Universities Can Choose Students Freely > 영어토론방

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Education Universities Can Choose Students Freely

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 3건 조회 4,241회 작성일 08-01-05 17:00


00131.jpgUniversities will be able to select students according to their own guidelines as the incoming administration has made it clear that it will give them more autonomy. The exact timetable for the phased liberalization of the college admission system has yet to be decided. The transition team's spokesman Lee Dong-kwan said Wednesday that colleges will be given discretion in stages in the selection of students, reaffirming the downscaling of the regulation-oriented Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.

The ministry's functions in admission policy will be transferred to the Korean Council for University Education, comprised of a group of university presidents, next month when the transition team concludes its government reorganization plan, the spokesman said. ``For high school and college education, universities will have more autonomy, and regional educational offices, not the education ministry, will supervise elementary and middle schools,'' he said.

The transition committee has not decided when to implement the first stage, and will make the decision by early next month. In line with this blueprint, the ministry is expected to undergo a total reorganization, or even face dissolution. ``Some parts of the ministry's functions should be reduced, and some others need to be merged with those of the labor, and science and technology ministries,'' the spokesman said.

The transition committee also demanded the ministry come up with measures to improve the current CSAT system, which causes confusion for students, as it does not offer raw scores but divides students into nine grades, by early February, after collecting experts' opinions. The transition team spokesman said the Lee administration will set up about 300 government-subsidized elite high schools and specialized vocational high schools to stress diversity in education. The plan symbolizes Korea's emphasis on egalitarianism to elitism and diversity in education policy.

▶ For your tips
- an university entrance examination : 대학입시
- administration : (법률 등의) 시행, 집행
- discretion : 판단의 자율권
- recruitment : 모집

1. What do you think about an university entrance examination in our country?
2. Do you think it need to change administrations so fast as we read this article in education?
3. Do you agree with the discretion of university in student recruitment?
4. What is the best way which can improve the quality of education?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



Hugh님의 댓글

Hugh 작성일

Hum... frankly speaking, I'm a Foreign langage high school student so I apreciate for this policy. However, I think that If these many univercities go so far to get 'good' student, It'll be more tough to get in because at any chance, it's possible to require very different qualification from various universities.


OF쿠르트님의 댓글의 댓글

OF쿠르트 작성일

Yes, I feel sympathy because I'm in a Foreign language high school too. This news will be good since they will allow to enter students who has good ability and the school wants. But I'm worried if the school think only its benefits, and there will be more individual education preference.


ace나그네님의 댓글

ace나그네 작성일

1. I think that an university entrance exam in our country have several problems. For example, (next time)
2. No. I don't think so. First, so rapid change administrations hurt policy stability. Second, essay tests because of the 2008 university entrance exam (next time)
3. In a short run, I don't agree with the discretion. Because (next time) In a long run, I agree with the discretion. Because it provide better realization of the constitution's soul.
4. I think that the discussion of education process in our country needs first. Education process is a basic element of education.

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