Elderly suicides 'rise sharply' > 영어토론방

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Society Elderly suicides 'rise sharply'

페이지 정보

작성자 ace나그네
댓글 2건 조회 4,285회 작성일 08-05-13 09:43


00150.jpgWhat do you think about government's solution in this situation?

The suicide rate for Korean senior citizens increased drastically in a decade. Social experts attribute the elderly suicide rate to the country' decaying social infrastructure, in which the younger generation no longer feels responsible for taking care of their elderly parents. In that, Korea has the highest elderly suicide rate among 30 countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

So the government has set aside 500 billion won ($501 million) for welfare programs for elderly people, and plans to air a TV advertisement from Tuesday calling on Koreans to take a more active role in supporting the senior citizens.


(cite from : The Korea Herold, May 13, 2008 TUESDAY, Page 3, National section, Elderly suicides 'rise sharply')
What do you think about government's solution in this situation?



크눌프님의 댓글

크눌프 작성일

To review the history of Korea, the elderly of our society has gone through tremendous adversities such as Korean War and autocracy of the military and so forth. The grief, sorrow and pain of them are beyond our imagination.  However, the new generations of today's Korea can't share the feelings since they were born in relatively wealthy society and never experienced any situation mentioned above which the former generations had. But the prosperity which the new generations fully enjoy is the product, outcome of our former generations' desperate efforts to democracy and economic development. So it is undisputable that we sustain them as the forerunner who made the today's Korea. To sum up, I assert that it is a right dicision to spare money for welfare for elderly people. The fact that we, as a descendents of them, should be responsible for the burden of them is evident.


stella님의 댓글

stella 작성일

What a disaster
What a traegedy

This is why you should educate your childeren properly, I guess.
Now, young parents should educate their child properly, however, this government's welfare program is
quite doubtful, since the government of ROK never had enough budget to maintain welfare programs.

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