Re..Opening the door to the world > 영어토론방

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Society Re..Opening the door to the world

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작성자 PaulyWolly
댓글 1건 조회 2,274회 작성일 08-07-12 15:30


■ [PaulyWolly] Re..Opening the door to the world (2008-07-12 15:28)
1. Have you talked with foreigners? How much is your life connected with something international or global?

   Discuss your experience. (e.g. Taking foreign language course with a native teacher)
2. Have you ever seen foreign people working in a professional field in Korea as a member of

   Korean society except education field? How do you think about it?
3. Koreans have quite stubborn and fixed point of view to something foreign.

   Bring out some example you think on the table and how do you think of it?
4. This article suggests that there might have been some discriminations over foreigners in Korea.

   What can we do to help them attain equality as we have?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.
question 1.
I have talked with foreigners. A LOT!!!!!!!!!  I have been here, in Canada, for almost 2 years. MY life is connected a little with the world since I am only in grade 8.
I came here when I was in grade 6. When I first came, I was scared looking at all the foreigners. I was like, "Hey, look at their eyes, their eyes are BLUE! DAD, BLUE! oh, oh, there come the GREEN ones!."  Then, when I first went to my elementary school, Dorothey Peacock Elementary, I was relieved to see some Koreans in the school. They all spoke Korean pretty well, except for some of them, who were born in here. I started studying right away, since I joined the class while the students were in the middle of a lesson. I could not, seriously, understand a word the teacher was saying. Later on, I laughed when I saw grade 6 Math textbook. All the questions in there were really simple.
Anyways, time elapsed and I began to understand what the teacher was saying, but sadly, the year was over.
I went on to grade 7, where I developed my English a lot. The teacher's name was Mr.Lindon. He was really kind, and taught me a lot of things. The year passed by without any notbale events. Then, near the last week of the school, students were told to prepare thank-you-teachers-speeches. I, not knowing how hard it was gonna be, put my hand up right away, saying that I will speak first. Then, teachers taught, fortunately, it was good, and told me that I was going to give a speech in front of all the teachers, student(and their parents) of the school. I refused, but I was forced to do so (it was not like forcing harashly as in Korea. It was a gentle suggestion, and obviosuly, I was proud of myself.) I gave a long long speech in front of all the people. I was extremely nervous with my face stiffining and legs feeling rubbery like uncooked sausages. I finished my speech, and my GOD! All the people were applauding!! I felt like I was flying. Man, how much I loved that moment!
2. I am not sure.. I doubt there's a foreign politician in Korea......
3. Koreans think that in western countries, people live in so called dream-houses and stuff, but there are so much hobos in Canada. THere are people who are extremly famished, but can not afford anything.
I am not old enough to see this crazy world in a critical view very well, so I think I will shorten my answer.
4. The most common form of a discrimination in Korea is racism. I saw many cases in newspaper talking about Korean CEOs not paying the foreigners and stuff. I think that our government should ban Koreans who are being racist to the foreigners from starting a business. Koreans should try looking from the forein workers' perspectives.



PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일

Ah.... you guys should understand that I made some horrible mistakes on grammer and spelling since I did not read over it.

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