College Tuition Outgrowing Inflation > 영어토론방

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Education College Tuition Outgrowing Inflation

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작성자 토론실
댓글 3건 조회 4,056회 작성일 08-03-16 22:57


00138.jpgCollege Tuition Outgrowing Inflation(extracted)

With the beginning of the new semester, universities became crowded with freshmen looking forward to a lively campus life. Their expectations were cut short, however, due to high tuition.
Jung Chan-yang, 19, who enrolled at Aju University in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, felt guilty about her parents paying about 4.9 million won per semester.

For the last 10 years, the annual tuition for private universities has increased by 70 percent on average. Now they charge about 10 million won annually on average. Compared to schools in the United States or Britain, the amount that universities here charge may be inexpensive. But students in South Korea complain that schools here offer lower-quality programs. They pointed out no universities here are listed on the world's top 100 schools list.

More complaints are arising that university graduation no longer guarantees employment.
Some universities claim that a tuition hike is unavoidable due to inflation and the financial stability needed to manage schools.

Protest Against Tuition Hike(extracted)

Raging students and civic groups nationwide protest universities increasing tuition at such high rates. A students' association has staged rallies since Jan. 5, urging the government and universities to cut school fees. Parents and citizens also created a joint group last month to help students and demonstrate against price hikes. Political circles began to roll up their sleeves to ease parents' financial burdens.

DLP lawmaker Choi suggested creating a price ceiling of one-semester tuition at 1.5 million won.
``For the middle class, the current tuition level is too high to deal with. Annual tuition reaching 10 million won labels most students as credit delinquents once they graduate from university.
``The price ceiling is to limit tuition based on the average of three-year income. As of 2007, the average income is estimated at 3.7 million won,'' Choi said.

UDP(United Democratic Party) Spokesman Choi Jae-sung urged the governing Grand National Party to cooperate in deliberating and approving a proposal on tuition that Rep. Chung Bong-ju submitted in September 2006.

He suggested banning universities from raising tuition 1.5 times higher than the average inflation over the last three years and mandate universities to report to the education ministry for exceptions. The ministry is considering adopting easy loan systems for students. Under the system, borrowers can gradually pay back in accordance with their salary after they get a job.

1. How much of an increase has your school seen in it's tuition, and
do you remember how much entrance fee you paid when entering your university?
2. How does your parents think about this continuous increase in tuition and what are your thoughts?
3. Why do you think universities increase the tuition despite the strong protests from students?
4. What do you think you can do to solve this issue? For example; slowing down the increase rate, protest, earn tuition

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



ace나그네님의 댓글

ace나그네 작성일

Summary 1. College Tuition Outgrowing Inflation(extracted)
 With the beginning of the new semester, freshmen's expectation were cut short, however, due to high tuition.
 For the last 10 years, the annual tuition for private universities has increased by 70 percent on average. Students complains that schools here offer lower-quality programs but the tuition is so high.
 In addition, More complaints are arising that university graduation no longer guarantees employment. However, Some universities claim that a tuition hike is unavoidable due to inflation and the financial stability needed to manage schools.
Summary 2. Protest Against Tuition Hike(extracted)
(next time)


happytree0님의 댓글

happytree0 작성일

i didn't remember how much entrance fee i paid when entering my unversity exactly.
But it's clear it's costly. Hiking fee is a burden to my parents. Because they have to pay for two daughters and one son. I study in the department of education, it's not too much. But relatively my brother in medical, his tuition is too much! I understand university incerease the tuition. Tuition fees help cover university or college costs, such as salaries of teaching staff and the cost of the facilities. But all students expect  benefit from universtiy. But we can't return their change. Maybe we need not angry about increasing tuition if university give change to us after incresing tuition.

There are no regulations governing the amount students can be charged in tuition fees. Fees therefore can vary considerably and they should speak to their university or college to find out how much they charge and by how much the fees are likely to rise over the length of your course.

Students should be able to get a Student Loan for Tuition Fees to pay these. Many students do part-time job or any others for their fee. It's not problem to students who are rich relatively. But students who are poor, especially students in Seoul came from country (Busan, Daegu and so on) is very difficult.


susimanazoa님의 댓글

susimanazoa 작성일

Univerty students in these days should keep in mind that they do not deserve an opportunity to participate in the debate about their tuition fee. This is because they surrender their right to vote. It is a tragedy that they don't understand the importance of the vote. To select the politician who can represent their interest is far better choice to them. I'd like to say to them like this. "Don't cry and don't be sad, the pain you'll feel soon result from your fault: indifferenct to the poitics. Just sit back helplessly and enjoy the tuition fee inflated

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