The very First Step to the Space > 영어토론방

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Science The very First Step to the Space

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,758회 작성일 08-04-20 15:24


00146.jpgPaired-week Topic_Science and Technology
Main theme_The very First Step to the Space
Space technology is technology that is related to entering space, maintaining and using systems during spaceflight and returning people and things from space.
Space technology has a huge impact on the everyday lives of people; and something as simple as checking the weather or watching satellite television or receiving a parcel guided by satellite, it touches most people's lives on any given day.①

First Korean Astronaut
First Korean astronaut's schedule
Yi took off with the cosmonauts Sergei Volkov and Oleg Kononenko on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft on April 8 from Kazakhstan's Baikonur space center. She is scheduled to return to Earth with U.S. astronaut Peggy Whitson and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenkoon on April 19. ②

What she does in the space
The Daejeon-based aerospace institute, meanwhile, said Korea's first astronaut will immediately commence three experiments assigned to her on the ISS including the observation of fruitflies and the growing of microbes. She is expected to complete 18 experiments before her return trip, planned for April 19. ③

Yi will conduct 18 experiments during her nine days at the ISS. The 29-year-old biosystems engineer is studying and photographing meteorological phenomena when the station passes the night side of the Earth, as well as the effects of microgravity on the human face, plants, fruit flies, bacteria cultivation, and the compounding of metallic and organic materials. ④

Yi will perform three scientific experiments on her first day at the ISS. She will observe and take photos of the growth of plants such as beans and radishes. Elementary school students in Korea will conduct the same experiment, and compare the results with Yi's. The 29-year-old biosystems engineer will also observe and record the cultivation of stem cells, rice cells and cartilage cells, as well as the movements of fruit flies at zero-gravity. When Yi returns to Earth on April 19, she will bring back the seeds of 11 Korean plants, including rice and orchids which were taken to the ISS in February for space breeding. ⑤

① Wikipedia_keyword_space technology
② Astronaut promotes science, Korea / Korea herald
③ Korea's first astronaut transfers to space station / Korea herald
④ Astronaut promotes science, Korea / Korea herald
⑤ Astronaut to dock at space station tonight / Korea herald

Discussion Questions
1. Would you like to take a trip to the space if you are given the chance? How do you think about it?
2. Do you think it's worth to make enormous investments on space?

   What do you think scientists probe the space for? Why is it worthy of much efforts?
3. Have you ever heard of the word, 'space colonization'?

   It is a unbelievable plan for people to live outside the earth given that space technology makes it possible.
   Would it be possible? And if it's possible, what kind of technology can we apply to make it happen?
4. Industries and technology related to the space are getting attention all over the world as
designated to be
   one of the promising fields to make further development. What can we do to draw the public attention to
   the space and to make it to be leading country of space technology?

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