Art exhibition > 영어토론방

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Culture Art exhibition

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,026회 작성일 08-03-30 12:56


00143.jpg3P discussion (Promotional, participational, presentational)
Van Gogh Exhibition Sees 600,000 Visitors

By Kwon Mee-yoo / Staff Reporter

A total of 600,000 visitors have seen the works of Van Gogh,
currently on display at the Seoul Museum of Arts in downtown Seoul.
Opened on Nov. 24, ``Van Gogh: Voyage into the Myth,'' is the first retrospective of Dutch Impressionist Vincent Van Gogh's works in Korea. The exhibition gives an overview of his career, starting with his earlier works in the Netherlands (1881-1885), Paris (1886-1888), Arles (1889), Saint-Remy (1889-1890) and finally, Auvers-sur-Oise (1890). The 45 oil paintings and 22 drawings are on loan from the Kroller-Muller Museum in Otterlo and Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

Art not only gladdens hearts, it heals
[Korea Herald] 2003-08-10 22면 4346자
Much has come about in the study of methods to deal with a person`s traumas and frustrations. Many people turn to their family, friends or religion during these difficult times. Others seek peace through counseling or a hobby in which they can immerse themselves. Though small in number, Koreans are turning to art to relieve their burdens and gain courage and wisdom needed to move on.
Art therapy is more than testing a person on whether he sees a young woman or a grandmother in a picture, or finds the cup half-full or half-empty. Instead, the person is asked to draw, sculpt or make crafts. Art therapy is built on the notion that a work of art can bring out unconscious thoughts and that the creative process of making art is healing and life-affirming. The medium between art and the person, of course, is the therapist, who is well-versed in art and psychology, as well as being trustworthy.
"An art work lays bare the creator`s innermost emotions, sometimes more clearly and powerfully than words. They come out in the colors, lines, spaces and materials he uses," said Park Seung-sook, 35, a U.S.-trained art therapist and one of Korea`s few experts in the field.
During a typical week, Park sees between 25 and 30 people at her studio near Hongik University. These people come with life`s various concerns, from marital problems to depression, or they simply desire to live a more fulfilling life. Occasionally, parents bring children with emotional needs.
A single session is fixed at two hours but Park, sympathizing with tribulations of her patients from her own experience of going through a "dark tunnel," often spends another hour. Although she does one-on-one counseling, Park prefers group therapy because she sees power in numbers. "Most problems in life arise in the context of relationships with others, anyway," she said. "So group therapy provides a good setting in which a person can understand his problems and further gain strength from other people."
Unlike what many imagine about art therapy, art often takes a backseat to words in actual therapy.
"We still heavily depend on words. Sometimes we`ll spend the whole session just talking," Park said. "But there are times a person cannot express himself through language. Art is used at appropriate times, like to wake oneself out of emotional deadlock or bring about catharsis of pent-up feelings."
As much as she believes in art`s power to heal the mind, Park says it is naive to think art therapy can result in an instant fix. To see tangible results, Park recommends a person continue once-a-week sessions for at least one year.
( By Kim Min-hee

Reasoning for the choice of articles
There is a therapy that is getting popularity and attention among people who are sick and tired of hectic modern life. It is art therapy. This therapy is one of the therapies such as music therapy, dance therapy or play therapy that aims to heal the mental suffering of people in varied age range. It tries to heal people's mind by including pieces of artwork. The form of therapy could be creating artwork by the patient himself or just exchanging the thoughts and feelings about some pieces of art.
Let us have time to reflect on the exhibitions in our memory and discuss them to get off the hectic everyday routine for an hour. I think talking about art exhibition that we experienced through this time would partly help us get relaxed and get back peace of mind.
Gill, 07 eng. major

1. There are various kinds of exhibitions on art outside the campus. 
    Have you visited any exhibition recently? Any kind of art of the exhibition would be okay. 
    Talk about your visit to the rest of the members. When and what was it?
2. What was the most impressive exhibition for you? And why?
3. Who is your favorite painter(artist) and workpiece and why do you like them?
4. Is there any exhibition that you want to make a visit to?

   Or any exhibition you hope it to be held in the future? 
   Give members the reason for the exhibition of your hope.

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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