Re..a Family Call abuse with MicroSoft. > 영어토론방

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Notice Re..a Family Call abuse with MicroSoft.

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작성자 PaulyWolly
댓글 0건 조회 2,868회 작성일 08-07-13 08:23


■ [임군] a Family Call abuse with MicroSoft. (2008-06-08 03:04)

so common sense, call someone with name.
MicroSoft is a manufature company for CPU.
as guess that you need a grammar teacher.
for example, ms blank Word etcetra.
arn't you mr.Billson?
So, what you are trying to do is to show that you disagree with the stuff that MicroSoft is doing?
I can not fully understand what you are saying, but the following is what MicroSoft is.
-Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQMSFT) is an American multinational computer technology corporation. It develops, manufactures, licenses, and supports a wide range of software products for computing devices
Microsoft Corporation
Type Public (NASDAQMSFT)
Founded Albuquerque, New Mexico (April 4, 1975)[1]
Founder Bill Gates
Paul Allen
Headquarters Redmond, Washington
Area served Worldwide
Key people Bill Gates (Chairman)
Steve Ballmer (CEO)
Ray Ozzie (CSA)
Craig Mundie (CRSO)
Industry Computer software
Research and development
Computer hardware
Video games
Products Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Servers
Developer Tools
Microsoft Expression
Business Solutions
Games[2] & Xbox 360[3]
Windows Live[4]
Windows Mobile
Market Cap US$ 259.75 Billion (2007)
Revenue US$ 51.122 Billion (2007)[6]
Operating income US$ 18.524 Billion (2007)[6]
Net income US$ 14.065 Billion (2007)[6]
Total assets US$ 63.171 Billion (2007)
Total equity US$ 31.097 Billion (2007)
Employees 89,809 in 105 countries (2008)[7]


Business culture

Photo of Microsoft's RedWest campus.
Photo of Microsoft's RedWest campus.
Landscaping at Microsoft's RedWest campus
Landscaping at Microsoft's RedWest campus
Microsoft has often been described as having a developer-centric business culture. A great deal of time and money is spent each year on recruiting young university-trained software developers and on keeping them in the company. For example, while many software companies often place an entry-level software developer in a cubicle desk within a large office space filled with other cubicles, Microsoft assigns a private or semiprivate closed office to every developer or pair of developers. In addition, key decision makers at every level are either developers or former developers. In a sense, the software developers at Microsoft are considered the "stars" of the company in the same way that the sales staff at IBM are considered the "stars" of their company.[22]
Within Microsoft the expression "eating our own dog food" is used to describe the policy of using the latest Microsoft products inside the company in an effort to test them in "real-world" situations. Only prerelease and beta versions of products are considered dog food.[65] This is usually shortened to just "dogfood" and is used as noun, verb, and adjective. The company is also known for their hiring process, dubbed the "Microsoft interview", which is notorious for off-the-wall questions such as "Why is a manhole cover round?" and is a process often mimicked in other organizations, although these types of questions are rarer now than they were in the past.[66] For fun, Microsoft also hosts the Microsoft Puzzle Hunt, an annual puzzle hunt (a live puzzle game where teams compete to solve a series of puzzles) held at the Redmond campus.
As of 2006, Microsoft employees, not including Bill Gates, have given over $2.5 billion dollars to non-profit organizations worldwide, making Microsoft the worldwide top company in per-employee donations.[67] In January 2007, the Harris Interactive/The Wall Street Journal Reputation Quotient survey concluded that Microsoft had the world's best corporate reputation, citing strong financial performance, vision & leadership, workplace environment rankings, and the charitable deeds of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.[68]

User culture

Technical reference for developers and articles for various Microsoft magazines such as Microsoft Systems Journal (or MSJ) are available through the Microsoft Developer Network, often called MSDN. MSDN also offers subscriptions for companies and individuals, and the more expensive subscriptions usually offer access to pre-release beta versions of Microsoft software.[69][70] In recent years, Microsoft launched a community site for developers and users, entitled Channel9, which provides many modern features such as a wiki and an Internet forum.[71] Another community site that provides daily videocasts and other services,, launched on March 3, 2006.[72]
Most free technical support available through Microsoft is provided through online Usenet newsgroups (in the early days it was also provided on CompuServe). There are several of these newsgroups for nearly every product Microsoft provides, and often they are monitored by Microsoft employees. People who are helpful on the newsgroups can be elected by other peers or Microsoft employees for Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) status, which entitles people to a sort of special social status, in addition to possibilities for awards and other benefits


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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