the Middle East and Africa agreed to launch a cooperative organization Monday aimed at enhancing political, cultural and economic ties, officials said.

The Korea-Arab Society will group South Korea with governments, corporations and organizations from 22 countries and authorities in the Arab world. Participants at a conference in Seoul approved its establishment, said Lee Key-cheol, an official at South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and President Ismael Omar Guelleh of Djibouti delivered speeches at the opening ceremony of the conference.

South Korea has been active economically in the Middle East for decades, with its construction companies in particular having played a big role. South Korean President Lee Myung-bak was formerly the CEO of a major South Korean construction and engineering company with interests in the region.

The resource-poor country is heavily dependent on oil imports and has been intensifying what it calls energy diplomacy to secure stable supplies amid a scramble by Asian neighbors China, India and Japan to so the same amid rising prices.

Earlier this month, South Korean Prime Minister Han Seung-soo embarked on a tour of resource-rich states in Central Asia to drum up business deals and enhance ties.

Han and Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan attended Monday's ceremony, highlighting the emphasis South Korea places on ties with the region.

"Arab countries are very important to us," Han said on the sidelines of the conference. He added that South Korea wants to share its "development experience" with them and offer human and technological resources.

The society has as one of its objectives "creating more economic and trade opportunities in the private sector," according to a draft of its statutes.
Business executives from South Korea and Arab countries also participated in the conference. Details, such as the naming of a board as well as the formal registration and establishment of the group, were expected as early as next month.

Other members will be: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Syria, Mauritania, the Palestinian Authority, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Comoros, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt.

Associated Press Writer Kwang-tae Kim contributed to this report.

1. How much do you know about Arabic world?

   Talk about anything you have in your mind about Arab. Any impression, real events,
   knowledge or concept would be good material to discuss.
2. Energy diplomacy is very important strategy taken by countries like Korea,

   so-called 'energy poor countries'. What else can we take to survive in competition-intensive world?
   What is your strong policy for global competition?
3. Why do you think Mr. Han said that speech underlined?

   What values are important for us and why is it important to have relationship with Arabic community?
   Represent your opinion.
4. What should we prepare or do to maintain this relationship healthy later on?

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